English Catholic
From The Remnant: THE EUGENICS TIME BOMB: A Death Cult from 1921 to Current Day

THE EUGENICS TIME BOMB: A Death Cult from 1921 to Current Day

In Britain in 1921, a eugenic society was founded to create a race of well-formed, well-endowed, beautiful men and women. The Society for …
English Catholic
In Britain in 1921, a eugenic society was founded to create a race of well-formed, well-endowed, beautiful men and women. The Society for Constructive …More
In Britain in 1921, a eugenic society was founded to create a race of well-formed, well-endowed, beautiful men and women. The Society for Constructive Birth Control and Racial Progress, founded by Marie Stopes (later known as the UK’s Margaret Sanger) aimed to increase the offspring of the wise, healthy and well-to-do while reducing the progeny of the poor, weak and unemployed. It lobbied Parliament to pass laws to compulsorily sterilize "undesirables" and set up a clinic to achieve the "reduction of the birth rate at the wrong part and increase of the birth rate at the right end of the social scale."
Marie Stopes was opposed by a Catholic, Dr. Halliday Sutherland, who fought her all the way to the highest courts and won, but Stopes’ work lives on, though the eugenicists of today have changed their name and mask their agendas with promises of paradise, convenience, and the greater good.
The connection between these early eugenics societies and the bill and Melinda Gates foundation is …More
Tom Morelli
Piast Kołodziej

O. John Bashobora – Gdańsk cz.5

Wilma Lopez shares from en.news
Catholic leaders join French bishops in condemning Last Supper scene at Paris Olympics opening

Vatican Official Protests Olympics at French Embassy

The Paris Olympics are facing a massive condemnation after an apparent homosexual mockery of the Last Supper. Even many bishops are among the critics. Selected statements. Homosexual activist Charles …More
The Paris Olympics are facing a massive condemnation after an apparent homosexual mockery of the Last Supper. Even many bishops are among the critics. Selected statements.
Homosexual activist Charles Scicluna, Archbishop of Malta and also an adjunct secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, sent a message to the French ambassador in Malta: "I would like to express my distress and great disappointment at the insult to us Christians during the opening ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympics when a group of drag artists parodied the Last Supper of Jesus."
TV scriptwriter Gareth Roberts, Spectator.co.uk: "This wasn’t French at all, but a display of American cultural imperialism, the goading and the power display of wokeness, establishing the new sacred – transgenderism, multiculturalism – and repudiating and mocking the old. […] Director Thomas Jolly apparently said beforehand of his opus, ‘I wanted everyone to feel represented’. This is a telling remark. Because ‘everyone …More

Top Transgender Health Group Said Hormones, Surgeries Were 'Medically Necessary' So That Insurance …

The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) asserted that cross-sex hormones …
Everyday for Life Canada
So, the bottom line is that to collect insurance money the human body must be mutilated. What happened to medical ethics?

Eating bugs is dangerous!

Humans are not made to eat bugs. Bugs have shells that rip up our intestines. Crayfish can be eaten, but they have to be boiled in salty water to get rid of all the waste products (toxins that make you …More
Humans are not made to eat bugs. Bugs have shells that rip up our intestines. Crayfish can be eaten, but they have to be boiled in salty water to get rid of all the waste products (toxins that make you sick) before they are cooked. You cannot detox bugs. Bugs are also full of parasites and fungus that can harm you. In effect, the New World Order elites (like Schwab) just want you to die horrible deaths.
Sick from ze Bugs?
THE AMERICAN JOURNAL [FULL] Friday 7/26/24 • ‘Massive Arson Attacks’ Sabotage French Railways During Olympics
Please don't be gullible fools who fall for anything. Of course, the jab and global warming show how gullible and idiotic people can be. Jesus said people were like sheep without a shepherd. Jesus established his Church to lead them. The world is led by satan.

German publisher drops Vance’s book Hillbilly Elegy over alliance with Trump – Allah's Willing …

German publishing house Ullstein Buchverlage has sparked outrage by deciding against a reprint of …

Proverbs 22 Wisdom, Wealth and Moral Instruction IV - Fides et Ratio

V7 The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is the slave of the lender. Dave Ramsey favorite quotes and it is abundantly true.…
Peri Mall
Agenda 2030
Každá vláda? Každá vláda, okrem Slovenska! Vivat spasiteľ Fico!
Everyday for Life Canada
If we scrapped the United Nations, the world would soon be a better place. Ditto for the WHO, the WEF and every other entity that serves the globalists …More
If we scrapped the United Nations, the world would soon be a better place. Ditto for the WHO, the WEF and every other entity that serves the globalists and the elites at the expense and exploitation of ordinary people around the globe.
Canon 212
July 26, 2024: Things are So Bad That Something Hopeful Must Be Brewing
E A O'Hora
have a blessed weekend Frank & family
Naomi Arai
Thanks Frank!
The Poems of Goethe, translated in the original metres by Edgar Alfred Bowring, C.B.
476 pages
EVIL MUSIC = CULTURE OF DEATH 100%real proofMore
It’s almost always working class men (of color) who have to clean up behind the graffiti of liberal elites: climate change, Gaza protests on college campuses, etc. Put that in the slow cooker…
In Summa Theologiae II-II.13.3, St. Thomas Aquinas approvingly quotes an authority who judges that “in comparison with blasphemy, every sin is slight,” and he then goes on to say the following:

Top LGBT group declared ‘transitions’ were ‘medically necessary’ to manipulate insurance companies …

An influential transgender activist group known as the “World Professional Association for Transgender …
Swiss Bishop Says COVID Shots Did ‘Great Damage’ to Millions

Swiss Bishop Says COVID Shots Did ‘Great Damage’ to Millions

Swiss Bishop Marian Eleganti said that people “were exposed to a great […] human experiment” during the COVID crisis in an exclusive interview …
SSPX need to admit this!
correction: "did" should read "is doing"
'Monster' fires may have destroyed half of historic Canadian town
Roberto 55
Jasper looks like Lahaina2.... same scenario?
According to Traditionis Custodes this is just as beautiful as the original
Josefa Menendez
Josefa Menendez
Van a tener que responsabilizarse ante Jesús por lo que están haciendo
Abortion rate in the England & Wales, 2011 - 2021.
chris griffin
This shows about 1.3 MILLION babies crying out to God for vengeance.