German Bishop: Church Teaching 'Wronged' People Who Engage in Homosexual Sin

Bishop Stephan Ackermann of Trier, Germany, presided over an "ecumenical" homosexual service in his cathedral on 17 April.

The performance was advertised as part of the annual diocesan celebration of the Holy Tunic of Christ. About 50 elderly people attended. A large homosex flag was laid down in front of the unused Novus Ordo table.

The event was like a conference with various speeches interspersed with some songs (e.g. 'True Colours' by homosexual activist Cyndi Lauper, 1986). A scripture reading was delivered by a presumed transvestite.

Bishop Ackermann claimed that the homosexual propagandists, who are among the sacred cows of the German regime, would experience "hatred" and "violence" because of their sexual disorder ("identity", "orientation").

Mgr Ackermann attacked the Church by calling his homosexual propaganda show a "commitment", saying that "we want to be a diocese that values diversity", including "sexual and gender diversity".

"Diversity" is a term that means the promotion of homosexual sins and the suppression of criticism and free speech.

Bishop Ackermann made the "painful confession" that "the Church's teaching has wronged people and reinforced rejection and exclusion". In reality, the call to repentance is neither "rejection" nor "exclusion". Sin rejects and excludes, not conversion.

He believes that the Catholic Church is on a path of learning [= accepting homosexual propaganda] and "change", which is "a good thing", but the pace is debatable. Ackermann should know that no one will join the Church because it spreads homosexual propaganda, but the best will leave because of it.


Sally Dorman shares this
Queer in Trier: Bishop Ackermann Presides Over Ecumenical Rainbow Service for Homosexuals in Diocesan Cathedral
Sally Dorman
Everyday for Life Canada
The bishops are simply admitting that many of them are guilty of sodomy. So, let's celebrate the sin under the guise of justice and ecumenism. The have abandoned the true and seven coloured rainbow, God's covenant with his people, for the counterfeit pride flag. This is a case of man telling God what must be done by rewriting the true covenant.
Paul F
"I saw the fatal consequences of this counterfeit church; I saw it increase; I saw heretics of all kinds flocking to the city" (blessed A.C. Emmerich)
Ann Smith
Workers of evil
Louis IX
Notice this false ape of the church loves to inhabit the grand beautiful architectural spaces built for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.
The sooner all of Germany is placed under the ban of interdiction, the better.
Looks like a Masonic altar.
Same type of altar was installed in the Basilica in Fatima Portugal for the centennial of 2017. A real tragedy! The. scourge of Ecclesiastical Masonry!
Jan Joseph
Mijnheer Ackermann, bischop wil ik hem niet noemen, is blijkbaar zelf homoseksueel, zoals meer dan 50 % van de priesters, bisschoppen, kardinalen en paus Franciscus in de Rooms Katholieke Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie kerk homoseksueel zijn.
But You oh Lord how long!
Hugh N. Cry
Tony Smith
We need these communist infiltrators cast out of the Church.
The demons salute you, dear bishop. They can't wait to meet you.
Everyday for Life Canada
“Better to reign in hell, than serve in Heaven.”