
Broken Promise: Bishop "Forbids" All Roman Masses

Helena Bishop Austin Vetter, 54, Montana, forbad all Roman Masses in his diocese by Ash Wednesday. He did not issue an official statement but delegated Father Sean Raftis to announce the legalistic …More
Helena Bishop Austin Vetter, 54, Montana, forbad all Roman Masses in his diocese by Ash Wednesday.
He did not issue an official statement but delegated Father Sean Raftis to announce the legalistic measure during a February 6 sermon (LatinMassMontana.com).
Last October, at a meeting with Roman Rite faithful, Vetter stated that “St. Richard is the Tridentine Latin Mass parish of the Diocese and nothing will change regarding the TLM at St. Richard.”
Now, Vetter - who likely doesn't want to end his days in the sticks of Montana - claims that Rome "is forcing" his hand and that Archbishop Roche’s dubia "made him act." His Anti-Mass regime is one of the most rigid worldwide. However, Francis keeps warning of rigidity and legalism so the measure cannot be taken seriously.
Picture: Austin Vetter, #newsBrxrldaflx
DefendTruth shares this
One bishop after the other: Montana bishop cancels all traditional Masses, saying "Rome is forcing" his hand.
Louis IX
Jeffrey Ade
Ever since PIV Rome has been forcing Catholics to abandon the True Faith, why would it be different now? This is the chastisement foretold in Catholic Prophecy and the fulfillment of Our Lady of Fatima's warnings! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
Seidenspinner shares this
Bishop Vetter Cancels All 1962 Latin Masses in Diocese of Helena: Another Bishop invokes the 'Spirit of Traditionis Custodes' and the illegal Responsa as dubium to cancel the Traditional Latin Mass and Sacraments.
If our priests can't imitate the great saints and resist ,at least they could try to be more like truckers.
Sounds like a pathetic careerist. Shame on him.
Oh joy... decades more of Bishops doing whatever they please, while citing "the spirit of..." some nonsense.
False shephards are legion now. We have an end times Counter Church masquerading as the True Church.
@Nonsacerdotus9025 There is only one Catholic Church. You're either a part of it, or you're not.
Its a spiritual warfare ,and we have to take sides now to be with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ or to be damned with the evil one ,its up to you
porta folio manager
@Nonsacerdotus9025 U nailed it! that thing can not possible be THE Church .... and @Ultraviolet as allways, in defense of bergoglio
@porta folio manager as "allways", confusing The Church with "bergoglio". I defend The Church. The Church is not the Pope. There is one Catholic Church, not two of them. Schismatics might argue otherwise, some around here clearly do, but they're both stupid and wrong.
porta folio manager
@Ultraviolet Yes... I agree: there can be only ONE Church ... and in the ONLY Chuchrch CAN NOT BE ANY heretics as "regular" members of it... even less as 'popes' ...
And the "church" that you proposes its FULL of heretics AND an heretic is 'da pope'
Sounds like a faulting pharese but, on the Catholic Church there are ONLY catholics as membersMore
@Ultraviolet Yes... I agree: there can be only ONE Church ... and in the ONLY Chuchrch CAN NOT BE ANY heretics as "regular" members of it... even less as 'popes' ...
And the "church" that you proposes its FULL of heretics AND an heretic is 'da pope'

Sounds like a faulting pharese but, on the Catholic Church there are ONLY catholics as members
"and in the ONLY Chuchrch CAN NOT BE ANY heretics as "regular" members of it... even less as 'popes' ..." @porta folio manager
The Pope isn't a heretic by The Church's definition of the term, until The Church decrees him as such. That's a decision for The Church to make, not you.
"And the "church" that you proposes its FULL of heretics AND an heretic is 'da pope' "
...according to you. Just …More
"and in the ONLY Chuchrch CAN NOT BE ANY heretics as "regular" members of it... even less as 'popes' ..." @porta folio manager
The Pope isn't a heretic by The Church's definition of the term, until The Church decrees him as such. That's a decision for The Church to make, not you.

"And the "church" that you proposes its FULL of heretics AND an heretic is 'da pope' "
...according to you. Just one problem... you don't get to make that decision on behalf of The Catholic Church. Far too many Catholics, notably laymen, have taken it upon themselves to usurp The Church's authority in deciding who is a "heretic", who is an "apostate", and so on.
Mary K Jones
Ultraviolet, is your first name Karen? You seem to think it's your job to keep everyone in line with your program so I'm just wondering...
porta folio manager
@Ultraviolet so... acording to you, its up "to the church" to KNOW (just that, 'know', not SENTENCE on it) if something that someone said its "heresy" or not ???
St Paul (the Apostle) does not agree with you... he said "if ANYONE gives to you a different gosple, be anathema" ... and St. Paul was talking TO ANYONE... not to a Judge or a Tribune...
So, its up to ANYONE to KNOW if something its heretic …More
@Ultraviolet so... acording to you, its up "to the church" to KNOW (just that, 'know', not SENTENCE on it) if something that someone said its "heresy" or not ???
St Paul (the Apostle) does not agree with you... he said "if ANYONE gives to you a different gosple, be anathema" ... and St. Paul was talking TO ANYONE... not to a Judge or a Tribune...

