End of Free Speech and Political Persecution in Brazil – Allah's Willing Executioners

Dictatorship of the Robe: In Brazil, the judiciary is accused of repressing opponents. Freedom of speech has become …
Trusting In God Makes All The Difference Latin Mass Homily by Fr. Robert Altier for 8-31-2024 Fr Altier is a Priest at Holy Trinity Parish in South St. Paul You can also find Fr …More
Trusting In God Makes All The Difference
Latin Mass Homily by Fr. Robert Altier for 8-31-2024
Fr Altier is a Priest at Holy Trinity Parish in South St. Paul
You can also find Fr. Robert Altier’s homilies and talks on:
Gab: Catholic Parents OnLine (@CatholicParentsOnLine
Gettr: Catholic Parents OnLine on GETTR
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Rumble: CatholicParentsOnLine Spiritustv: Catholic Parents OnLine | SpiritusTV Twitter: For access to a library of talks by Fr. Robert Altier go to: CPO Premium Streaming Media To order Fr. Altier's book, "God's Plan for Your Marriage" go to the website: God's Plan For Your Marriage Book – God's Plan For Your Marriage Book An Exploration of Holy Matrimony from Genesis to the Wedding of the Lamb by Father Robert Altier.

Bishop Strickland: Catholics cannot support Democrats because they are the ‘party of death’

Bishop Strickland: Catholics cannot support Democrats because they are the 'party of death' On Part 1 of this …
John Paul II's Visit to Papua New Guinea | Apostolic Journey to South East Asia and Oceania Saint John Paul II first visited Papua New Guinea in 1984 during his 21st Apostolic Journey and he visited …More
John Paul II's Visit to Papua New Guinea | Apostolic Journey to South East Asia and Oceania
Saint John Paul II first visited Papua New Guinea in 1984 during his 21st Apostolic Journey and he visited again on his 63rd Apostolic Journey in 1995. During the second visit, the Pontiff beatified Peter To Rot, the first Blessed of Papua New Guinea, in a Eucharistic Concelebration. Pope Francis will visit Papua New Guinea this year, on his 45th Apostolic Journey. Watch the LIVE coverage of the Apostolic Journey to Southeast Asia and Oceania on Shalom World!
This lady is a New Age lunatic nut job. She believes 9/11 was caused by the unleashing of "Free Energy." 9/11 was caused by a group of Islamic terrorists …More
This lady is a New Age lunatic nut job. She believes 9/11 was caused by the unleashing of "Free Energy." 9/11 was caused by a group of Islamic terrorists orchestrated by Osama bin Laden.
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All Saints

Catholics first

We’ve been enthusiastic supporters of Trump-Vance. We’ve argued that the threat of Kamala Harris – the most vile and aggressive enemy of everything we hold sacred – poses an existential …
Jeffrey Ade
Trump is evil, Vance is evil. Voting for them is a PSYOP generating your consent to be ruled by them. Our Lady of Fatima, clearly stated "only I can …More
Trump is evil, Vance is evil. Voting for them is a PSYOP generating your consent to be ruled by them. Our Lady of Fatima, clearly stated "only I can help you!" Hopefully Catholics can make the Five First Saturdays, and make reparation for the sins against the Immaculate Heart of Mary and appease God's wrath. Only that will save America. Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
Irapuato shares from Irapuato
September 1 - Saint GilesMore
September 1 - Saint Giles
September 1 - Saint Giles breski1 Aegidius, Aegidus, Aigeides, Aigigios, Egidio, Egidius, Egydius, Gil, Gilg, Gilgen, Gilgian, Gilles, Ilg, Ilgen, Jilg Memorial 1 September Profile Born to a wealthy …More
September 1 - Saint Giles breski1
Aegidius, Aegidus, Aigeides, Aigigios, Egidio, Egidius, Egydius, Gil, Gilg, Gilgen, Gilgian, Gilles, Ilg, Ilgen, Jilg
1 September
Born to a wealthy noble family, when his parents died, Giles gave his fortune to help the poor. Known as a miracle worker. To avoid followers and adulation, he left Greece c.683 for France where he lived as a hermit in a cave in the diocese of Nimes, a cave whose mouth was guarded by a thick thorn bush, and a lifestyle so impoverished that, legend says, God sent a deer to Giles to nourish him with her milk.
One day after he had lived there for several years in meditation, a royal hunting party chased the hind into Giles’ cave. One hunter shot an arrow into the thorn bush, hoping to hit the deer, but instead hit Giles in the leg, crippling him. The king sent doctors to care for hermit‘s wound, and though Giles begged to be left alone, the king came often to see him.
From this, Gile’s fame …More
etirol 𝕊 @MEtirol The multiple Oscar winner Oliver Stone The US's plan is to dismantle Russia in its current form. The NeoCons are aiming to overthrow Putin and install a figurehead like Yeltsin in …More
etirol 𝕊
The multiple Oscar winner Oliver Stone
The US's plan is to dismantle Russia in its current form. The NeoCons are aiming to overthrow Putin and install a figurehead like Yeltsin in his place. That's a pretty crazy idea. It's not going to happen. The US will never pull this off without a direct war, and that means nothing less than suicide for the US.
The USA is fighting for world supremacy and doesn't realise that it has already lost it. The world is multipolar. The USA can no longer reverse this without blowing up the whole world in the process. People in the USA don't realise how dangerous it all is.

