
Francis Blesses Medjugorje Festival - Cardinal Sarah Invokes “Our Lady Of Medjugorje”

The Medjugorje Youth Festival, Bosnia, has "the power to lead us to the Lord," Francis said in a message to the July 31-Aug. 6 festival. Francis, famous for supporting the Pachamama idol, urged to …More
The Medjugorje Youth Festival, Bosnia, has "the power to lead us to the Lord," Francis said in a message to the July 31-Aug. 6 festival.
Francis, famous for supporting the Pachamama idol, urged to live "free from the seduction of idols."
His message revolved around the rich young man in Matthew 19 focussing emotionally on Christ's "tender look," his "tenderness" and "affection" towards this man, while Francis personally relies on tyranny and cruelty.
Cardinal Robert Sarah celebrated Sunday Mass at the festival. In his homily he spoke about a growing paganism while there is little strength left in the Church.
He said that the “whole drama of Jesus' life continues today in the time of the Church which is his mystical body.”
Sarah invoked an "Our Lady of Medjugorje" and said, “May Our Lady of Medjugorje convert us, and help us to do God’s work, and may she bless us all.”
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Medjugorje Hoax Testimony Solinus – gloria.tv
Medjugorje = Montanism + Fr. Stefano Gobbi 's Fake messages.
Their followers like Medjugorie.
Medjugorie Pilgrim was just for Bosnian tourist business.
Medjugorje Hoax Testimony Solinus – gloria.tv

Medjugorje = Montanism + Fr. Stefano Gobbi 's Fake messages.
Their followers like Medjugorie.
Medjugorie Pilgrim was just for Bosnian tourist business.
Tim Bernard
I suggest you wait and see how this plays out. The Foundation of the Church will not change. Fatima was not corrupted by the stain caused by the hindus on the Altar. I know the severely handicapped young man, Darren,
Young Irish Man Walks…….overcomes Incurable Disease
. Also you should look into
Fr. Michael Lightner's Incredible Testimony of Conversion in MedjugorjeMore
I suggest you wait and see how this plays out. The Foundation of the Church will not change. Fatima was not corrupted by the stain caused by the hindus on the Altar. I know the severely handicapped young man, Darren,
Young Irish Man Walks…….overcomes Incurable Disease
. Also you should look into

Fr. Michael Lightner's Incredible Testimony of Conversion in Medjugorje
@Tim Berna We should keep in mind that God can heal people and answer prayers even at places were there are inauthentic apparitions or charlatans that mocked,or even blasphemed. This doesn't prove that Medjugorje is authentic. There are sound reasons why a majority of bishops who investigated it concluded that nothing supernatural occurred there. In addition, many of the things the so called seers …More
@Tim Berna We should keep in mind that God can heal people and answer prayers even at places were there are inauthentic apparitions or charlatans that mocked,or even blasphemed. This doesn't prove that Medjugorje is authentic. There are sound reasons why a majority of bishops who investigated it concluded that nothing supernatural occurred there. In addition, many of the things the so called seers claim Our Lady said, such as all religions are the same, are theologically problematic, even heretical. I'm speculating here, but it may be why Benedict XVI never approved it. Francis being a neo-modernist doesn't care about pesky things like orthodoxy or heresy but only about if a religious event gives people an emotional experience. Religion for liberals is all about subjectivity that is grounded, they believe in affective center of the human person.
The Med satanic fraud will be recognized by Apostate Rome. They are of the same ilk
Rome isn't apostate. Please look up The Church's definition of "apostasy". Mis-applying terms doesn't bolster your position or do any credit for traditionalists.
Defeat Modernism
Rome is apostate. They reject the teachings of Christ and this is proven given their promotion of the Masonic Vatican II which contradicts what Pope St. Pius X, Blessed Pius IX and 2000 years of Catholic teachings.
Fatima must be heating up and Satan is not happy.
Who wants to bet officially legitmizing Medjugorje is next on El Francesco's "To Do" list now that he's given the bishops the power to ban the TLM?
@Ultraviolet and when it happens, we will remember who said it first.
:D Am I that obvious? :D If I am, then I'm no different than countless other seers who have a "mystical gift" of stating the inevitable.
Francis' M.O. is just too predictable.
This is the dancing - show - Eucharist, Cardinal Sarah presided on August 1:
Das ist Teil der Tanz-Messe, welcher Kardinal Sarah in Medjugorje vorgestanden ist.
Defeat Modernism
Devils promoting the message of the Demon Gospa of Medjugorje. This video by the late Editor of Catholic Family News goes over the clearly anti-catholic message of this false apparition: youtu.be/3rLF153eUd0
Quite a grotesque end to the "reform of the reform".
if Only it was a real apparition and not a fake to distract from Fatima!
Well said!! Medjugorje is the devil's playground - taking energy and importance away from the necessity of obeying Our Lady in Her twin requests at Fatima! We are all still awaiting/needing the release of the authentic and full 3rd message of Fatima and the consecration of Russia, by name, to the Immaculate Heart of Mary by the Holy Father, in union with the bishops of the world. "All other ground …More
Well said!! Medjugorje is the devil's playground - taking energy and importance away from the necessity of obeying Our Lady in Her twin requests at Fatima! We are all still awaiting/needing the release of the authentic and full 3rd message of Fatima and the consecration of Russia, by name, to the Immaculate Heart of Mary by the Holy Father, in union with the bishops of the world. "All other ground in sinking sand" and a distraction of the devil. How sad that Cardinal Sarah has allowed his energies to be involved in this demonic hoax!
Live Mike
Yes... The 5 First Saturdays Devotion of Reparation, The Third Secret, The Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart
Hugh N. Cry
Sadie Hawkins dance
Bergoglio as Archbishop (fill in the blank, what is going on here)
He rests in the "spirit of the Council".
Ugliness. Need to pray the Pope Benedict's chains are broken as St. Peter's once were.