Sólo Díos basta
Millennials are turning to tarot readings as technology and Brexit have left them feeling 'lost'

Millennials are turning to tarot readings as technology and Brexit have left them feeling 'lost'

Tarot readings have long been met with superstition, often thought to involve mystical powers such as …
The hierarchy of the Church abandoned them at Vatican II . What else would you expect the millennials to do?
Thank you Vatican 2 for destroying the faith of so many.
There is nothing royal about killing.

Meghan Markle is “Pleased” Ireland Voted to Kill Babies in Abortions

British royal bride Meghan Markle waded into the abortion debate Tuesday, supposedly by saying she was “pleased” that Ireland voted …
Of course she is pleased, the result is more dead Catholic babies.
Our Lady of Sorrows
Alexamarie we ALL have a duty to defend the unborn child, who is totally defenceless “The refusal to take sides on great moral issues is itself a …More
Alexamarie we ALL have a duty to defend the unborn child, who is totally defenceless
“The refusal to take sides on great moral issues is itself a decision. It is a silent acquiescence to evil". Fulton Sheen
The Queen may not have been able to stop the law, but she should have abdicated which as a huge Public figure would have had a great impact publicly and shown a great moral truth- the genocide of her nation
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Paul Mankowski on sentimental moralism: We're told that a goldfish has a memory so brief that at the conclusion of each circuit of its bowl it forgets everything it knew at the beginning. I think of …More
Paul Mankowski on sentimental moralism: We're told that a goldfish has a memory so brief that at the conclusion of each circuit of its bowl it forgets everything it knew at the beginning. I think of liberals as moral goldfish, blissfully free of moral memory, who swim about in a ceaselessly changing bath of sentimentalisms. They are often full of moral indignation, but this indignation doesn't derive from moral principles -- from the kind of reasoning that can tell you that this embryo is an intact human being even though it doesn't look like one -- rather their resentments are triggered by emotionally freighted images they take in from the stream of ephemeral pop culture: music, films, videos, and especially television. Historical precedent and philosophical consistency are simply not important. Hence the very same persons who blame the bystanders of 1940 for not taking more risks to derail the Holocaust often oppose (and abusively oppose) those who blockade abortion clinics, even though …More

gold fish & red herrings

By Diogenes (articles ) | Aug 06, 2007 Busted Halo's Bill McGarvey interviews Melinda Henneberger, who, as is her wont, pin-balls all over the theological map as her feelings …
This is great news: Guam is now abortion-free! The country's last abortionist has retired, and no doctor is willing to commit abortions.

No abortion providers on Guam

CLOSE Dr. William Freeman's retirement this year means there aren't any physicians on island providing abortions. Wochit In this Jan. 22, 2017, file photo, the Guam Catholic …

Franics, German Intercommunion Is "Well Done"

Will an intervention from the Vatican be necessary to clarify or will the German bishops have to find an agreement? Pope Francis: This is not a novelty because in the Code of Canon Law, what the German …More
Will an intervention from the Vatican be necessary to clarify or will the German bishops have to find an agreement?
Pope Francis: This is not a novelty because in the Code of Canon Law, what the German bishops were talking about is foreseen: communion in special cases. And, they were looking at the problem of mixed marriages, no? If it is possible or it isn’t possible. And the Code says that the bishop of the particular Church - this word is important, “particular,” if it is of a diocese - must read that. It’s in his hands. This is in the Code.
The German bishops, because they had seen that it wasn’t clear... also some priests did things who weren’t in agreement with the bishop, have wished to study this theme and have made this study that I don’t want to exaggerate, but it was a study of more than a year, and more… it’s more than a year… well done… and the study was restrictive.
What the bishops wanted is to say clearly what is in the Code. And, I read it and said: this is a restrictive …

Racism is "inconsistent" with ABC's "values" - But anti-Catholic bigotry is acceptable

Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on the firing of Roseanne Barr from ABC-TV: Roseanne Barr has been making vile comments for years, so why—all of a sudden—has she crossed the line? In …More
Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on the firing of Roseanne Barr from ABC-TV:
Roseanne Barr has been making vile comments for years, so why—all of a sudden—has she crossed the line? In 1990, when she grabbed her crotch, spit on the ground, and gave a screeching rendition of our national anthem at a baseball game, the cultural elites who now hate her were fine with her stunt. It’s not America bashing they despise—it’s racism.
It sure isn’t anti-Catholicism that bothers them, either. Now that the media are rediscovering some of Barr’s past bigoted statements, they seem to be unaware of, or just don’t care about, her anti-Catholic bigotry.
In 2012, Barr said that Catholic employers should include psychiatric coverage for the children of women workers because the kids “might get molested by Catholic priests.” Two years earlier she said, “I am starting to think that any parent who takes their kids to Catholic churches from now on should lose custody. Taking your kids where you …More

U.S. bishops’ pro-life chair defends denying Communion to pro-abortion politicians

WASHINGTON, D.C., May 24, 2018 (www.lifesitenews.com) – The incoming head of the U.S. bishops’ pro-life efforts defended …

Australian archbishop convicted of concealing child sexual abuse | CatholicHerald.co.uk

Archbishop Philip Wilson of Adelaide (CNS photo/Darren Pateman, EPA) He is the most senior cleric ever convicted …
Archbishop Gänswein, in a soutane with purple sash, indifferently flipped pages of designer frocks until he lingered on a luxurious Madame Grès dress inspired by a Franciscan habit. “They all love that …More
Archbishop Gänswein, in a soutane with purple sash, indifferently flipped pages of designer frocks until he lingered on a luxurious Madame Grès dress inspired by a Franciscan habit.
“They all love that,” Mr. Bolton said of the dress.