So, its up to ANYONE to KNOW if something its heretic or nor.. As our Lord Said: "By the fruits, you will KNOW"
No it isn't @Mary K Jones. Since you've asked, is Karen your middle name? :D
Protip: It isn't "my" program, it's The Church's. That's probably what got you confused. ;-) I'm just reminding other Catholics how The Church defines heresy when they forget, intentionally or otherwise.More
No it isn't @Mary K Jones. Since you've asked, is Karen your middle name? :D

Protip: It isn't "my" program, it's The Church's. That's probably what got you confused. ;-) I'm just reminding other Catholics how The Church defines heresy when they forget, intentionally or otherwise.
@porta folio manager "so... acording to you, its up "to the church" to KNOW (just that, 'know', not SENTENCE on it)"
That isn't according to me at all. The Church's definition of heresy presupposes The Church has already corrected the error and seen its correction ignored. Both the initial correction and any subsequent "SENTENCE" (as you chose to write it) must come from The Church, not the …More
@porta folio manager "so... acording to you, its up "to the church" to KNOW (just that, 'know', not SENTENCE on it)"

That isn't according to me at all. The Church's definition of heresy presupposes The Church has already corrected the error and seen its correction ignored. Both the initial correction and any subsequent "SENTENCE" (as you chose to write it) must come from The Church, not the laity.

"St Paul (the Apostle) does not agree with you... he said "if ANYONE gives to you a different gosple, be anathema" ...

St. Paul also was discussing gospels, not heresy. A gospel and a heresy are not the same. So no, St. Paul doesn't disagree with me at all.

Being anathema and being a heretic are not the same, either. *sigh*
porta folio manager
@Ultraviolet St Paul was warning about a DIFERENT gospel -> that is (by definition) an heresy... so, it can be translated to "if anyone comes to you with an HERESY, be anathema"
the Church does the same... or what does you think that are the LATAE SENTENTIAE excomunions? its an "anathema" without paperwork, "formal" judgement... you fall in it just by THINKING-DOING what it forbides... no "…More
@Ultraviolet St Paul was warning about a DIFERENT gospel -> that is (by definition) an heresy... so, it can be translated to "if anyone comes to you with an HERESY, be anathema"


the Church does the same... or what does you think that are the LATAE SENTENTIAE excomunions? its an "anathema" without paperwork, "formal" judgement... you fall in it just by THINKING-DOING what it forbides... no "paperwork" no "trial" no "churchmen involved" ... just as that
"that is (by definition) an heresy"
Not according to how the Catholic Church defines heresy. Seriously, go look up Canon Law 751 where The Church (not you) defines the term. Maybe it will stop you from using it incorrectly bolstered by some faux-educated claim like "by definition".
By definition, a false Gospel is not necessarily heresy, it is error. A person could conceivably re-write the entire …More
"that is (by definition) an heresy"

Not according to how the Catholic Church defines heresy. Seriously, go look up Canon Law 751 where The Church (not you) defines the term. Maybe it will stop you from using it incorrectly bolstered by some faux-educated claim like "by definition".

By definition, a false Gospel is not necessarily heresy, it is error. A person could conceivably re-write the entire life of Christ while still remaining true to all Catholic teachings. It would be a different gospel even if it didn't contain any heresy.

"its an "anathema" without paperwork, "formal" judgement... you fall in it just by THINKING-DOING what it forbides."

Even allowing for that gross over simplification of the term, that still doesn't grant YOU the authority to upgrade a Latae Sententiae excommunication to Sententiae Ferendae just by making the accusation. Likewise YOU are not qualified to do anything similar with material heresy and formal heresy.

You aren't The Catholic Church, just one infintestimally small part of it. How long is it going to take before you figure that out? When The Church confirms a Latae Sententiae excommunication ocurred, then you can make the claim. Otherwise, you have no business usurping the authority to do so on behalf of The Church.
porta folio manager
@Ultraviolet and what about any Council of the Church (by example) or Magisterium or the (real) Popes?... does you know that if you DENY (or just dont accept 'as is' or doubt or misslead the meaning) ANY DOGMA, you become an HERETYC JUST BY THAT? without "paperwork" or "sentence" or "formal notification"?
The JUDGEMENT of the Church its made IN ADVANCE for all those people (as you could understand …More
@Ultraviolet and what about any Council of the Church (by example) or Magisterium or the (real) Popes?... does you know that if you DENY (or just dont accept 'as is' or doubt or misslead the meaning) ANY DOGMA, you become an HERETYC JUST BY THAT? without "paperwork" or "sentence" or "formal notification"?

The JUDGEMENT of the Church its made IN ADVANCE for all those people (as you could understand!) that wanna seek refuge on the "there is no paperwork! its invalid! does not count! you can not JUDGE IT!!!"

