
Playing Pope: Francis Visits Music Store

Francis stepped out of the Vatican on Tuesday to congratulate the owners of a record shop for a recently concluded renovation, RomeReports.com writes. Javier Martinez Brocal, a media activist, was "…More
Francis stepped out of the Vatican on Tuesday to congratulate the owners of a record shop for a recently concluded renovation, RomeReports.com writes.
Javier Martinez Brocal, a media activist, was "passing by" in the area when he noticed a commotion, and a white Fiat 500 with the Vatican plates around 8pm.
The owners of the store told Brocal that Cardinal Bergoglio used to be a regular visitor to his shop called “Stereosound” near the Pantheon. The owner gave Francis, who was in the store for 12 minutes, a classical music CD to pay him for the publicity stunt.
Francis is said to love Argentine tango music. He even presided a salacious Tango Eucharist.
Picture: VaticanNews.va, #newsZkriuzptvl
Ave Crux
@Les Crispi It's remarkable you should say that....That was my thought exactly. The way Pope John Paul II lived his final illness, broken and reduced to a shadow of his former self, humiliated to the utmost degree for all the world to see, and yet not retreating from that public spectacle of suffering was nothing short of heroic.
I have always thought that it was an incredible oblation on the cross …More
@Les Crispi It's remarkable you should say that....That was my thought exactly. The way Pope John Paul II lived his final illness, broken and reduced to a shadow of his former self, humiliated to the utmost degree for all the world to see, and yet not retreating from that public spectacle of suffering was nothing short of heroic.

I have always thought that it was an incredible oblation on the cross; he didn't run from it or retire from before the eyes of the world to hide his pitiful condition out of pride, embarrassment or self love.

There were some fatal failures during his Papacy, many that caused great confusion among Catholics, and many failures to exercise his authority as he ought to have.

Some say this is proof his virtue was not heroic as it should have been for a Pope on such occasions, which is one of the first conditions for canonization: Heroic Virtue, i.e. heroism in practicing the virtues of one's vocation, as God will give the grace if the soul corresponds.

Canonization, therefore, is about heroic virtue, intended to be a spiritual model of sanctity and supernatural virtue for the Universal Church. Miracles are the means which God uses to confirm for the Church that the individual practiced heroic virtue...which I believe JP II ultimately did in the evening of his life.

"Declaration by the Pope that a deceased person is raised to the full honors of the altar, i.e., a saint after previously having been beatified. Two miracles credited to the beatus (feminine: beata) are usually required before canonization to attest the heroic virtue of the saint."

I truly believe his last years were the kiln in which his soul was forged in heroic virtue, as I believe he lived it in union with Christ, and I believe his piety and love for the Church were genuine, as certainly his love for Our Lady was as well.

