Catholic Resistance .


We are here to remind you every day of your diabolical acts until you and the traitorous agents of the satanic Freemasonry are defeated . #ResistanceMore
We are here to remind you every day of your diabolical acts until you and the traitorous agents of the satanic Freemasonry are defeated .


To the brothers, If we pray the Holy Rosary with kneeling, fasting and warmth , the Bishop of the Holy Tradition, Bernard Fellay , will be the greatest pontiff and the next Pope of our Holy Catholic …More
To the brothers,
If we pray the Holy Rosary with kneeling, fasting and warmth , the Bishop of the Holy Tradition, Bernard Fellay , will be the greatest pontiff and the next Pope of our Holy Catholic Church, who in his time will crush Satanic Freemasonry under his feet.
And he will clean and expel from our church the traitorous Masonic Cardinals agents in the front head Member of the Infernal Freemason Rotary Club Jorge Bergo
lio , and he will abolish The infernal heretical Second Vatican Council
Please help me brethren. I recognized that Bishop Bergoglio is not the Vicar of Christ. However, in what do you base your assertion that Most Reverend …More
Please help me brethren. I recognized that Bishop Bergoglio is not the Vicar of Christ. However, in what do you base your assertion that Most Reverend Bishop Bernard Fellay will be the next Pope after Benedict?


Let the storm rage and the sky darken

"Let the storm rage and the sky darken - not for that shall we be dismayed. If we trust as we should in Mary, we shall recognize in her, the Virgin Most Powerful ‘who with virginal foot did crush the …More
"Let the storm rage and the sky darken - not for that shall we be dismayed. If we trust as we should in Mary, we shall recognize in her, the Virgin Most Powerful ‘who with virginal foot did crush the head of the serpent’."--Saint Pius X ................................ In order to defeat the satanic Freemasonry and to repent of its members, let us pray the Holy Rosary fervently for this intention.


Poor Christians / Catholics formed in the true Word of God .. and forced to listen to the false Gospel of Bergoglio, Galantino, Bassetti, Paglia, Marx, Kasper, Sosa, Martin, Bianchi (and various heretics)More
Poor Christians / Catholics formed in the true Word of God .. and forced to listen to the false
Gospel of Bergoglio, Galantino, Bassetti, Paglia, Marx, Kasper,
Sosa, Martin, Bianchi
(and various heretics)
It seems that he had a public act of contriction ,and that its good ,We should respect that
They will never leave. They are out to destroy the Church from within
One more comment


#LGBT Don't you think that we have forgotten you , CRUSHING STRIKES ARE CAREFULLY PREPARED FOR YOU.

Or do you not know, do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters nor adulterers, nor men who PRACTICE Homosexuality : will not inter it the kingdom of God . Corinthians 6: 9More
Or do you not know, do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters
nor adulterers, nor men who PRACTICE Homosexuality : will not inter it the
kingdom of God . Corinthians 6: 9

Why are Satan's servants trying to sabotage the DNA of humans

Why are Satan's servants trying to sabotage the DNA of humans by imposing mandatory vaccination? Because, as we said before, "DNA is God's signature and imprint on us, and Satan wants to change people …More
Why are Satan's servants trying to sabotage the DNA of humans
by imposing mandatory vaccination? Because, as we said before,
"DNA is God's signature and imprint on us, and Satan wants to
change people to become in his image."
This drawing is for the laminin molecules, and laminin is the
protein responsible for the bonding and cohesion of the human
body. Did you notice its shape? Isn't it amazing that God was
thinking about the future even before he created Adam and made in our bodies the shape of a cross to remind us that we must always "reflect the image of Christ, and also" to remember that we belong to the Lord because we bear the imprint of his cross! "He is before all things, and the whole universe is held together by Him." (Colossians 1:17) #Resistance


I am a SOLIDER of CHRIST THE KING under the command of ARCHANGEL MICHAEL protected by the QUEEN OF HEAVEN the SCAPULARE is my dog tag the ROSARY is my sword My shield? --GOD himself !More
the command of ARCHANGEL MICHAEL protected
my dog tag the ROSARY is my sword
My shield? --GOD himself !


Bergolio, did you read that, you cannot be a Mason and a Catholic at the same time, for all that you do of the acts of worship are invalid & fake , you have to repent.


The Fifteen Promises of Mary to Christians Who Pray the Holy Rosary.

The Fifteen Promises of Mary to Christians Who Pray the Rosary

Daily Rosary + Make Sacrifices to save souls !!!!! “Say the Rosary every day… Pray, pray very much, make sacrifices for sinners, for many …
THE POWER OF THE HOLY ROSARY . There’s no problem, no matter how difficult, that the Rosary can’t solveMore
There’s no problem, no matter how difficult, that the Rosary can’t solve

There’s no problem, no matter how difficult, that the Rosary can’t solve

Sister Lucia, who saw Our Lady in Fatima, says that Mary has given new efficacy to the Rosary in our times. Certain times in our …

. . .

