Return To Tradition
Archbishop Vigano makes a huge announcement: real, concrete action in the fight for the Church
Archbishop Vigano offers a blistering rebuke of the sodomites in the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence and words of support and encouragement for those protesting them today
The Vatican Tries To Silence Good Bishops With New Social Media Decree
Bonnie Louise
Good job breaking down the "message" from Rome Anthony.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
It'll backfire on them badly. Down with Pope Francis and his homo Vatican. Let the revolution against him begin!!!!
Our Lady of Lourdes And The Warning For All Catholics | Pius XII Today is the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. Pius XII told the world of the hidden message of Lourdes.More
Our Lady of Lourdes And The Warning For All Catholics | Pius XII
Today is the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. Pius XII told the world of the hidden message of Lourdes.
Wilma Lopez shares this
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Vigano: The Death Of Benedict XVI & The Devastation of Vatican 2 Archbishop Vigano has weighed in on the death of Benedict XVI, as expected. How does his sermon compare to what Pope Francis delivered …More
Vigano: The Death Of Benedict XVI & The Devastation of Vatican 2
Archbishop Vigano has weighed in on the death of Benedict XVI, as expected. How does his sermon compare to what Pope Francis delivered today?
Jesuits Attack Benedict XVI With No Shame Or Self AwarenessMore
Jesuits Attack Benedict XVI With No Shame Or Self Awareness
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
That Jesuit priest who "forgives Benedict" , Thomas Reese, SJ, is probably gay. Just like his pal James Martin SJ,
The hubris of that author - he forgives Pope Benedict! 😡 These self-entitled narcissists! Oh, I bet they call for total obedience to Francis. Why …More
The hubris of that author - he forgives Pope Benedict! 😡 These self-entitled narcissists! Oh, I bet they call for total obedience to Francis. Why the difference? Because he agrees with them.
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Schneider & Muller: Don't Let Them Change The Faith! Two of the better bishops try to rally the laity to resist the attempts by the Modernists to further change the faith.More
Schneider & Muller: Don't Let Them Change The Faith!
Two of the better bishops try to rally the laity to resist the attempts by the Modernists to further change the faith.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
There will be an enormous tidal wave of support for these good bishops and Cardinals. Francis and his agenda will be wrecked.
Novena - Oremus shares this
"We see these [negative, devastating] effects now under Francis and they have been visible for decades in the Church"
Francis Protects A Nun Molester. Why? Why would Francis protect a nun molester from automatic excommunication?More
Francis Protects A Nun Molester. Why?
Why would Francis protect a nun molester from automatic excommunication?
But it is proven?
perceo3 shares this
Francis Protects A Nun Molester. Why? Why would Francis protect a nun molester from automatic excommunication?More
Francis Protects A Nun Molester. Why?
Why would Francis protect a nun molester from automatic excommunication?
Malachi Martin: The Vatican Used A FAKE SISTER LUCIA To Bury The Fatima Message
An IMPOSTER BENEDICT XVI?! We now know that someone is impersonating Benedict XVI, writing fake letters in his name. Who's doing it and for what reason?More
We now know that someone is impersonating Benedict XVI, writing fake letters in his name. Who's doing it and for what reason?
Good Priest CANCELED BY LAITY For Being Too RIGIDLY Catholic! Traditionalist priest in India canceled by the Laity for being too Catholic. Its not only an American problem, folks.More
Good Priest CANCELED BY LAITY For Being Too RIGIDLY Catholic!
Traditionalist priest in India canceled by the Laity for being too Catholic. Its not only an American problem, folks.
De Profundis shares this
Laymen DEMAND Their Bishops STOP WORSHIPING PACHAMAMA Laymen in South America had enough and demanded that their Pachamama worshiping bishops and cardinals repent of their idolatry.More
Laymen in South America had enough and demanded that their Pachamama worshiping bishops and cardinals repent of their idolatry.
Sally Dorman shares this
Malki Tzedek
The laity can, and will likely, save the Church. The primary aim for any of the clergy is to get closer to the Lord through His presence in the Eucharist …More
The laity can, and will likely, save the Church. The primary aim for any of the clergy is to get closer to the Lord through His presence in the Eucharist, thereby setting an example for all of us, rather than striving to reach for the top of the hierarchical ladder or parading around toting pagan totems.
