
Twitter: Is Elon Musk the "Defender of Free Speech"?

US oligarch Elon Musk, who bought Twitter.com for $44 billion last week, has portrayed himself as a "defender of free speech", an enemy of the oligarch elites and a philanthropist who wants to serve …More
US oligarch Elon Musk, who bought Twitter.com for $44 billion last week, has portrayed himself as a "defender of free speech", an enemy of the oligarch elites and a philanthropist who wants to serve humanity. But then there's this:
- March 2018: Musk endorses Soviet rocket scientist Konstantin Tsiolkovsky's panpsychism, according to which the Earth is but the cradle of humanity and all living and non-living things have mental capacities and matter itself is "thinking".
- December 2021: Musk told the Protestant organisation Babylon Bee (censored on Twitter.com) that he agreed with the "principles" espoused by Christ, such as forgiveness, but believed in the "God of Spinoza" who did not care about the fates and actions of men. The Jew Spinoza (+1677) denied the authenticity of the Old Testament and the existence of a Creator, and believed that “god" was synonymous with "universe" and "nature".
- May 2022: Musk claims that he wants to make Twitter a "free", "less censored" social network …More
All the money all the power will not buy you salvation .But giving yourself to the Will and works of God will.So conversion is a start
Croí Láidir
I pray for Mr. Musk’s conversion to Holy Roman Catholicism, I pray to Our Lord and Our Lady for mercy and the salvation of all our souls.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
These layoffs Musk implemented are fantastic!! First he got rid of the former CEO and the shrew-dragon lady who was in charge of content. Both were radical liberals who supressed Trump and other conservative voices, yet gave open reign to all manner of homos, Trans and BLM supporters. I also read that Musk had threatened layoffs before, because people refused to return to work in the office. Good …More
These layoffs Musk implemented are fantastic!! First he got rid of the former CEO and the shrew-dragon lady who was in charge of content. Both were radical liberals who supressed Trump and other conservative voices, yet gave open reign to all manner of homos, Trans and BLM supporters. I also read that Musk had threatened layoffs before, because people refused to return to work in the office. Good for him. Those laid off are propbably an army of Hillary Clinton clones who think that working women deserve massive priveledges. At one of my uncle's companies (similar to Twitter, but based in NYC, Atlanta, Rome, London and Tokyo), women in the USA originally had 3 weeks maternity leave ( 1980 when he joined the company out of college), by 1995 it was six weeks, in 2010 in was 2 1/2 months. Last year, they demanded 6 months...which is ridiculous. Those that refused to return to work last year were laid off. Boo hoo. THat's the case now. Most are women who have gotten used to working from home during COVID and now don't want to return. The point of a company is for people to work mostly in offices. Even in schools, some of the teachers wanted to stay out an teach from home, although in June were were all told its back to classroom come September. Two women teachers who refused, were fired (not laid off...fired).
Good for Musk. I hope his censorship works in reverse....instead of censoring Trump and conservatives, I hope he and Twitter start sensoring people like AOC, radicals liberals, and pro-homos, LGBTQ's TRANS, etc. etc.
Sancte Teotónio
Neither does the Catholic Church defend "free speech".
In case you forgot the church had the holy inquisition who would review every publication to make sure that would not contain heresies or pernicious doctrines.
"Free speech" is a protestant and liberal thing, that they used to be able to disagree with the Pope and the latter used to be able to blasfem Our Lord and Our Lady.
Also my personal …More
Neither does the Catholic Church defend "free speech".
In case you forgot the church had the holy inquisition who would review every publication to make sure that would not contain heresies or pernicious doctrines.

"Free speech" is a protestant and liberal thing, that they used to be able to disagree with the Pope and the latter used to be able to blasfem Our Lord and Our Lady.

Also my personal opinion is that Elon is a scumbag of the worst kind. Always beware of people who are loved by the world.
Sancte Teotónio
The censorship is not bad on itself and is really useful service.
Otherwise you could login and appeared out of nowhere corpses and body parts or murders or other kind of disturbing content.
The bad part is that they are not Catholic and sell themselves as tools for non-catholic governments to censor what is good and to promote the satanic global agenda.More
The censorship is not bad on itself and is really useful service.
Otherwise you could login and appeared out of nowhere corpses and body parts or murders or other kind of disturbing content.

The bad part is that they are not Catholic and sell themselves as tools for non-catholic governments to censor what is good and to promote the satanic global agenda.
Well said.
Wilma Lopez
Elon Musk layoffs 50% of the staff. All employees at Twitter received this email in which they got told to stay at home. Offices will be temporarily closed and all badge access will be suspended.
Jo Santoss
Don't trust him
In many ways Elon Musk is not someone to emulate (he would agree); in other ways, maybe he is. It's definitely good to be clear! He might accomplish a lot of his professed goal related to free speech. Just this week a new feature of Twitter fact checked Joe Biden and they were forced to delete the tweet it was so detrimental to Biden.
Servant Of Divine Mercy
Elon Musk is a FREEMASON!
of course he's not a real defender of free speech ! and check out his mother....whooo-e 😲 she's really frightening. kind of in the category of Yuval Noah Harari.... Elon is , too