Fides Et Ratio

Preparing for Eternal Life VI - Fides et Ratio

Appendix Resource 1 What do we hope to hear at the end of our life? In order not to miss important points and to make them more readily accessible when …

Father Mark White Blog

Mid-January 1988. A Washington real-estate developer with Kirk White for his lawyer handed our dad an envelope, after they finished talking about something. The envelope contained …

Shepherds of Souls or Keepers of Secrets?

An independent investigation into the German Diocese of Trier’s handling of sex abuse allegations recently made headlines after concluding that “successive …

Preparing for Eternal Life V - Fides et Ratio

Final Practical Considerations. Moment of passing, soul must be 100% detached to freely give to eternity. Finally detach know their loved are content to …

Catholic Charities & Coaching Illegals? - Fides et Ratio

Catholic Charities USA, the organization dedicated to carrying out the domestic humanitarian work of the Catholic Church in the United States, …

Preparing for Eternal Life IV - Fides et Ratio

Apostolic Blessing :…

Precinct Voting & No Machines - Fides et Ratio

As a frustrated citizen, I stand before you to emphasize the importance of returning to precinct voting & paper ballot voting systems by the next election …

Vigano a Herald - Fides et Ratio

Three years ago I was among the first – and certainly the first Bishop – to denounce pandemic and vaccination fraud. Expressed with arguments that today emerge as true …
Sean Johnson
In the old days, Vigano would have been to the SSPX what +de Mayer was to +Lefebvre: Their strongest ally. But today, they dare not make an ally of an …More
In the old days, Vigano would have been to the SSPX what +de Mayer was to +Lefebvre: Their strongest ally. But today, they dare not make an ally of an enemy of Francis, lest he revoke all the concessions he made to entice them into a de facto “recognition of tolerance ad tempus” (ie., probation based upon “good behavior”) for the capture and dissolution of traditional resistance to the conciliar revolution. So Vigano remains persona non grata to the neo-SSPX, which prefers to hitch their conciliar-bound wagon to more favorably viewed bishops like Hounder, Schneider, et al, who remain attached to saving the council (and therefore are still useful to Francis, whatever else they might say that sounds traditional).

Preparing for Eternal Life III - Fides et Ratio

Practical Steps Catholics can take to Prepare for Eternal Life. These steps dispose our hearts to receive the graces promised by the devotion of the Sacred …

Preparing for Eternal Life II - Fides et Ratio

He is a spiritual father; a protector and provider; a pattern for a life hidden in Christ and cloaked in docility. His divine call by God the Father was a …

Catholic Charities child sex trafficking. I will NOT cooperate. Excommunication?

I’ve been saying this for years now. I don’t do church collections for the NGO (non-governmental organization) called …
Father Karl A Claver
By aiding illegal aliens, the Church is supporting sex slavery, kidnapping, drug use, murder and other criminal behavior. Such corruption is demonic. …More
By aiding illegal aliens, the Church is supporting sex slavery, kidnapping, drug use, murder and other criminal behavior. Such corruption is demonic. Shame on Catholic Charities.
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Preparing for Eternal Life I - Fides et Ratio

Month of JuneSacred Heart of Jesus Feast Day June 7, 2024 first Friday after Corpus Christi octave, movable feast Burning furnace of charity Father’s Day,…

True Devotion to Mary IX - Fides et Ratio

Tammy Petersen encounter with Our Lady, power of the rosary, was cured of her incurable cancer. there are other videos as well Faith precedes understanding. St …

After ‘Jewish’ accusations, San Antonio says archbishop's Twitter is ‘personal account’

The Archdiocese of San Antonio has distanced itself from statements made on by Archbishop Gustavo García …
Jeffrey Ade
@V.R.S. You are always listening! God bless you! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
The SA bishop meets famous American liberty of speech 😂 And the linked article is quite funny, in particular articles of faith of the authors mixed …More
The SA bishop meets famous American liberty of speech 😂
And the linked article is quite funny, in particular articles of faith of the authors mixed with the relation:
"Recent years have seen a rise in antisemitism, which has been condemned by USCCB leaders."
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True Devotion to Mary VIII - Fides et Ratio

Month of May find a way to honor our Mother & Queen. One suggestion is to have a family procession in one’s home, singing of Marian songs, crowning of Mary’s …

Priest Publicly Challenges Bishops To Defend Sacred Tradition

Plus: Weekend Update Full text of letter: 18 February 2024 To the Catholic Bishops: The truth of our much lamented position as the Church …

Open Letter to the Catholic Bishops

18 February 2024 To the Catholic Bishops: The truth of our much lamented position as the Church is in the sacramental records. This is specifically found in the change of the priest to faithful ratio …More
18 February 2024
To the Catholic Bishops:
The truth of our much lamented position as the Church is in the sacramental records. This is specifically found in the change of the priest to faithful ratio over the last 54 years. This ratio is as telling as it gets. Obviously, the lower the priest to faithful ratio, the more the Mystical Body of Christ is served. The larger the ratio, the harder it becomes for the faithful to go to Mass, have their Confessions heard, or to have a meaningful contact with priests at all.
In 1970, the year that the Novus Ordo Mass was introduced, we had 59,192 USA priests and around 52 million Catholics or about 1:881. Today we have around 28,000 priests and 72 million Catholics or about 1:2,571. We have 1/3 the priests that we had right after the unexpected innovation of the Novus Ordo Mass. In the 5 plus decades since 1970, the ratio of priests to faithful has never gotten better; it keeps cratering.
The Catholic Church is in dire straits. In the 1950’s we had …More

True Devotion to Mary VI - Fides et Ratio

Servant vs Slave #69 Here on earth there are two ways of belonging to another and of depending on his authority: namely, simple service and slavery, whence we …

True Devotion to Mary V - Fides et Ratio

XIV. Historical Context Personal struggle with the word slave/ historical context France (1600’s) post Luther, pre-French Revolution of 1789-1799 Warren Carroll …

True Devotion to Mary IV - Fides et Ratio

XII. Outline of Treatise, small work (same as Montfort’s process of “total consecration” has seven elements and effects: knowledge of one’s unworthiness, …