
Presider at Clown Novus Ordo: "I Look Forward to the Hate Tirades in Gloria.tv"

"You guys are allowed to stay seated. I mean, if you're in such a good mood that you want to dance, you may stand. No problem either way. I'm looking forward to the hate speech that will be on Gloria.tv. I can only recommend it to you."

Father Michael Vehlken of St Antonius, Gronau, Münster diocese, said this after communion at a February 18 carnival Eucharist sponsored by church tax.

A clown deacon preached beforehand. The altar girls showed up with witch hats, flowers and cat ears. Funny Vehlken wore silver carnival paraphernalia around his neck. On the altar were carnival hats.

The Novus Ordo comedy began with a girl's dance to the rock tune Wolkeplatz ( 2016). The performance would no doubt have had the insects in raptures at the local beekeepers' association.

The over-aged audience, which had lost its sense of the ridiculous, also turned up with carnival accessories.


Livestream on youtube.com

Not really "Father" Michael Vehlken is well known as Bozo the clown.
It's such a minor point, but I'll say it anyway... This image should be on Wikipedia under the explanation of "out of touch". Everyone hates or is creeped out by clowns. These clowns don't realize because their love of clownery is deeply nostalgic.
Abolish the Novus Ordo
Ivan Tomas
The Fruits of the V2 Revolution.
Thanks for attracting attention to Gloria TV! See, you just helped evangelize whether intended or not.🙌
Probably the most evagelizing done, possibly ever, by this priest.
Louis IX
31 Then Jesus took unto him the twelve and said to them: Behold, we go up to Jerusalem; and all things shall be accomplished which were written by the prophets concerning the Son of man.
32 For he shall be delivered to the Gentiles and shall be mocked and scourged and spit upon.
I suppose these blasphemous liturgies in costume (that look like Halloween to us in the U.S.) are to celebrate carnival (time prior to Lent) in Germany. I'm reminded of the sage advice offered Prosper Gueranger about how to combat the excesses of this unholy season - go to adoration of the Blessed Sacrament!
Yes, Traditional Catholics hate to see Jesus mocked at Mass...
Wilma Lopez
This is now called "hate tirade" by the German Church.
True! He hates the Roman Rite with a passion.
English Catholic
I hope he looks forward to his Particular Judgement from Almighty God with as much relish. I think Gloria TV commenters will be the least of his concerns then.
Wilma Lopez
Reminder of the Last Judgment. Another "hate tirade"
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
He's some kind of a "perminant deacon", not a priest. You can tell by the way the stole is worn.
Regarding "perminant deacons", I've descovered that most who want to be one (and they are the same as Protestant ministers), are in their mid 50's to late 60's,with no young guys wanting to be one. Most are also either progressive to radical liberals...none conservative.
Perminant deacons were developed …More
He's some kind of a "perminant deacon", not a priest. You can tell by the way the stole is worn.
Regarding "perminant deacons", I've descovered that most who want to be one (and they are the same as Protestant ministers), are in their mid 50's to late 60's,with no young guys wanting to be one. Most are also either progressive to radical liberals...none conservative.
Perminant deacons were developed to try to counter the MASSIVE collapse of priestly vocations immediatly after the disaster of Vatican II, and especially the introduction of the Novus Ordo in 1969-70. For ahwile, there were a flood of men interested....but now, there's next to zero. Which is a good thing.😂😂😂😂
Wilma Lopez
The deacon preaches. The one attacking Gloria.tv commentators is the parish priest in the last video
Wilma Lopez
The Novus Ordo liturgical abusers know, that Gloria.tv and our comments here are the biggest Catholic resistance
Heretics and apostates.