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Swiss Bishop: The Church Has Become A "Marketplace Of Heresies" A bishop breaks his silence and tells the world in no uncertain terms: the #SynodOnSynodality #Synod is turning the Church into a "…More
Swiss Bishop: The Church Has Become A "Marketplace Of Heresies"
A bishop breaks his silence and tells the world in no uncertain terms: the #SynodOnSynodality #Synod is turning the Church into a "marketplace of heresies", made all the more obvious by Francis' statements in Bahrain on his #ApostolicJourney
Ursula Sankt
Bishop Eleganti: "We have forgotten that the Church is a “teaching” Church (ecclesia docens), a “mater et magistra,” “mother and teacher” of truth …More
Bishop Eleganti: "We have forgotten that the Church is a “teaching” Church (ecclesia docens), a “mater et magistra,” “mother and teacher” of truth and morality or faith, not a sleepwalker to be taken by the hand by the spirit of the age."
Vatican Cardinal Rallies Faithful Against Rome Approved Heresies Cardinal Gerhard Muller is rallying the faithful to reject there heresies coming out of the Vatican and the Synod of SynodsMore
Vatican Cardinal Rallies Faithful Against Rome Approved Heresies
Cardinal Gerhard Muller is rallying the faithful to reject there heresies coming out of the Vatican and the Synod of Synods
Rare Cardinal Ottaviani: The Virgin Mary CRUSHES Heresy A rarity by Cardinal Ottaviani, on the role the Virgin Mary plays in crushing heresy, a role she has played all throughout the history of the …More
Rare Cardinal Ottaviani: The Virgin Mary CRUSHES Heresy
A rarity by Cardinal Ottaviani, on the role the Virgin Mary plays in crushing heresy, a role she has played all throughout the history of the Church
Seidenspinner shares this
Great quotes
The Regime Is Coming For The Sacrament Of Penance The Enemies of Christ are coming for the seal of confession, calling it a 'loophole' in abuse cases that are being exploited by the ChurchMore
The Regime Is Coming For The Sacrament Of Penance
The Enemies of Christ are coming for the seal of confession, calling it a 'loophole' in abuse cases that are being exploited by the Church
Lisi Sterndorfer shares this
Must watch!
Love these podcasts, Anthony.
Is Schism finally here? the lines are being drawn as the better bishops in the hierarchy begin to sound the alarm about the obvious apostasy in the Church. Is schism upon us?More
Is Schism finally here?
the lines are being drawn as the better bishops in the hierarchy begin to sound the alarm about the obvious apostasy in the Church. Is schism upon us?
The Great American Apostasy The @USCCB just issued its Synodal report that shows just how widespread apostasy is within the institutional Church. Pray and repent.More
The Great American Apostasy
The @USCCB just issued its Synodal report that shows just how widespread apostasy is within the institutional Church. Pray and repent.
Wilma Lopez shares this
Benedict XVI Tried To Warn Us. No One Listened. Benedict XVI tried to warn the faithful about the false Church of prophecy and its pontiff, who may be Francis.More
Benedict XVI Tried To Warn Us. No One Listened.
Benedict XVI tried to warn the faithful about the false Church of prophecy and its pontiff, who may be Francis.
Tony Smith
Anyone who wants to make reference to Benedict XVI as a point of reference should be ignored !
Defeat Modernism
Let us not forget though that Benedict XVI is a modernist and an enemy of the Church as well. He was one of the 'theologians' at Vatican II and he …More
Let us not forget though that Benedict XVI is a modernist and an enemy of the Church as well. He was one of the 'theologians' at Vatican II and he promoted the new counterfeit religion that came out of that council of heresy and apostasy. He is no better than Francis.
Francis Rebuked For Heresy Fr Altman, Bishop Strickland, Bishop Athanasius Schneider, and numerous lay Catholics rebuke Francis for opposing the solemn decrees of he Council of TrentMore
Francis Rebuked For Heresy
Fr Altman, Bishop Strickland, Bishop Athanasius Schneider, and numerous lay Catholics rebuke Francis for opposing the solemn decrees of he Council of Trent
Louis IX
Type in red is not what rebuking a pontiff is, a correction is not passing judgement on a pope. Passing judgement on a pope would entail removing him …More
Type in red is not what rebuking a pontiff is, a correction is not passing judgement on a pope. Passing judgement on a pope would entail removing him from office or penalizing him in some way. No power on Earth can rightfully remove a true pope from his office.