
Jesuit Knows It Better than Jesus

Christ’ word to the the Canaanite woman, that he is sent to the lost sheep of Israel (Mt 15), is “stymied and callous,” believes Father Antonio Spadaro SJ, 57. The editor-in-chief of LaCiviltacattolica.com …More
Christ’ word to the the Canaanite woman, that he is sent to the lost sheep of Israel (Mt 15), is “stymied and callous,” believes Father Antonio Spadaro SJ, 57.
The editor-in-chief of LaCiviltacattolica.com, a Francis’ ally, wrote on IlFattoQuotidiano.it (August 20) that "mercy is not for her" and that Christ’s conversation was marked by the cultural "rigidity" of the time.
Spadaro is convinced that Christ "responds mockingly and disrespectfully to the poor woman" and "appears as if he was blinded by nationalism and theological rigor."
The woman had "to ‘convert’ him to himself" and just as her daughter "Jesus, too, appears healed, and finally shows himself free, from the rigidity from the dominant theological, political and cultural elements of his time."
Spadaro's know-it-all attitude is not atypical for a semi-literate Vatican-II-Jesuit.
Picture: Antonio Spadaro © wikicommons CC BY-SA, #newsIikpystqwe
Ignore these false shepherds - mocking the Good Shepherd - such blasphemy!
Wilma Lopez shares this
Jesuit and close friend of Francis accuses Christ of being “stymied and callous,”
Denis Efimov
"And should you hear any one in the public thoroughfare, or in the midst of the forum, blaspheming God; go up to him and rebuke him; and should it be necessary to inflict blows, spare not to do so. Smite him on the face; strike his mouth; sanctify your hand with the blow, and if any should accuse you, and drag you to the place of justice, follow them there and when the judge on the bench calls you …More
"And should you hear any one in the public thoroughfare, or in the midst of the forum, blaspheming God; go up to him and rebuke him; and should it be necessary to inflict blows, spare not to do so. Smite him on the face; strike his mouth; sanctify your hand with the blow, and if any should accuse you, and drag you to the place of justice, follow them there and when the judge on the bench calls you to account, say boldly that the man blasphemed the King of angels!"
(St. John Chrysostom, Homilies on the Statues, 1, 32).
la verdad prevalece
Regarding the latest test of the Church, the catechism warns that the "religious" imposture of the Aantichrist consists of a secularized pseudo-messianism where man is placed above God. Where men commit apostasy in exchange for apparent false solutions to their problems. A false religion where God's rights are taken away and man is worshiped, a false religion that gives to Caesar (the god of the …More
Regarding the latest test of the Church, the catechism warns that the "religious" imposture of the Aantichrist consists of a secularized pseudo-messianism where man is placed above God. Where men commit apostasy in exchange for apparent false solutions to their problems. A false religion where God's rights are taken away and man is worshiped, a false religion that gives to Caesar (the god of the world) the things that belong to God.
Opera 369
Spadaro's know-it-all attitude is not atypical for a semi-literate Vatican-II-Jesuit. (in his case try 'fully-illiterate'). Here is more...for those that can understand Italian. 😊Papa Francesco a ruota libera: se pretendi certezze nella tua vita sei rigido
Vincent Capuano
Jesus Christ is a Divine person with a divine nature who assumes a human nature. Now is Spadaro claiming that the divine person is bad and ignorant? or is he claiming that the taking up of human nature and human limitation limits the all knowing and all good divine person?
He may as well "tie that millstone around his neck" and "throw himself into the depths of the sea" than to have scandalized everyone like this.
I personally think that Spadaro should reflect somewhat on what Divine Omniscience means. His view of Christ as flawed and clueless, or one willing to alter His Divine Masculinity into a guise more suited to a whole bunch of fake ill-trained apostate Priests …More
He may as well "tie that millstone around his neck" and "throw himself into the depths of the sea" than to have scandalized everyone like this.

I personally think that Spadaro should reflect somewhat on what Divine Omniscience means. His view of Christ as flawed and clueless, or one willing to alter His Divine Masculinity into a guise more suited to a whole bunch of fake ill-trained apostate Priests who represent Satan - is his gravest error. The Religion as practiced by the Jews was created by the pre-Incarnate Word, ie Christ. He is THAT " Word of the Lord. " (John 1) that is identifiable in the pre-Christian Aramaic Targums, who appeared regularly throughout the Old Testament and who led the Jews through the Desert.

Word of the Lord in the Targums
Word of the Lord in the Targums

Neither Our Lord's Divine Status, or a single one of His Moral Laws will be altered ONE JOT by wishing it could be so.

communityofhopeinc.org/Prayer Pages/Saints/marie julie.html

The Targums and the Memra/Word of the Lord
The Targums and the Memra/Word of the Lord

Word of the Lord in the Targums
Word of the Lord in the Targums

Ancient Jewish Writings About the Trinity
Wayback Machinelayevangelism.com/qreference/chapter10e.htm

Trinity Proof Texts: Gen 19:24
Trinity proof texts: Genesis 19:24

The Early Church Fathers, John 1:1, and the Pre-Existence of Christ
Wayback MachineFor an Answer: Chrsitian Apologetics - Early Church Fathers and John 1:1
Sally Dorman
Just as the woman’s daughter was healed instantly by Christ’s words, Spadaro argued that “Jesus, too, appears healed, and finally shows himself free, from the rigidity from the dominant theological, political and cultural elements of his time.” Outrageous.
Mary 17
Another one tries to debunk the Divinity of Christ,and reduce him to a social justice warrior.Incarnate Wisdom cannot be taught anything ,by anybody