Francis' Septemper Prayer Intention: "For the Cry of the Earth"

On August 30, Francis published his prayer intentions for September, entitled "For the cry of the earth". Only pagans personalise the earth. Francis writes: "Let us pray that each of us may listen with …More
On August 30, Francis published his prayer intentions for September, entitled "For the cry of the earth". Only pagans personalise the earth.
Francis writes: "Let us pray that each of us may listen with our hearts to the cry of the earth and of the victims of environmental disasters and climate change, and make a personal commitment to care for the world we inhabit."
In an accompanying video, Francis speaks of a [man-made] rise in temperatures around the globe that is like a "fever".
The earth "is sick," he continues, "just like anyone who’s sick".
"But are we listening to this pain?"
Clement Jaeho Chung
Shut up!! Crazy Old man!!!!! we are not to Environment NGO!!!! of course we must protect to our environment!!! but, but it's not to our first duty!! …More
Shut up!! Crazy Old man!!!!! we are not to Environment NGO!!!! of course we must protect to our environment!!! but, but it's not to our first duty!! our first duty is saving to all People's Soul!!! and spread to Truth!!!! but Bergoglio and Bergoglian ignore to this first duty!! before saying about climate alarmism!! this group must saying about all Christian Persecution!!! and against to LGBT Ideologies, indiscrimition Abortion!!! but Bergoglio and Bergoglian agree to this wrong agenda too!! so disgusting!!!! really, really I strongly saying!! we must stop to Pope Francis's repentance!!!! so stupid prayer!!! if, if Devil's King..Lucifer see pray for his repentance..he will laughing a lot!!!! same to Bergoglio and all Bergoglian's repentance...real repentance way...Bergoglio will must step down...and will have apologize to his wrong actions..and will have silence life...remove to all's real repentance way....but will he has this action?? so low .we must fight to …More
paul grech
Bergoglio is the spawn of Satan - a homosexual mason and communist atheist- a voracious wolf in shepherd's clothing - a usurper of the chair of Peter-…More
Bergoglio is the spawn of Satan - a homosexual mason and communist atheist- a voracious wolf in shepherd's clothing - a usurper of the chair of Peter- a disgrace to humanity.
13 more comments
Servant Of Divine Mercy
"Unusual weather leads to summer snowfall in western mountains of US" (from AP News). "Several Feet of Hail Falls in Colorado in Only 15 Minutes" (from Newsweek). "Scientists warn grocery shelves may …More
"Unusual weather leads to summer snowfall in western mountains of US" (from AP News). "Several Feet of Hail Falls in Colorado in Only 15 Minutes" (from Newsweek). "Scientists warn grocery shelves may soon be missing pantry-staple food" (from Yahoo News). "Global Food Production Is Being Limited by a Lack of Pollinators" (from EcoWatch). Climate intervention operations are inseparable from these equations. The latest installment of Global Alert News

