
Synodality: Francis Rebukes Cardinals For Asking Questions

The CDF published Francis’ July 11 reply to the dubia of five cardinals concerning the ex-synod omitting the introduction and conclusion.

The full text was now published by LaNuovaBq.it (October 3). Francis’ letter is addressed only to Brandmüller and Burke, omitting Sarah, Zen and Íñiguez.

In the unpublished part, besides his obvious annoyance about the dubia, Francis chastises the cardinals for criticising his ex-synod, "With great sincerity, I tell you that it is not good to be afraid of these questions and interrogatives" - he insinuates "fear" where there is Faith.

Burke spoke about the dubia at an October 3 conference in Rome organised by LaNuovaBq.it, refuting Tucho Fernández who had argued that the Pope’s "unique charism" is equal to the deposit of faith.

"The Church has never taught that the Roman Pontiff has a special charism to construct his own doctrine", Burke clarified.

Picture: LaNuovaBq.it, #newsLnnboepgzx

Wilma Lopez
Also Burke: “The Instrumentum laboris of the upcoming session of the Synod of Bishops certainly contains statements that depart strikingly and gravely from the perennial teaching of the Church.”
Sally Dorman shares this
Cardinal Raymond Burke comments on the Dubia: “The Church has never taught that the Roman Pontiff has a special charism to construct his own doctrine.”
Simon North
Nor did the Church ever approve pan-religious, universal salvationist themed Assisi Meetings (in fact, it taught they were not permitted), or kissing the Koran. Where was His Eminence then?
Ivan Tomas
Oh, he have a "special charism", but the question is where is that coming from.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Francis and company will cause a schism. He and his rotten homosexual "church" will go one way, and the traditional, True Catholic Church and Roman Rite Mass will go another. Francis "church" will collapse and die quickly, while the Catholic Church, perhaps with our own Pope, will survive and thrive, despite all efforts of the Francis Church to destroy it.
Live Mike
Your Eminence, the time for words is over, the time for action has come. Declare him a heretic and set a date for an Imperfect Council. Do it now, please.
Stoppen met dit gedraai, het is tijd om knopen door te hakken.
Het schisma is begonnen, wie durft de leiding te nemen van de nieuwe Universele Tridentijnse Romeinse Rooms katholieke kerk.
De gelovigen zitten om dit besluit te springen.
Opera 369
Oh wow... really? Must be the discovery of hot water! Pathetic prelates... where have they been for the past 10 years? They have not noticed anything that "departed strikingly and gravely from the Catholic Faith"? Just the fact that that guy dressed in white in the Vatican does not wear a Catholic Cross...could've been the start of the 'signs'... but nobody noticed...! 😴 Now, they're doing their …More
Oh wow... really? Must be the discovery of hot water! Pathetic prelates... where have they been for the past 10 years? They have not noticed anything that "departed strikingly and gravely from the Catholic Faith"? Just the fact that that guy dressed in white in the Vatican does not wear a Catholic Cross...could've been the start of the 'signs'... but nobody noticed...! 😴 Now, they're doing their 'conferences' reporting the .... obvious. Monkeys that don't see, don't hear, don't ... want to notice!
Novena - Oremus
Burke said that the Synod is built on arguments that “depart strikingly and gravely” from the Catholic faith.
Simon North
@Novena - Oremus: So did Lumen Gentium, so did Nostrae Aetate, so did Dignitatis Humanae, so did the Mass of Paul VI, so did the decree permitting altar girls, so did so many of Papae Wojtyla and Ratzinger's Assisi Meetings and statements that Holy Church had no mission to the Jews. Where was +Burke through all of this?