
Watch! Francis Withdraws His Ring

After his March 25 Mass in Loreto, Italy, Pope Francis greeted some faithful who attempted to kiss his ring (not his hand).

But Francis kept pulling his hand away with force (video below). Kissing the papal ring gives indulgences and honors the papal office.

Francis himself has a pronounced habit of kissing the hands and feed of transvestites, immigrants, holocaust and abuse victims.

It is odd that he does not allow others to do what he does.


John F Kennedy chose not to kiss the ring of Paul VI
Montini the destroyer of the Mass deserves no respect except prayers for his soul.
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That's not very Christ like, Jesus would never treat people that way!
The irony is that Christ is the only example of infallibility that ever has or ever will walk the earth. He also said “no one comes to the Father but by Me.” Repent of your religion of idols and follow the true God.
You know nothing about Christ. No protestant does. You have constructed an imaginary christ who agrees with you on everything. You have made your imaginary christ in your own likeness and image. That's what every protestant does. Erect a phony church, with a phony "pastor," to pretend to worship a phony christ. Reject the Church, reject the priesthood, reject the Sacraments... reject Christ. It is …More
You know nothing about Christ. No protestant does. You have constructed an imaginary christ who agrees with you on everything. You have made your imaginary christ in your own likeness and image. That's what every protestant does. Erect a phony church, with a phony "pastor," to pretend to worship a phony christ. Reject the Church, reject the priesthood, reject the Sacraments... reject Christ. It is YOU who is the idolater.
Francis knew that there was a camera recording his behaviour
Holy Cannoli
You are exactly right. Not only did he know it, he approved of it. For Pope Humbleness it was more important to demonstrate his own humility for the camera than to acquiesce faithful pilgrims who sincerely wanted to show their respect to the visible leader of the Catholic Church.
Don Reto Nay
Interesting that he didn't mind having his ring kissed by the half-naked artist (picture above)
Francis would never hate kisses from near naked musclemen, yet hates Catholics showing respect for the Papal office.
Le Précurseur shares this
bizarre comme attitude !!!
Don Reto Nay
This is really embarrassing. I always thought he was the pope, but the way he behaves he seems to want to give the impression that he is not.
Brother Timothy Marie shares this
Swiss MP on IslamMore

Swiss MP on Islam
He feels it's wrong to kiss a heretic's ring. Only after his full repentance.
Team Bergoglio in defence
His wife wailed like a banshee when Benedict was elected. Austin likes to threaten those who mention his boarding school experiences.
Lisi Sterndorfer
If Francis does not like the fisherman's ring we will appreciate him giving it back.
Don Reto Nay
Again, why does he not wear the papal insigna? Does he want to tell us that he is not the pope?
foward shares this
Bergoglio not allow kissMore

Bergoglio not allow kiss
Col. Buckshot
Wow. May Almighty God have mercy on His people! How extremely displeased must Heaven be, to permit this situation in Holy Mother Church, the Bride of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Peter, repent and lead the Lord's flock! +JMJ+More
Wow. May Almighty God have mercy on His people! How extremely displeased must Heaven be, to permit this situation in Holy Mother Church, the Bride of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Peter, repent and lead the Lord's flock! +JMJ+
Loreto is the sanctuary of the House of Nazareth owned by the Holy Family. The lady of this house is the Blessed Virgin. Exhibiting this rude behavior She showed that Bergoglio is not a pope. The honor of the master of the house was fulfilled by Pope Sixtus V in the bronze monument welcoming pilgrims at the entrance to the basilica. This great benefactor of Loreto, was called the "iron pope," because …More
Loreto is the sanctuary of the House of Nazareth owned by the Holy Family. The lady of this house is the Blessed Virgin. Exhibiting this rude behavior She showed that Bergoglio is not a pope. The honor of the master of the house was fulfilled by Pope Sixtus V in the bronze monument welcoming pilgrims at the entrance to the basilica. This great benefactor of Loreto, was called the "iron pope," because to restore order in Rome and the Papal States, he sentenced thousands of bandits and clergy along with their lovers to the gallows. He belonged to the Franciscan order, so the true Francis appears in the background. Poverello of Assisi and Bergoglio have one thing in common: the lack of priestly ordination.
Sixtus V ora pro nobis.