
A “Significant Number Of Cardinals" Considers Francis "Worst Pope In History”

“No pope for centuries has done more damage to the Catholic Church than Francis”, wrote English journalist Damian Thompson on Twitter (October 25).

“This is now the view of a significant number of cardinals, including several who were until recently Francis loyalists.”

Thompson further learned that “many bishops, including some cardinals, will not feel able to attend the Synod's closing Mass if the [Pachamama] statues are on display” - as if closing ones eyes in front of the abomination in the sanctuary were a solution.

Un « nombre significatif de cardinaux » considère François comme le « pire pape de l'histoire ».
« Aucun pape depuis des siècles n'a fait plus de mal à l’Église catholique que François », écrit le journaliste anglais Damian Thompson sur Twitter (25 octobre).
« C'est le point de vue d'un nombre important de cardinaux, dont plusieurs qui …More
Un « nombre significatif de cardinaux » considère François comme le « pire pape de l'histoire ».
« Aucun pape depuis des siècles n'a fait plus de mal à l’Église catholique que François », écrit le journaliste anglais Damian Thompson sur Twitter (25 octobre).

« C'est le point de vue d'un nombre important de cardinaux, dont plusieurs qui étaient jusqu'à récemment des loyalistes de François. »

Thompson apprit en outre que « beaucoup d'évêques, y compris certains cardinaux, ne se sentiront pas capables d'assister à la messe de clôture du Synode si les statues [de Pachamama] sont exposées » - comme si fermer les yeux devant l'abomination dans le sanctuaire était une solution.

[On comprend dès lors le subterfuge de l'Antéchrist, qui a fait que cela a eu lieu, non point à Saint-Pierre, mais à Santa Maria in Transpontina : catholique.forumactif.com/t557-news-au-27-octobre-2019 ]
Fake news,
Pray hard. For a new radical catholic Warrior pope to rise up!!!
WHAT ??? a "new pope" ??? will be selected BY THE SONS OF BERGOGLIO !!! it will be WORST, not BETTER.....
I only see their backs not faces
Roberto 55
Where are they?
Antipope Francis.
That's what exactly St Francis of Assisi has foretold that he's a "Destroyer."
Agreed. Antipope Francis the Apostate may as well be called the Destroyer too, because he has done nothing but attempt to destroy Holy Mother Church for these past 7 years. Taking aim at the Sacraments (Amoralis Laetitia) and particularly the priesthood, good religious orders, and denying Christ, insulting our Lady, and blaspheming the Holy Spirit. How long O Lord! Yet we say: “Rejoice, O Blessed …More
Agreed. Antipope Francis the Apostate may as well be called the Destroyer too, because he has done nothing but attempt to destroy Holy Mother Church for these past 7 years. Taking aim at the Sacraments (Amoralis Laetitia) and particularly the priesthood, good religious orders, and denying Christ, insulting our Lady, and blaspheming the Holy Spirit. How long O Lord! Yet we say: “Rejoice, O Blessed Virgin, for alone thou hast destroyed all heresies throughout the world!”
as Ratiznger, Wojtyla, Montini did before Bergoglio does
No pope? Try Paul VI
Bad pope. Not Antipope. There’s a difference.
Who is to say Paul VI wasn't an antipope.
By definition an Antipope is defined in contradistinction to a pope. Therefore—Q. E. D: Anyone can say Paul was not an Antipope because there was no pope against whom he set himself up. I trust it’s perfectly obvious.
My original point was that Paul VI did a ton of damage to the Church. You are correct about the definition of antipope. But, Montini and his predecessor Roncalli were notorious heretics. Canon law states that anyone who is a heretic is automatically excommunicated.
Arthur McGowan
With an automatic excommunication and $5, you can get a latté.
Excommunication Latté Sententiae!
@McGowan .... you have my bet! so, as far as you are concern, those "automatic excomunion" are worthless?? thats your bet?... GOT IT!
“It is a miserable time when a man’s [pope's] Catholic profession is no voucher for his orthodoxy, and when a teacher of religion may be within the Church’s pale, yet external to her faith.” — St. John Henry Newman
A fake saint for a False Pope. Antipope Francis’s canonization of Newman is as dubious as Newman’s theology. See James Larson’s review at RosarytotheInterior.com.
as fake as montini, wojtyla, kowalska, agnes, etc.