
Pachamama Archbishop Replaces Corpus Christi With Coronavirus-Show

Lima Archbishop Carlos Castillo, Peru, presided Corpus Christi on Sunday in an empty cathedral. The church was instead filled with 5,000 photos of people who allegedly died from or with the coronavirus. …More
Lima Archbishop Carlos Castillo, Peru, presided Corpus Christi on Sunday in an empty cathedral. The church was instead filled with 5,000 photos of people who allegedly died from or with the coronavirus.
The pictures covered the cathedral's pews and walls. Living people were not allowed in. The doors remained firmly locked.
Castillo's eucharist facing the pictures was live-streamed on national television and social media.
They are pictures of all the lost soles since devils took control
Saint Micheal Defend is in battle...
I wonder if those are actual parishioners...
They don't have to be. The Archbishop was sneaky. "photos of people who allegedly died from or with the coronavirus." That can include anybody, even non-Christians who wouldn't be caught dead in a Catholic Church -so to speak. ;-)
"The rest of the English-speaking world uses the longer form, colour."
@Ultraviolet it's "color".
@Jmy1975 ...and just like elsewhere on GTV, I'm the one linking up factual support for MY claims, and you're not. Again. :D All you're doing is demonstrating your provincialism.
@Ultraviolet I am demonstrating that in the USA we use "color". You are using "colour" as part of your pretension. This is a fact backed up by everything else you write, which is not British English in any way. And I am much more of an expert on the English language than you are. Not THE expert, but more of one than you are. So stop the act.
"I am demonstrating that in the USA we use "color".
That's nice. I am demonstrating that the rest of the English-speaking world uses "colour".
"You are using "colour" as part of your pretension."
You are assuming a motive you can't prove. Typical of you, Jimbo. None of your claims tonight have seen proof. ;-)
"This is a fact backed up by everything else you write, which is not British English in …More
"I am demonstrating that in the USA we use "color".

That's nice. I am demonstrating that the rest of the English-speaking world uses "colour".

"You are using "colour" as part of your pretension."

You are assuming a motive you can't prove. Typical of you, Jimbo. None of your claims tonight have seen proof. ;-)

"This is a fact backed up by everything else you write, which is not British English in any way."

The rest of the English-speaking world is more than Britain. Dummy.

I'll repeat it... All you're doing is demonstrating your provincialism.

"And I am much more of an expert on the English language than you are."

:D That's why none of your claims see a shred of factual corroboration and mine do. :D
@Ultraviolet most of the rest of the world speaks British English. Why? Because the British colonized a very large portion of the world. Anyway, you have no "evidence" to a thing you've said about me and, unlike you, I gave you my picture. I only entertained your b.s. tonight bc I'm going through insomnia and this has more than occupied my time. I had students like you back in the day. Some are …More
@Ultraviolet most of the rest of the world speaks British English. Why? Because the British colonized a very large portion of the world. Anyway, you have no "evidence" to a thing you've said about me and, unlike you, I gave you my picture. I only entertained your b.s. tonight bc I'm going through insomnia and this has more than occupied my time. I had students like you back in the day. Some are still living at home I'm sure. There's nothing anyone can do for them. Advice: get some fresh air. Good luck!
"most of the rest of the world speaks British English."
Irrelevant on a text-based medium, Jimbo.
"Anyway, you have no "evidence" to a thing you've said about me and, unlike you, I gave you my picture."
That's a lie, Jimbo. You haven't posted ANY picture. In fact, you didn't even link your instagram. All you did is list some "handle". Is it yours? Someone else's? No proof. The only thing you …More
"most of the rest of the world speaks British English."

Irrelevant on a text-based medium, Jimbo.

"Anyway, you have no "evidence" to a thing you've said about me and, unlike you, I gave you my picture."

That's a lie, Jimbo. You haven't posted ANY picture. In fact, you didn't even link your instagram. All you did is list some "handle". Is it yours? Someone else's? No proof. The only thing you ever offer is your say-so without a shred of proof for any of it. That's true.. here, there, everywhere. It's also a fact the only one of us who posted a user-related photo on GTV tonight is me. You posted nothing.

"I only entertained your b.s. tonight bc I'm going through insomnia and this has more than occupied my time."

Awww... you poor darling. Is that the problem? Why didn't you SAY so? Next time drink a glass of warm milk (with one teaspoon of honey) before bedtime, then have mommy give you back-rub.

"I had students like you back in the day."

Sure you did. You're on a roll, Jimbo. Now you're implying you're an educator, no less.

...an "educator" who doesn't know the difference between a thesaurus and a dictionary,

...an "educator" who can't cite either one.

...an "educator" who doesn't know the difference between synonymous and identical.

...an "educator" who can't distinguish between the written word and the spoken word.

...an "educator" who assumes Britain is the rest of the English-speaking world.

Cool story, Jimbo. Needs moar internet tough guy and an intimidating photo of yourself holding a card with today's date on it. next to your GTV user-name.

Since we're swapping advice, Man up, back your tough-guy routine over here and you won't need a rematch over how colour is spelled to make yourself feel better. ;-)
Now just imagine how much food the Archibishop could bought for a charity with the cost of all that colour printing.
The archbishop with assist wear masks because they visit the morgue. This image shows the Peruvian church laid to the grave.
Now -that- is wonderfully morbid. :D