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, August 31, 2024, #473

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, August 31, 2024, #473 Dane Wigington "Unusual weather leads to summer snowfall …
Saint Rose of Lima {August 30} 📖 🎧 Short Lives of the Saints (Volume 2) - May - August By the Rev. Henry Gibson Pages 407-409 Copyright (1897) Book Source: Google BooksMore
Saint Rose of Lima {August 30} 📖 🎧
Short Lives of the Saints (Volume 2) - May - August
By the Rev. Henry Gibson
Pages 407-409
Copyright (1897)
Book Source:
Google Books
Official NASA Documents Confirm Plans for 'Mass Extinction Event' in 2025 Official NASA documents reveal the agency has been preparing for decades to play a leading role in a mass extinction event in …More
Official NASA Documents Confirm Plans for 'Mass Extinction Event' in 2025
Official NASA documents reveal the agency has been preparing for decades to play a leading role in a mass extinction event in 2025 that will lead to the collapse of civilization and the depopulation of the majority of people on planet earth.
During a PowerPoint presentation, NASA’s Chief Scientist Dennis Bushnell outlined plans for a devastating series of inside job terror attacks and biological warfare on US soil against US citizens in 2025 as part of the plot to destroy civilization as we know it.
Alarmingly, many of the details outlined in the NASA PowerPoint presentation have already occurred, indicating that the plans for the mass extinction event are well underway.
Willys B Ramirez shares this
Documentos oficiales de la NASA confirman planes para un "evento de extinción masiva" en 2025 Los documentos oficiales de la NASA revelan que la agencia …More
Documentos oficiales de la NASA confirman planes para un "evento de extinción masiva" en 2025
Los documentos oficiales de la NASA revelan que la agencia se ha estado preparando durante décadas para desempeñar un papel principal en un evento de extinción masiva en 2025 que conducirá al colapso de la civilización y la despoblación de la mayoría de las personas en el planeta Tierra.
Durante una presentación de PowerPoint, el científico jefe de la NASA, Dennis Bushnell, describió los planes para una serie devastadora de ataques terroristas internos y guerra biológica en suelo estadounidense contra ciudadanos estadounidenses en 2025 como parte del complot para destruir la civilización tal como la conocemos.
Es alarmante que muchos de los detalles descritos en la presentación de PowerPoint de la NASA ya se hayan producido, lo que indica que los planes para el evento de extinción masiva están en marcha.
rafaportal shares this
Documentos oficiales de la NASA confirman planes para un "evento de extinción masiva" en 2025 Los documentos oficiales de la NASA revelan que la agencia …More
Documentos oficiales de la NASA confirman planes para un "evento de extinción masiva" en 2025
Los documentos oficiales de la NASA revelan que la agencia se ha estado preparando durante décadas para desempeñar un papel principal en un evento de extinción masiva en 2025 que conducirá al colapso de la civilización y la despoblación de la mayoría de las personas en el planeta Tierra.
Durante una presentación de PowerPoint, el científico jefe de la NASA, Dennis Bushnell, describió los planes para una serie devastadora de ataques terroristas internos y guerra biológica en suelo estadounidense contra ciudadanos estadounidenses en 2025 como parte del complot para destruir la civilización tal como la conocemos.
Es alarmante que muchos de los detalles descritos en la presentación de PowerPoint de la NASA ya se hayan producido, lo que indica que los planes para el evento de extinción masiva están en marcha.
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Wilma Lopez
Protestantism: The Youth Pastor and Senior Pastor at student camp.
Could have just as easily passed for a Catholic Novus Ordo mass somewhere.
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‘They are sending us missionaries of evil’: Clerics lament Western homosexual push in Africa

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Wall Street Apes @WallStreetApes This Is One Of The Most Important Videos You Can Watch American Farmer says he’s tested his soil and it has 5x the amount of aluminum it used to have. The GMO seeds …More
Wall Street Apes
This Is One Of The Most Important Videos You Can Watch American Farmer says he’s tested his soil and it has 5x the amount of aluminum it used to have. The GMO seeds grow fine, all his heirloom seed crops are all the sudden failing (shows proof) Reminder, Bill Gates is creating GMO seeds that grow in aluminum rich soil. I’ve posted the video proof We are being ruled by extremely evil people and one day only their GMO seeds will be the ones that grow. Total control of our food supply.
He who fears the Lord will have a happy end; even on the day of his death he will be blessed. - Sirach 1:11
We should all pray daily to the mighty St. Joseph that our death be a blessed Catholic one.
Jeffrey Ade
Happy thought!


Novena Begins:August 31Feast Day:September 8 Let us begin, In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Holy Child …
I hate how some say; Prayer that never fails. If God does not allow it, our prayer will not be granted, no matter who we ask.
Pierre Henri
Russia’s Lavrov Warns US That World War III Wouldn’t Be Confined to Europe

Russia’s Lavrov Warns US That World War III Wouldn’t Be Confined to Europe

VT Condemns the ETHNIC CLEANSING OF PALESTINIANS by USA/Israel Source: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of …