Worker Bee
Worker Bee shares from Wilma Lopez
This is a beautiful scene, for who have eyes to see.
Witnesses for the unborn in New York.
Thank you Lord for your brave children.
chris griffin
Heros all
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Worker Bee shares from Wilma Lopez
Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel stabbed multiple times in Sydney’s west during mass!!! Here he was speaking about his trip to the Gaza strip 💔
Hamas is EVIL, but the poor people of Palestine are not. Hamas is using innocent people as shields. Like satan does.
Worker Bee shares from Tom Morelli
Motivation vs. Discipline
Worker Bee shares from Tom Morelli
Dawn T Rooker
Worker Bee shares from Flavio Raposo

𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐱𝐮𝐚𝐥𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐛𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥𝐬

Saint Catherine of Siena, the great 14th century religious mystic, transmitted the words of Our Lord Jesus Christ about the sin of homosexuality, which contaminated some of the clergy in her time. …More
Saint Catherine of Siena, the great 14th century religious mystic, transmitted the words of Our Lord Jesus Christ about the sin of homosexuality, which contaminated some of the clergy in her time.
Referring to sacred ministers who committed this sin, Our Lord told her:
"They [the homosexuals] not only fail from resisting the weakness [of fallen human nature] .... but they do even worse when they commit the cursed sin against nature. Like the blind and stupid, having dimmed the light of their understanding, they do not recognize the disease and misery in which they find themselves. For this not only causes Me nausea, but is disgusting even to the devils themselves whom these depraved creatures have chosen as their lords."
"For Me this sin against nature is so abominable that for it alone five cities were destroyed by virtue of the judgment of My Divine Justice, which could no longer bear their iniquity ...."

It is disgusting to the devils not because evil displeases them or because they …More
Worker Bee shares from De Profundis
Eucharistiefeier auf dem Pappe-Altar. Auf dem Foto zelebriert Don Albano Allocco mit in der Ukraine. Mehr hier: Diocesi di Torino (e Susa) alla conta, "boariniani" alla prova del voto
Worker Bee shares from Polska Onuca
COVID-19 Vaccine Provider Incentive Program...
The Life of Sister Wilhelmina Lancaster | EWTN News In Depth June 2, 2023 The abbess of the Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles speaks with reporter Catherine Hadro about Sister Wilhelmina’s life …More
The Life of Sister Wilhelmina Lancaster | EWTN News In Depth June 2, 2023
The abbess of the Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles speaks with reporter Catherine Hadro about Sister Wilhelmina’s life and her experience when the foundresses’ remains were exhumed.
Hosted by Montse Alvarado, EWTN News In Depth welcomes guests in a discussion of current events in the Church, politics, and culture, all through the lens of the Catholic faith.
This show is about finding out who we are as people and as Catholics, and how we can confidently live our faith in the world. It is produced by EWTN News:
EWTN News In Depth airs on EWTN Fridays at 8pm ET. It re-airs on Saturdays at 1am ET & Sundays at 11am ET
------------ Sign up today to receive the EWTN News In Depth newsletter: EWTN News In Depth | EWTN ------------- Follow EWTN News In Depth on Social Media: Facebook: EWTN News In Depth Twitter: EWTN News In Depth (@EWTNNewsInDepth) / Twitter Instagram: …More
Worker Bee shares from Tom Morelli
Worker Bee shares from Laura K K
The Matrix Resurrections [2021]
Worker Bee shares from Live Mike
The Restrainer / Katechon, Pope Benedict XVI, and St. Michael the Archangel: A Possible Interpretation by Fr. Philip Wolfe, F.S.S.P. (edited) Unedited source:…More
The Restrainer / Katechon, Pope Benedict XVI, and St. Michael the Archangel: A Possible Interpretation by Fr. Philip Wolfe, F.S.S.P. (edited)
Unedited source:
Worker Bee shares from Irapuato
Psalm 27 "Thy Face, O Lord, I still seek".... 8My heart hath said to thee: My face hath sought thee: thy face, O Lord, will I still seek.More
Psalm 27 "Thy Face, O Lord, I still seek"....
8My heart hath said to thee: My face hath sought thee: thy face, O Lord, will I still seek.
Worker Bee shares from Irapuato
Blessed Anna Katharina Emmerick: 23. The Balsam Garden On the next day, the Holy Family continued their journey through a sandy, desolate wilderness. Famishing for water and exhausted by weariness, …More
Blessed Anna Katharina Emmerick: 23. The Balsam Garden
On the next day, the Holy Family continued their journey through a sandy, desolate wilderness. Famishing for water and exhausted by weariness, they sat down on one of the sand hills, and the Blessed Virgin sent up a cry to God. Suddenly, a stream of pure water gushed forth at her side. Joseph removed the sand hill that was over it, and a clear, beautiful, little fountain jetted up. He made a channel for it, and it flowed over quite a large space, disappearing again near its source. Here they refreshed themselves, and Mary bathed the Child Jesus, while Joseph gave drink to the ass and filled the water bottles. I saw all kinds of animals like turtles drinking at the gushing waters. They did not appear at all afraid of the Holy Family.
The soil over which the water had flowed soon began to clothe itself with verdure, and numbers of balsam trees afterward grew there. When the Holy Family returned from Egypt, those trees were large enough …More
Worker Bee shares from DefendTruth
All it takes is like 5 seconds for Joe Biden to forget he shook Chuck Schumer’s hand. Scary.
Worker Bee shares from TFP Student Action
The Submerged Cathedral Will Rise Again & Triumph Against Hell According to a French legend, not far off the Coast of Brittany, an ancient city was buried beneath the waters by a mysterious cataclysm. …More
The Submerged Cathedral Will Rise Again & Triumph Against Hell
According to a French legend, not far off the Coast of Brittany, an ancient city was buried beneath the waters by a mysterious cataclysm.
The local fishermen say that when the tide is low on some moonlit nights, the majestic bell tower of a submerged cathedral appears amid the waves.
And suddenly, over the crashing of the waves, you can hear the distant but solemn pealing of bells that call to mind the splendor of a glorious and holy past. When the surf is calm, the faint but sublime strains of Gregorian Chant or the melodious notes of an organ drift across the sea.
The fishermen say that one day the cathedral will return to dry land even more beautiful, as it is kept unscathed under the waves.
Looking at the present crisis, many souls may feel sadness in the depths of their hearts as they see all that is truly Catholic submerged beneath the waters of an unprecedented cataclysm.
Nevertheless, although impiety appears to …More
Worker Bee shares from DefendTruth
From the all-inclusive church
Worker Bee shares from Sally Dorman
All about the name.
Worker Bee shares from De Profundis
Woman and "birthing person"
Roberto 55
sick brain...
Worker Bee shares from Servant Of Divine Mercy

FOOD HYPERINFLATION begins in Germany... RIOTS in Sri Lanka... currency collapse and STARVATION coming …

(Natural News) The people of Germany awoke to food hyperinflation today, with retail grocery prices …