In a way, it's like Saint Peter who denied Our Lord 3 times, and then went to his own crucifixion without fear or resistance, even asking to be crucified upside down.
Les Crispi
JP2, in my opinion, doesn't deserve to be Canonized. I don't think he was that great of a pope. However, how he approached his death, how he suffered through the final years is one of the most Christian examples I can think of. Unlike Benedict, who chickened out, and especially antipope/heretic, possible forerunner of the antichrist Bergolio who will prostrate himself and kiss the feet of politicians …More
JP2, in my opinion, doesn't deserve to be Canonized. I don't think he was that great of a pope. However, how he approached his death, how he suffered through the final years is one of the most Christian examples I can think of. Unlike Benedict, who chickened out, and especially antipope/heretic, possible forerunner of the antichrist Bergolio who will prostrate himself and kiss the feet of politicians, literally, but will not kneel before Jesus Christ during the mass.
Facts Not Lies
By the term Canonized... were you suggesting he be a projectile?
If so... I think I may second that!
"Bergoglio" was a cardinal. Francis is a pope, not an antipope/ heretic. Canonization isn't based on merit, unless that includes miracles. :)
Les Crispi
There has never been a Pope named Francis.
The Catholic Church disagrees with you, bro.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Francis was campaigned for in conclave, his election pushed by a gang of heretic cardinals inside and outside the conclave ( Carlo Maria Martini of Milan (another Jesuit), Achille Silvestrini, Angelo Sodano, Godfried Danneels, Cormac Murphy-Occonor), all JPII heretics. Bergoglio's election is illegit because he was campaigned for. He even campaigned for hmself. He is an illegit Pope at best, at …More
Francis was campaigned for in conclave, his election pushed by a gang of heretic cardinals inside and outside the conclave ( Carlo Maria Martini of Milan (another Jesuit), Achille Silvestrini, Angelo Sodano, Godfried Danneels, Cormac Murphy-Occonor), all JPII heretics. Bergoglio's election is illegit because he was campaigned for. He even campaigned for hmself. He is an illegit Pope at best, at worse, an anti-Pope. Some even say an anti-Christ,,,,which is possible because he's repudiated the title "Vicar of Christ". Only someone evil would do that, That's not being humble...that's even. Francis can shove his papacy up his ---. That's what it's worth. As for JPII and all the Vatican II popes being canonized...none of them were saints. It's all politics. It's a canonization of the whole of the Vatican II Church and what came from it. Looking at the results of the last 55+ years, it's sick for anyone to declare any of those popes as saints. My dog was more of a saint than Paul VI.
Les Crispi
@Ultraviolet No, the Catholic Church doesn't disagree with me.
Yeah, it does. So does Benedict himself. I've gone through all this before with you, Jimmy. Pushing this garbage again is just going end up like last time.
Angelo Santelli
Do you remember when "the Pope" wasn't a lurid yellow-teethed ghoul who wanted to destroy the Mass and put you and your family in a quarantine camp? I remember
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Yes, Benedict XVI. Beyone that, I don't remember any real popes. I'm 27, so I've been stuck with the model of JPII and Francis most of my life....and their version of "church". Benedict XVI, although mostly in line with them, brough back a beauty of the Papacy and the Church that only my parents and grandparents remember. Nine years of Francis is nine years too long.
Back in 2014 when he got sick …More
Yes, Benedict XVI. Beyone that, I don't remember any real popes. I'm 27, so I've been stuck with the model of JPII and Francis most of my life....and their version of "church". Benedict XVI, although mostly in line with them, brough back a beauty of the Papacy and the Church that only my parents and grandparents remember. Nine years of Francis is nine years too long.
Back in 2014 when he got sick a few times, Francis said he thought his reign would be short, "2-3 years" then he'd be "off to the house of the Father" (his quite from 2014).
What's taking so long?😡
Anyone else notice the hideos blotches on Francis' head? Same image 2.5x, cropped, zero alterations (brightness/ contrast/ gamma/ etc).
Facts Not Lies
At his age he likely needs a lot of makeup for liver spots.
Larger amounts and strength UV exposure can do that...
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Is that a flaw in the photo, or his real skin. Looks like the mottled skin I've seen on photos of some snakes and lizards.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Could be a reaction to chemo. After all, there's strong talk that he's actually very seriously sick.
An open mind is really a mark of foolishness, like an open mouth. Mouths and minds were made to shut; they were made to open only in order to shut.
Jan Joseph
Een beetje dement.
Tiziana Esposito is the shop-owners' daughter. She says the Pope has been coming into their store since he was Archbishop Jorge Bergoglio of Buenos Aires, and continued coming back as a cardinal during his trips to Rome.
Ursula Sankt
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Common. Fool, imbecile, ---hole. Referring to Francis of course...no one else.
Louis IX
Jude Law (Pius XIII) wore a nifty track suit when at the shops.
Jeffrey Ade
Poor Jude Law!
Cassandra Laments
Horrendous though this is at one level, the expression on those faces are just hilarious.
John A Cassani
The headline says it all.