Pope Francis: Gender Theory Is an "Ugly Ideology of Our Time"”

Francis told participants at the conference "Man-Woman Image of God. For an anthropology of vocations" (1 March) that the "ideology of gender" erases the differences between men and women and thus erases …More
Francis told participants at the conference "Man-Woman Image of God. For an anthropology of vocations" (1 March) that the "ideology of gender" erases the differences between men and women and thus erases humanity.
"The ugliest danger today is the ideology of gender, which erases differences," he pontificated.
Francis once again asked for his speech to be read out to him "so that I don't tire so much" because he still had an alleged "cold".
Apart from his hypocritical words, Francis is a strong supporter of the gender ideology and regularly meets very publicly with male transvestites, affirming them in their sinful lifestyle and helping them to propagate gender ideology.
Picture: © Mazur, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsSmasfbkmsy
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio with his bipolar Peronist double talk discredits the Church and confuses and destroy weak souls. Bergoglio uses a contradictory pseudo-ordinary Magisterium with which he intends to play on the two opposing teams. But let it be your word: yes, yes; no no; because what is more than this comes from evil." Saint Matthew 5:33-37 Bergoglio's double message of diabolical origin resembles non-…More
Bergoglio with his bipolar Peronist double talk discredits the Church and confuses and destroy weak souls. Bergoglio uses a contradictory pseudo-ordinary Magisterium with which he intends to play on the two opposing teams. But let it be your word: yes, yes; no no; because what is more than this comes from evil." Saint Matthew 5:33-37 Bergoglio's double message of diabolical origin resembles non-binary pathology or bipolar sexual pseudo-identity to the point that one day he disguises himself as a Catholic to pretend with an empty speech to be Catholic while the next moment blatantly contradicts and denies the faith with the actions of his perverse pro-gay and pro-abortion agenda. This is another evidence that Bergoglio is not Pope because in matters of faith and morality maliciously propagates a HERETIC AND CONTRADICTORY ordinary pseudo-magisterium (Responsum 2021 vs. Fiducia Supplicans) that directly contradicts the infallible Extraordinary Magisterium of the Church and the Holy Scripture.
Saint Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica, p. I-II, q. 103., art. 4: “…such is the profession of faith that man makes with deeds (works) like the one he makes with words. And if in one or the other he professes any falsehood, he sins mortally.”

Archbishop Viganò: Bergoglio’s intention is to harm souls, discredit the Church, and offend God - LifeSite (lifesitenews.com)
la verdad prevalece
The same Modus Operandi that Mr. Bergoglio had in Argentina. Bergoglio even went so far as to accuse faithful priests who opposed him in Argentina of his apostate homosexual agenda and of being homosexuals and having psychiatric problems.
In Argentina, the anti-Catholic and vengeful Bergoglio slandered the good bishops, accusing them of alleged homosexuality and psychiatric problems
In 2010 in …More
The same Modus Operandi that Mr. Bergoglio had in Argentina. Bergoglio even went so far as to accuse faithful priests who opposed him in Argentina of his apostate homosexual agenda and of being homosexuals and having psychiatric problems.
In Argentina, the anti-Catholic and vengeful Bergoglio slandered the good bishops, accusing them of alleged homosexuality and psychiatric problems
In 2010 in Argentina Bergoglio defying the laws of God and betraying the Church gave his support to … – Gloria.tv
One more comment from la verdad prevalece
Never listen to anything Francis says but only pay attention to what he does. He is a revolutionary and is out to destroy this Church. He will fail
Well he's being Catholic on this one point but what about the hundreds of anti-Catholic things he does and says; even a blind squirrel occasionally finds a nut.
Perhaps His Holiness will preach this same sermon to the trannies he invites to have lunch with him at the Vatican.
Doesn't that man ever shut up?
Boanerges Boanerges
A forked tongue of a snake… always double speech
Why does he have trannie prostitutes for lunch on a monthly basis?
Our Lord tells us to look at the tree that bears fruit.
Clement Jaeho Chung
Shut up!!! Crazy Old man!!!! I can't believe your fake message....if, if you want protect to our Orthodox teachings....you must, must have actions to wrong German Bishops, Belgium Bishops...all wrong Cardinals, Bishops...but you don't have actions to them!! you praise to them!!!! above all...you and wrong man Cardinal Fernandez wrote to Fiducia supplicans!!! our Orthodox Teachings can't blessing to …More
Shut up!!! Crazy Old man!!!! I can't believe your fake message....if, if you want protect to our Orthodox teachings....you must, must have actions to wrong German Bishops, Belgium Bishops...all wrong Cardinals, Bishops...but you don't have actions to them!! you praise to them!!!! above all...you and wrong man Cardinal Fernandez wrote to Fiducia supplicans!!! our Orthodox Teachings can't blessing to same sex couple!!! Pope John Paul II Said too!!! Catholic People and Christian People are must, must against to same sex union!!!! Holy Fahter Pope Benedict XVI said same things!!! but Bergoglio and all Bergoglian destroying to our Orthodox teachings...so horrible....they said to many area of African Churches, and all Orthodox area.....have to merciful mind....jajajaja....What?! Merciful Mind?! Who the hell are you to talk about Merciful mind?! You praise and approve of those who blatantly destroy the Orthodox Church, but you take ridiculous steps to remove or otherwise retaliate against cardinals, bishops, priests, religious, and all other members of the Church who speak out in defense of the Orthodox teachings!!! You virtually shut down the celebration of our precious Traditional Latin Mass!!! Who are you to talk about hearts of mercy! You disgusting Pharisees!!! Bergoglio and your followers!!! Please know that you are the Pharisees that our Lord Jesus Christ hated the most! If you are not Pharisees, who are you to talk about tolerance, understanding, and mutual respect when you are not only not practicing any of it, but oppressing those who defend the Orthodox Faith! going to hell!!! Tucho!! Bergoglio, all Bergoglian!!!!
He says that while he promotes that.
Ronald P Coleman shares this
All Saints
Say one thing. Do the other.
Flip flop. Kabalistic
Like a good Peronist, Pope Francis is there.
Ivan Tomas
One step forward, two backwards.
Argentinian tango.
I prefer to call it the "Vatican two - step" It's shot through all the documents of that failed council. 🥴
Everyday for Life Canada
He has truly mastered the concept of DAVRO, deny, attack and reverse victim and offender. Say a good thing, then a bad thing and then blame others if there’s confusion and backlash. As in, “Who am I to judge?” And then never stop judging.
Unless they want a blessing!
Dr Bobus
It's even too much for Francis.