Bishop Castellucci: Criticising Perverted Art Is "Disrespectful Prejudice"

The Bishop of Carpi, Italy, a certain Erio Castellucci, is defending the blasphemous paintings he ordered to be placed in the church next to the diocesan museum. Castellucci had a statement published …More
The Bishop of Carpi, Italy, a certain Erio Castellucci, is defending the blasphemous paintings he ordered to be placed in the church next to the diocesan museum.
Castellucci had a statement published on in which he admits a "risk" that the shameful exhibition "disturbs some [= the Catholics]".
Castellucci calls the legitimate conclusion that the paintings depict blasphemous or desecrating images "prejudices", as if the facts were not on the table.
For Castellucci, calling a spade a spade is "disrespectful" to the [blasphemous] path taken by the painter and his supporters. He believes that "none of this is discernible if you look at the works properly [that is, with your eyes closed]".
According to him, one can "meditate" in front of these works that try to sexualise and homosexualise the sacred. Castellucci himself blasphemes by saying that the perverse paintings are "a gift for believers and non-believers alike".
The rest of his statement is full of empty words designed …More
Ann Smith
The devil's minion
Louis IX
If the artist was insulting Bergoglio the bishop would have been removed already. Blaspheme Christ? No problemo.
Could Saltini be inspired by Aleister Crowley?
He looks creepy as he proudly displays his psychopathic art.
Opera 369
It's clear that all these bergoglian-circus members ... have taken the "act of love"; you all remember what that act of love was, according to that man dressed in white....? Right? So great that 'all closets have been opened' in Dioceses, seminaries, monasteries, Chapelz, the rooms of the Vatican and its surrounding academies. They can no longer hide their true identity! The Parable of the 'weeds …More
It's clear that all these bergoglian-circus members ... have taken the "act of love"; you all remember what that act of love was, according to that man dressed in white....? Right? So great that 'all closets have been opened' in Dioceses, seminaries, monasteries, Chapelz, the rooms of the Vatican and its surrounding academies. They can no longer hide their true identity! The Parable of the 'weeds'; the Lord's Word does not lie!
Everyday for Life Canada
The bishop is merely projecting. He must have a personal interest in the perverted art. How sad for anyone but especially for a bishop.
English Catholic
Awful sunglasses. And indoors as well. Such an affectation.
Bishop castellucci you are fired
Mary Louise Veritas
I thought he was the janitor.