Its called LATAE SENTENTIA and does not need any paperwork or notification (personal or public!)... you said or believe what the Church forbiedes? (and you inisit on that!) yes? ... YOU ARE OUT! simple as that... no need for more formalities... and its not "up to me"... the CHURCH said it and stated it...
Since you mentioned it, I didn't think it would be allowed to suggest kiling clergy and assassinating the Pope. Yet Stronzo Santelli does both on a regular basis, including here. Let's take a look at Stronzo's Soprano's Top Ten "Hits" from just the start of this year alone. There are more.. a LOT more, even from this year.
"I wonder why no one just takes fat Frank out and just end it for him."
Since you mentioned it, I didn't think it would be allowed to suggest kiling clergy and assassinating the Pope. Yet Stronzo Santelli does both on a regular basis, including here. Let's take a look at Stronzo's Soprano's Top Ten "Hits" from just the start of this year alone. There are more.. a LOT more, even from this year.

"I wonder why no one just takes fat Frank out and just end it for him."

"All they need do is ice Gordo." (Stronzo's word for Francis)

"...you are telling this board that it would be wrong to murder him?"

"Were I Morandi I would have moved to have fat(sic) so taken out."

"He now preaches heresy, and no one seeks to remove him-- physically or otherwise."

"The sooner he is dead, the better. Who in the Vatican has let him live and go on with his filth?"

"Cupich needs be grateful I was not incardinated in his cesspool. He'd be gone, sub terram..."

"Someone should put the pseudo priest Conroy out of his misery-- which probably means end his life."

"were I a Priest in Cupich's fiefdom he would no longer have the breath to expectorate his filth.

"Only force, a la Macabbean resoution, will end this."
From that list, it's fair to say that repeatedly advocating the murder of the Pope and clergy is acceptable on GTV. When I name the author "Stronzo" for his non-stop homicidal fantasies, what exactly is your problem? He's earned the title. I'm writing in English and I'm not using any of the profanity you listed.
Angelo Santelli
As I have asked before, Who pays for ultradarkness to post his filth here?
And now, back to Gordo Bergoglio-- another well-known Catholic writes Gordo is not Pope.
Taylor Marshall accuses Francis of teaching 'heresy,' suggests he may not be Pope - LifeSiteMore
As I have asked before, Who pays for ultradarkness to post his filth here?

And now, back to Gordo Bergoglio-- another well-known Catholic writes Gordo is not Pope.

Taylor Marshall accuses Francis of teaching 'heresy,' suggests he may not be Pope - LifeSite
"I dare opine, probably have orgasm over..." Next time, try typing with both hands and shut down PornHub first, @Stronzo Santelli
Angelo Santelli
Bishop Vetter Cancels All 1962 Latin Masses in Diocese of Helena
One only has to take this pervert Vetter out. One surely does not think he represents Divine Providence, can one? Supine compliance by the faithful just adds more fire to the hatred of these pervert bishops who, I dare opine, probably have orgasm over their suppression of a confused and disheartened faithful.
As I said, just take the …More
Bishop Vetter Cancels All 1962 Latin Masses in Diocese of Helena

One only has to take this pervert Vetter out. One surely does not think he represents Divine Providence, can one? Supine compliance by the faithful just adds more fire to the hatred of these pervert bishops who, I dare opine, probably have orgasm over their suppression of a confused and disheartened faithful.

As I said, just take the pervert bishops out of their magnificent rectories-- or go even further.
At this point, it's anyone's guess if they hate the Latin Mass on principle or just want to suck up to Francis (or both).
Oh come on are you serious ultraviolet? You really don’t know why they are taking out the Latin Mass?
Unlike so many here, I'm not a psychic. I can only speculate. To be sure, some bishops do hate the Latin Mass. Others don't seem to care, but they care very much that Pope Francis dislikes the Latin Mass as he's the one who appoints cardinals.
If The Church was led by Pope Mathathias The Heavy-Handed, I'm certain such bishops would become enthusiastic supporters of the Latin Mass.More
Unlike so many here, I'm not a psychic. I can only speculate. To be sure, some bishops do hate the Latin Mass. Others don't seem to care, but they care very much that Pope Francis dislikes the Latin Mass as he's the one who appoints cardinals.

If The Church was led by Pope Mathathias The Heavy-Handed, I'm certain such bishops would become enthusiastic supporters of the Latin Mass.
Roberto 55
Maybe, because of the jab side effects... 🤕
Louis IX
Therefore, no one whosoever is permitted to alter this notice of Our permission, statute, ordinance, command, precept, grant, indult, declaration, will, decree, and prohibition. Should anyone dare to contravene it, know that he will incur the wrath of Almighty God and of the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul.
Pope Pius V
Pius Episcopus
Servant of the Servants of God
Ad Perpetuam Rei Memoriam *
Therefore, no one whosoever is permitted to alter this notice of Our permission, statute, ordinance, command, precept, grant, indult, declaration, will, decree, and prohibition. Should anyone dare to contravene it, know that he will incur the wrath of Almighty God and of the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul.

Pope Pius V
Pius Episcopus
Servant of the Servants of God
Ad Perpetuam Rei Memoriam *

Given at St. Peter’s in the year of the Lord’s Incarnation, 1570, on the 14th of July of the Fifth year of Our Pontificate.

Hate to be in your shoes Vetter.