How the Met Got the Vatican’s Vestments

From left, Christine Hearst Schwarzman, Donatella Versace and Stephen A. Schwarzman, the C.E.O. of Blackstone, look at a liturgical vestment of Pope Benedict XV,…
In fact, as it turns out, Weigel really isn’t all that alarmed about what some of his fellow conservatives see as confusion and disarray unleashed by the maverick Argentine pope. “This isn’t 1968, or …More
In fact, as it turns out, Weigel really isn’t all that alarmed about what some of his fellow conservatives see as confusion and disarray unleashed by the maverick Argentine pope.
“This isn’t 1968, or 1978, or anything close to it,” Weigel told Crux over a lunch at a popular eatery near the Vatican this week. “There was a lot of ballast put into the system by John Paul II and Benedict XVI, and I think it’s holding up fairly well.”

George Weigel weathering turbulent times with stouthearted friends

ROME – In addition to his reputation as the biographer of St. Pope John Paul II, George Weigel has been known for a long time as one …
"Truth never ages, ideologies have their days numbered." -Pope Benedict XVI
Letter from Pope Francis to Chilean bishops does not reveal whether Osorno Bishop Juan Barros Madrid will keep his job or not.

Pope Francis admits ‘serious mistakes’ in Chile sex abuse case

Vatican City, Apr 11, 2018 / 01:11 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- In a letter addressed to Chile's bishops, Pope Francis admitted to making “serious …
San Atanasio ora pro nobis
Bergoglio exposed as a liar by own advisers on abuse victim 4christum.blogspot.com/…/francis-exposed… Damian ThompsonVerified account @holysmoke 11h11 …More
Bergoglio exposed as a liar by own advisers on abuse victim 4christum.blogspot.com/…/francis-exposed…
Damian ThompsonVerified account @holysmoke 11h11 hours ago
Damian Thompson Retweeted J. Royale
Francis blames his appalling handling of Barros case on 'faulty information', @austeni? Are you serious? What about the letter from a sex abuse victim that Cardinal O’Malley hand-delivered to the Pope? Oh, I forgot, he didn’t bother to read it.
I hope this the first lesson on how to be more careful on your opinions
3 more comments
Vatileaks otra vez. infovaticana.com publicó el Pdf de la Exhortación de mañana. Documento completo. En el español original.More
Vatileaks otra vez.
infovaticana.com publicó el Pdf de la Exhortación de mañana. Documento completo. En el español original.
42 pages
San Atanasio ora pro nobis
si se quiere salvar el alma, este es otro panfleto que es necesario quemar, para no contaminarnos con la herejía bergogliana.
Vatican Leaks Again. infovaticana.com published the Pdf of tomorrow's Exhortation. Full document. In the original Spanish.More
Vatican Leaks Again.
infovaticana.com published the Pdf of tomorrow's Exhortation. Full document. In the original Spanish.
42 pages
Lisi Sterndorfer
The Exhortation is according to the writing style NOT ghostwritten by Archbishop 'Tucho' Fernandez

Holy Scripture about Hell. Undeniable.

Revelation 21:8 8 But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake …More
Revelation 21:8
8 But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.”
Matthew 25:46
46 “Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.”
Psalm 9:17
17 The wicked go down to the realm of the dead, all the nations that forget God.
2 Thessalonians 1:9
9 They will be punished with everlasting destruction and shut out from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his might Matthew 13:50 50 and throw them into the blazing furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Acts 2:27 27 because you will not abandon me to the realm of the dead, you will not let your holy one see decay. Mark 9:43 43 If your hand causes you to stumble, cut it off. It is better for you to enter life maimed than with two hands to go into hell, where the fire never goes out. Jude 1:7 7 In a similar …More

Dolan allows homosexual activists to take St. Patrick's parade in New York

Archdiocese remains silent For the fourth year in a row, openly gay groups will march under their own banner in a parade founded …
Joseph a' Christian
It has been heartbreaking here in ny, Dolan has closed numerous Catholic schools, as poor mothers have pleaded with him to keep these beacons of light …More
It has been heartbreaking here in ny, Dolan has closed numerous Catholic schools, as poor mothers have pleaded with him to keep these beacons of light, these anchors of Catholic community open.
Dolan says there's not enough money to help poor Catholics-their schools, yet he and his cronies sell off our Catholic properties for numerous millions of dollars to pay for the rapes and perversions of his homosexual false priests.
Jesus said, in this world you will have difficulties, yet have kouraje, I the Lord Jesus have overcome this world.
Católicos Apostólicos
🤬 😡 😡
Could they find out how many of its employees support abortion?

