
Pro-Lifer Speaks Up: “The Fault Is With The Bishops” (Video)

The US bishops are “talking out of both sides of their mouth” by saying that abortion is evil, but that it is “okay” to take an abortion-related vaccine, pro-lifer Abby Johnson says in an unprecedentedly …More
The US bishops are “talking out of both sides of their mouth” by saying that abortion is evil, but that it is “okay” to take an abortion-related vaccine, pro-lifer Abby Johnson says in an unprecedentedly clear Instragram Video (watch it below).
The US Bishops called the Covid-19 flu in a December 14 statement sufficiently serious "to allow" vaccines “despite their remote connection to morally compromised cell lines.”
Johnson has “a real problem” with this statement which aims at making abortion acceptable, “The fault is with the bishops for not taking an unequivocal stand.”
She is "so sick" of the bishops' "cowering to Big Pharma, cowering to liberals, and allowing us and allowing our children to be guinea pigs, and to … allow our children to be injected with these vaccines that have dead children in them.”
Abby could "protest" by telling us the name of the morally acceptable vaccine that we should be demanding. If our bishops were leading, then the, "give us ethical alternatives" would have raged the first moment it was known a vaccine was needed. The USCCB isn't cowering to the Left. The USCCB IS the Left. I appreciate Abby using her voice, knowing a lot of people listen to her. The ultimate goal …More
Abby could "protest" by telling us the name of the morally acceptable vaccine that we should be demanding. If our bishops were leading, then the, "give us ethical alternatives" would have raged the first moment it was known a vaccine was needed. The USCCB isn't cowering to the Left. The USCCB IS the Left. I appreciate Abby using her voice, knowing a lot of people listen to her. The ultimate goal must be ethical alternatives readily available.
That's a good point, @Jungerheld. I'd like to know what ethical alternatives even exist. For something to be ethical it must be "in accordance with the rules or standards for right conduct or practice, especially the standards of a profession".
The basic standard of the medical profession is: Primum non nocere (first, do no harm) For a vaccine to be an "ethical alternative", it must comply with …More
That's a good point, @Jungerheld. I'd like to know what ethical alternatives even exist. For something to be ethical it must be "in accordance with the rules or standards for right conduct or practice, especially the standards of a profession".

The basic standard of the medical profession is: Primum non nocere (first, do no harm) For a vaccine to be an "ethical alternative", it must comply with this standard. Any vaccine, regardless of its source material, that causes illness or death violates this principle. Therefore it is not an ethical alternative

Oh? That means all the currently available covid vaccines fail the test? Pity. So much for that. :P
YES. TIFFANY DOVER PASSED AWAY next day /Dec. 19, 2020/, after vaccination /PFIZER/ against COVID-19.
comment to JezusMaryja1.
Please post the reference!
Let's put it straight that any biological material from murdered children in their mothers' wombs, whether processed or not, and inserted into another living organism is a form of modern diabolical cannibalism and spiritual satanism threatening possesion of a soul by demons and its eternal damnation.
ps Yesterday I've made that point here ... "-and use of biological material from murdered children …More
Let's put it straight that any biological material from murdered children in their mothers' wombs, whether processed or not, and inserted into another living organism is a form of modern diabolical cannibalism and spiritual satanism threatening possesion of a soul by demons and its eternal damnation.
ps Yesterday I've made that point here ... "-and use of biological material from murdered children in mother wombs being cannibalism and spiritual satanism possibly causing damnation of souls:
{i.e. Five Bishops Publish Statement Against Covid-19 Vaccines}"
Dr Bobus
According to what you say, it would be immoral to transplant organs, incl a heart, from a murder victim.
Dr Bobus , is filling up a car with fuel identical to replacing its engine?
One more comment from JezusMaryja1
Nurse TIFFANY DOVER who yesterday received vaccine against Covid-19 DIED. Peace be with you Tiffany !
If the bishops do acknowledge the cell-lines are "morally compromised", then so too is the final product. Evil should not be done for supposed "good". Likewise, robbing from the rich and giving what was stolen to the poor is not Christian charity, no matter what Marxists believe. If a product is manufactured out of murdered infants, then it is also "morally compromised" and evil.
These same kind …More
If the bishops do acknowledge the cell-lines are "morally compromised", then so too is the final product. Evil should not be done for supposed "good". Likewise, robbing from the rich and giving what was stolen to the poor is not Christian charity, no matter what Marxists believe. If a product is manufactured out of murdered infants, then it is also "morally compromised" and evil.

These same kind of bishops invariably are the first ones to promote "fair trade" goods that supposedly don't exploit third-world economies. Ironically, they care very much when a product "morally compromises" the poor in foreign countries, yet they're willing to make allowances for a product based on abortion. Gives a real sense of their priorities, yeah?