
Farce: Francis Will Institute Female "Catechists," "Lectors," "Acolytes"

Francis will confer his recently invented “ministry of catechist” as well as female Novus Ordo "lectors" and "acolytes" upon women for the first time in Saint Peter’s Basilica on Sunday. The institution …More
Francis will confer his recently invented “ministry of catechist” as well as female Novus Ordo "lectors" and "acolytes" upon women for the first time in Saint Peter’s Basilica on Sunday.
The institution of female "lectors" and "acolytes" is mere window dressing as in the NO, everybody is a "lector" or "acolyte" whether instituted or not.
Candidates from the Amazonian region in Peru, Brazil, Ghana, Poland, and Spain will be formally made "catechists" by Francis. The ministry of "lector" will be conferred to candidates from South Korea, Pakistan, Ghana, and Italy. The rite was made up by the Liturgy Congregation. Before the homily, the candidates will be summoned, called by name and presented to the audience.
Those called to the ministry of "lector" receive a Bible, the catechists a cross.
Darice Henriques
Fake lectors and acolytes are just pawns to destroy/weaken the priesthood. By usurping the minor orders they are aiming for the major orders, where we already have a problem with Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. Once you have people entering the Temple sanctuary and pretending to be Alter Christus (I'm talking about those who distribute the Eucharist, which we are to receive from Christ …More
Fake lectors and acolytes are just pawns to destroy/weaken the priesthood. By usurping the minor orders they are aiming for the major orders, where we already have a problem with Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. Once you have people entering the Temple sanctuary and pretending to be Alter Christus (I'm talking about those who distribute the Eucharist, which we are to receive from Christ Himself, through His priest who is Alter Christus / in persona Christi), then the logical next step is the one who sits in the Temple and pretends to be God.
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The ministry of "lector" will be conferred to candidates from South Korea //
Just Abolish Sacraments Weapon in Korea (my profile) First.
The Commission investigating this found no evidence for ordained deacons, only deaconesses who assisted with full immersion baptism of women. Francis, therefore appointed another Commission to study the matter.
Jan Joseph
Laten wij het informele schisma zo snel mogelijk omzetten in het definitieve schisma. De Novus Orde kerk van na het Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie krijgt dan de kans zichzelf op te heffen.
Roberto 55
Real=normal woman will never aspire to become a deaconess, (later priestess or high priestess) because they know that is impossible, improper and against their nature. Only short - haired feminists( see pictures) and pro - choice emancipated "catholics", homogreeters, all religions equal-ers, TLM haters, all kinds of sin tolerate-rs and .... did I forget something?
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Yes, lesbian habitless radical progressist nuns
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Oh no. They have some habits.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I mean habits as in clothes/uniforms 🤪
John A Cassani
This is definitely a step toward priestesses, and anyone who denies this is lying, or stupid. First of all, this is the logical progression from suppression of the Minor Orders, with creation of lay “ministries.” From the beginning, the idea of lay ministries was resisted, with the bad compromise of only officially installing seminarians into the ministries (in most places), while allowing any lay …More
This is definitely a step toward priestesses, and anyone who denies this is lying, or stupid. First of all, this is the logical progression from suppression of the Minor Orders, with creation of lay “ministries.” From the beginning, the idea of lay ministries was resisted, with the bad compromise of only officially installing seminarians into the ministries (in most places), while allowing any lay person, male or female, to act as lectors, or extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, without any official installation. In 1994, this was extended, officially, to allowing females to serve at the altar, after being tolerated, seemingly, contra legem, for many years, by reinterpreting the law. It will be a matter of years, rather than decades, before the next logical step in this progression happens, and perhaps sooner, if the rumors about the “deaconette” commission are true. My question is, will we accept when “conservative” bishops try to convince us to be like the very few conservative Anglicans who have remained in visible unity with Canterbury? I hope there will be a few courageous ones, but, I’m not convinced there will be.
Louis IX
Unfortunately this is one Francis action (a “Fraction”) that a future pope will be too afraid to revoke.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Not necessarilly. I'm only 27, so maybe in my lifetime a good Pope will come along after all the worthless Vatican II generations 1 and 2 priests are dead, and recind this. Franis supposedly is dying. Probably true. Which is why he wants to push all the "Traditiones Custodes" persecution of the TLM thru, and this installation as well. This installation is really no big deal, because most USA parishes …More
Not necessarilly. I'm only 27, so maybe in my lifetime a good Pope will come along after all the worthless Vatican II generations 1 and 2 priests are dead, and recind this. Franis supposedly is dying. Probably true. Which is why he wants to push all the "Traditiones Custodes" persecution of the TLM thru, and this installation as well. This installation is really no big deal, because most USA parishes have been doing it, and worse, for decades. Francis' garbage initiative just puts " legit" on all the abuses.
Priestesses... here they come...
Perhaps, Francis wants to undermine faith, but not to have his fellow homos pushed aside as happens to a degree in heretical protestant communities like the so called 'Church of England.' It is most a confirmation of what happens. Many Novus Ordo priests already give high donor boomers those stupid sashes and titles.
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Don't worry, Female Priests are Impossible like Black Popes.
Add : Cardinal Sarah is old to be a pope unless PF is dead today.More
Don't worry, Female Priests are Impossible like Black Popes.

Add : Cardinal Sarah is old to be a pope unless PF is dead today.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
One Black pope would be a good Pope.....Cardinal Sarah.
Louis IX
St. Peter himself could rise from the dead and try to ordain a woman and she would not become a priest. It is impossible.
Quote from Lord of the Rings: Gandalf fell silent and sighed. ‘Well, no need to brood on what tomorrow may bring. For one thing, tomorrow will be certain to bring worse than today, for many days to come.’
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
The one good thing is Francis' days are coming to an end.