UK bishops’ charity hired ex-Oxfam staffer involved in Haiti sex scandal

February 13, 2018 (www.lifesitenews.com) – The official charity of the UK’s Catholic bishops hired a former Oxfam worker who was …
However, when the Italian bishops' conference adopted a new translation of the Bible in 2008, they chose "do not abandon us in temptation" for the Lord's Prayer both in Matthew 6 and Luke 11. The …More
However, when the Italian bishops' conference adopted a new translation of the Bible in 2008, they chose "do not abandon us in temptation" for the Lord's Prayer both in Matthew 6 and Luke 11. The Lectionary also contains the change and received Vatican approval.
The conference has now called for an extraordinary assembly of bishops to meet Nov. 12-14 to discuss and approve the third edition of the missal, which would use the changed wording of the Lord's Prayer for Mass and other liturgical rites.

Germans stick with wording; Italians to change at Mass

ROME (CNS) -- After special study, the German bishops' conference decided to stick with the traditional wording in the Lord's Prayer while the …

Jesuit, a Dominican, and a Franciscan have a vision of the Holy Family

A Jesuit, a Dominican, and a Franciscan were walking around the cloister of an old monastery while they were on retreat, talking about the greatness of their respective founding saints and orders, when …More
A Jesuit, a Dominican, and a Franciscan were walking around the cloister of an old monastery while they were on retreat, talking about the greatness of their respective founding saints and orders, when suddenly the Holy Family appeared in front of them: the Child Jesus was resting in a manger, while Mary and Joseph watched over Him.
The Franciscan immediately fell on his face: “Oh, brothers,” he said “let us marvel at the sight of God’s humbleness, who was willing to be born in such poverty.”
The Dominican fell to his knees: “Brothers, let us meditate on the beautiful reflection of the Trinity in the Holy Family.”
The Jesuit walked up to Joseph, put his arm around his shoulder, and said, “So, have you thought about where to send the boy to school?”

Three Catholic Jokes - about Franciscans, Jesuits and Dominicans

A Franciscan and a Jesuit were close friends since the days in which they had both been novices. They were both smokers, and found it difficult to pray or study for more than an hour without having a …More
A Franciscan and a Jesuit were close friends since the days in which they had both been novices. They were both smokers, and found it difficult to pray or study for more than an hour without having a “ciggie break.” Faced with such difficulty, they decided to go to their superiors and ask them for permission to smoke.
When they met again, the Franciscan was somehow conflicted: “I asked my superior if I could smoke while I pray and he said I couldn’t,” he told the Jesuit.
“You asked the wrong question, my friend,” the Jesuit replied. “I asked mine if I could pray while I smoke. He said ‘of course!’”
A Franciscan, a Dominican, and a Jesuit were sitting together, studying in a room, when suddenly the lights went out.
“My brothers, let us take this opportunity to meditate on how much we owe to our sister, the light, a gift from our Lord,” the Franciscan said.
“Yes, but let us also take this opportunity to think deeply and write on the difference between light and dark,” the Dominican added. …More

Sacramento bishop declares Roe v Wade anniversary a Diocesan Day of Reparation

Dear Friends in Christ: January 22, 2018 marks the 45th anniversary of the lamentable 1973 U.S. Supreme Court Decision, Roe v. Wade. In prayerful observance, I designate January 22, 2018 as a Diocesan …More
Dear Friends in Christ:
January 22, 2018 marks the 45th anniversary of the lamentable 1973 U.S. Supreme Court Decision, Roe v. Wade. In prayerful observance, I designate January 22, 2018 as a Diocesan Day of Reparation.
I ask our clergy and laity to join me in cooperating with God’s merciful grace in these ways:
January 20/21: clergy are asked to 1) pray and preach for a merciful end to abortion and a revived promotion of the gospel of life, and 2) encourage all to observe the January 22 Diocesan Day of Reparation.
January 22: all are asked to observe this Day of Reparation through fasting, prayer, penance and works of mercy.
January 22: all are invited to attend the 12:10 p.m. Cathedral Mass and priests are invited to concelebrate with me.
January 22/23: middle and high school students are invited to attend the Choose Life educational program in either Sacramento (1/22) or Yuba City (1/23)
January 27: all are encouraged to participate in the Walk for Life West Coast in San Francisco. …More
The secret about Roe v. Wade which the main medias hide the most, is the Real life of the Lady who's behind the nickname "Roe", her reconciliation with …More
The secret about Roe v. Wade which the main medias hide the most, is the Real life of the Lady who's behind the nickname "Roe", her reconciliation with our Holy Mother Church, her penitance and conversion to an absolut supporter of Prolife.