Archbisohp Viganò, “Bergoglio Wants To Demolish The Church”

The Covid measures are “a crime against God and humanity,” writes Archbishop Viganò in a March 25 Statement. He observes that effective Covid treatments and drugs are boycotted, while ineffective …More
The Covid measures are “a crime against God and humanity,” writes Archbishop Viganò in a March 25 Statement.
He observes that effective Covid treatments and drugs are boycotted, while ineffective vaccines, lockdowns and masks are adopted by nearly all nations.
Therefore, Viganò believes that an "artfully provoked pseudo-pandemic" has been used as a tool in order to plan a general crisis.
Viganò sees "a single script under a single direction" in collaboration with politicians, scientists, bishops, journalists and intellectuals. Their goal is to make the "Great Reset" inevitable in order to pass from the Kingdom of Christ to the Kingdom of the Antichrist, from a virtuous society that punishes evildoers to a wicked society that punishes the good.
Ecumenism also shows today its anti-christic charge by incorporating false religions into a pantheon and proscribing the Catholic Religion, Viganò analyses. He expects that Catholics will soon be considered criminals.
Presently, Viganò sees a …More


Una vocazione. Una missione proibitiva. Lui, scelto e crocifisso da Dio stesso per issare lo stendardo del trionfo del Cuore Immacolato di Maria e di Santa Romana Chiesa. È lui che, unito in modo unico …More
Una vocazione.
Una missione proibitiva.
Lui, scelto e crocifisso da Dio stesso per issare lo stendardo del trionfo del Cuore Immacolato di Maria e di Santa Romana Chiesa.
È lui che, unito in modo unico e singolare a Benedetto XVI, scandalizzerà i suoi nemici sconfiggendoli come solo Dio sa fare per decretare la Sua impensabile, umanamente parlando, vittoria sull'Anticristo.
E così, un sacerdozio che agli occhi del mondo risulta perdente perché ritenuto strappato dalla comunione con Santa Romana Chiesa sarà, dalle Mani Immacolate della Divina Condottiera, scagliato come lama affilata sulle lingue velenose degli apostati e diverrà,come la Pietra, ricostruttore dello Spirito Cattolico che, mai e poi mai, conoscerà il suo tramonto.
Dio stesso ha innalzato il suo sacerdozio sul legno della croce affinché chiunque voglia restare cattolico si unisca a lui.
La Corredentrice l' ha decretato.
La croce lo ha immolato. Questa è la sua proibitiva missione.

Piano massonico per la distruzione della Chiesa Cattolica

Un prete francese che ha abiurato la sua appartenenza alla Massoneria, ha reso noto questo piano massonico che egli seguiva quando faceva parte della sétta. Come abbiamo ricevuto questo documento così …More
Un prete francese che ha abiurato la sua appartenenza alla Massoneria, ha reso noto questo piano massonico che egli seguiva quando faceva parte della sétta. Come abbiamo ricevuto questo documento così lo pubblichiamo, chiedendo ai nostri lettori di offrire, su questo punto, un contributo di discernimento e di ulteriore documentazione.
Direttive del gran Maestro della Massoneria ai Vescovi cattolici massoni, effettive dal 1962. (Aggiornamento del Vaticano II). Tutti i confratelli massoni dovranno riferire sui progressi di queste decisive disposizioni. Rielaborate nell’ottobre 1993 come piano progressivo per lo stadio finale. Tutti i massoni occupati nella Chiesa debbono accoglierle e realizzarle
1 Rimuovete una volta per tutte San Michele, protettore della Chiesa Cattolica da tutte le preghiere all’interno e all’esterno della Santa Messa. Rimuovete le sue statue, affermando che esse distolgono dalla Adorazione di Cristo.
2 Rimuovete gli Esercizi Penitenziali della Quaresima come l’astinenza …More


The DIVISION, FRIENDLY FIRE and INTELLECTUAL ARROGANCE unfolding over the situation with Fr. Altman is sad and destructive. There are those who claim to understand the details of this case with such …More
The DIVISION, FRIENDLY FIRE and INTELLECTUAL ARROGANCE unfolding over the situation with Fr. Altman is sad and destructive. There are those who claim to understand the details of this case with such precision and accuracy. They have read things and heard things and based on their estimation, they have determined that they understand fully what is happening and have become judge and jury. Fellow Catholics are more than willing to throw Fr. Altman under the bus and even celebrate his removal as pastor. For some sick reason it seems to make them feel better.
They applaud themselves for having predicted that this was going to happen. They are so smart. Well go ahead and pat yourselves on the back and relish your little self-congratulatory moment. Make your little arguments, state your opinion and even quote a few things that will also give you reason to feel like a mighty intellectual.
There is a much bigger picture here that should be looked at. Things in our world are changing fast and …More

Viganò: Francis Instrumental For Establishing Kingdom Of Antichrist

Jorge Bergoglio is the spiritual leader of a universal religion, wanted by the globalist ideology in order to cancel the different religions, primarily Catholicism, Archbishop Viganò told Stephen Bannon …More
Jorge Bergoglio is the spiritual leader of a universal religion, wanted by the globalist ideology in order to cancel the different religions, primarily Catholicism, Archbishop Viganò told Stephen Bannon on January 3 (full text here).
Viganò calls Francis a servant of the globalist agenda and Donald Trump an obstacle to it, and therefore, Bergoglio supported Biden's election.
For Viganò, the globalist plan is instrumental for the establishment of "the kingdom of the Antichrist" because it shares its principles, means and ends.
He reminds that those who were speaking years ago about the New World Order were called "conspiracy theorists." Now all world leaders, including Francis, speak about it describing it exactly in the terms used by so-called "conspiracy theorist.”
The globalists pride themselves of being the architects of a New World Order "to the point of admitting the need for a pandemic in order to reach their objectives of social engineering,” Viganò writes.