
Francis Will Addresses U.N.: He Will NOT Speak About Religion

Francis will talk to the U.N. general assembly on September 15 by video message, AlfaYOmega.es reported.

He doesn't intend to proclaim Christ but the coronavirus, climate change, and "poverty," and will argue that men can come out of the coronavirus crisis either better or worse - while they will likely come out unchanged,

“We cannot, in the global and local order, repeat the same socio-economic models of a year ago, nor adjust or varnish them a little; that would be worse,” Francis will fabulate.

Francis talked already in September 2015 to the U.N. general assembly. Presently, he is promoting their abortion-agenda “Sustainable Development Goals”. UN Secretary General António Guterres extolled him in 2019 for his “strong support.”

Francis usually endorses the slogans of the political and media oligarchs but says that "the Church should stay out of politics" when urged to defend children and the family.


I wonder why will he be there. He does not represent Catholics nor speak to Catholics
Catholics will be honoring The Seven Sorrows of Mary.
Novella Nurney
How prophetically appropriate.
Pope is Benedict XVI until deceased.
At least the unbelievers believe that he is pope
Be Ye Separate
F M Shyanguya
@Fischl Indictment against those “believers” who believe he isn’t. Cf Is Pope Francis an Antipope?
That may be a good thing, because his view of religion is the plurality of religions, all directing towards God, and invoking God. Sometimes for a pope like "Who am I to judge, Not the Vicar of Christ"pope Bergoglio; to say nothing can be more supportive of the Catholic faith than to say anything which is not supportive of the catholic faith.
celia ann
September 15th Feast day of Our Lady of Sorrows
Didn't see your post earlier. I will leave mine also as many a great many will be honoring Our Lady that day.