Germany: Arab killer mocks his victims via video from prison

A German prison as a stage for a killer! Hamada K. (23), who shot and killed an Italian father in Hanover, mocks his own victim in a video. …

The Integrity of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre

The Integrity of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre In this article, Fr. Paul Robinson considers whether Abp. Lefebvre changed his policy on relations with Rome after …
On St. Joan of Arc, and Saint Therese! Vive Christ Le Roi! Vive Marie la Reine!

The Little-Known St. Thérèse

“A French soldier, defender of the Church and admirer of Joan of Arc.” On October 1, the liturgy of the Church celebrates the memory of Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus …
Tina 13
Russia, in New Push, Increasingly Disrupts Ukraine’s Starlink Service Russia has deployed advanced tech to interfere with Elon Musk’s satellite internet service, Ukrainian officials said, leading to …More
Russia, in New Push, Increasingly Disrupts Ukraine’s Starlink Service
Russia has deployed advanced tech to interfere with Elon Musk’s satellite internet service, Ukrainian officials said, leading to more outages on the northern front battle line.

Russia, in New Push, Increasingly Disrupts Ukraine’s Starlink Service

Advertisement SKIP ADVERTISEMENT Just before Russian troops pushed across the Ukrainian northern border this month, members of …
To jam communications from satellites not that hard

The Summa of Theology of Saint Thomas Aquinas volume 1

QUESTION 42 — EQUALITY AND SIMILITUDE BETWEEN DIVINE PERSONS 1. Is there reason to speak of equality between divine Persons? 2. Is the person who proceeds equal in eternity to the person from whom he …More
1. Is there reason to speak of equality between divine Persons?
2. Is the person who proceeds equal in eternity to the person from whom he proceeds?
3. Is there an order between the divine Persons?
4. Are the divine Persons equal in greatness?
5. Are they inside each other?
6. Are they equal in power?
Article 1 — Is there reason to speak of equality between the divine Persons? Objections: 1.
Who says equality, says identical quantity on both sides, according to Aristotle. Now there is no quantity among the divine Persons. No continuous quantity, first: nor intrinsic, or magnitude; nor extrinsic: place or time. Nor is it the discrete quantity, or number, that will give rise to an equality here, because two people are more than one. Therefore, no equality between the divine Persons. 2 . It has already been said: the divine Persons are of unique essence. And we thus signify the essence as a form. However, having the same shape …More

"Is The Pope Catholic?" -- a conference seeking the Truth about the “Two Popes.”

"Is The Pope Catholic?" -- a conference seeking the Truth about the “Two Popes.” "Is The Pope Catholic?" -- a conference …
Reverse engineer Vatican II sect you end up with homosexual Freemasonic/communist mafia that been playing with the Catholic faithfull (eclipse the true …More
Reverse engineer Vatican II sect you end up with homosexual
Freemasonic/communist mafia that been playing with the Catholic faithfull (eclipse the true church)

"Behind the Flag"

My anonymous Twitter troll has seemingly finally moved onto bigger and better things (knock on wood), but in the past, (presumably) he would repeatedly demand I educate myself on the …

Francis in High Spirits For Children's Day - In an Empty Stadium

Francis appeared at Rome's Olympic Stadium on Saturday to kick off a football match as part of the Vatican's celebration of "World Children's Day". The cameras of Vatican television CTV couldn't hide …More
Francis appeared at Rome's Olympic Stadium on Saturday to kick off a football match as part of the Vatican's celebration of "World Children's Day".
The cameras of Vatican television CTV couldn't hide the fact that many of the seats in the stadium were empty (screenshots below). Despite this, Francis appeared to be in good spirits.
The centrepiece of the event was a four-metre high "Cross of Joy". Its producer, Mimmo Paladino, said it mixed Christian culture and fairy tales (sic).
Earlier in the day, Francis held an audience at the Vatican with children from war-torn regions, including Palestine and Ukraine. He joked around and donned a baseball cap given to him by the children.
In his message for Children's Day, he wrote that "everything that is not new will pass away. God is newness. The Lord always gives us something new".
It is to be feared that the children may have applied this statement to their desire to buy a new mobile phone.
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio defies the laws of God to corrupt young people, cover up predatory homosexual priests, who have destroyed the lives of Catholic children and …More
Bergoglio defies the laws of God to corrupt young people, cover up predatory homosexual priests, who have destroyed the lives of Catholic children and young people, destroys homes by promoting divorce and gender ideology, supports pro abortion politicians and still has the nerve to continue scamming people by pretending to be a pope.
I may have taken my kids if he was being used as the football.
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From the Mystery of the Most Holy Trinity

(Catechism) There is only one God. There are three persons in God. These three persons are the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and this is what we call the Holy Trinity. The Father is God. The …More
There is only one God.
There are three persons in God.
These three persons are the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and this is what we call the Holy Trinity.
The Father is God.
The Son is God.
The Holy Spirit is God.
They are three distinct persons, yet they are one God. They are only one God, because they have only one and the same nature, one and the same divinity. These three divine persons all have the same greatness, the same wisdom and the same power. The Father is not older than the Son and the Holy Spirit. They are all three from the same eternity. Finally, they are equal in all things, because they are one God. EXPLANATION It is God who is the creator of this universe, and it is he who preserves it. He created us free, and he wants us to use our freedom to honor him by believing what he tells us, although we do not understand it, and by doing what he commands us, whatever he commands. could cost us. God has revealed mysteries to us, that is to say, obscure …More
2 pages

Leftists and Jihadists: strange bedfellows

by Giulio Meotti “Strange Bedfellows” is not just a 1964 film starring Rock Hudson and Gina Lollobrigida. In politics and war they are called “bedfellows”, …

Vergleich des Massenmords an Gefangenen durch Japaner (Australier, 2. Weltkrieg) und durch jüdische …

Comparing Mass Murder of Prisoners By Japanese (Australians, WW2) & By Jewish Israelis (Palestinians …

Bishop Aguer : "The Holy See – to the envy of universal Freemasonry – has adopted the ideology of the French Revolution: “Liberté, egalité, fraternité.”"

Archbishop Aguer: Pope Francis’ Vatican has ‘adopted the ideology of the French Revolution’ The Holy See – to the envy of universal Freemasonry – has adopted the ideology of the French Revolution: …More
Archbishop Aguer: Pope Francis’ Vatican has ‘adopted the ideology of the French Revolution’
The Holy See – to the envy of universal Freemasonry – has adopted the ideology of the French Revolution: 'Liberté, egalité, fraternité.' Where has it filed away Jesus’ command to Peter and the Eleven to make all peoples His disciples?(LifeSiteNews) — “Pope summons 30 Nobel Prize winners to reflect on fraternity,” reads a La Prensa headline of a story from the outlet EFE. It refers to the recent “World Meeting on Human Fraternity,” whose theme was “Be Human.” The objective was “to elaborate a new worldwide Pact of Fraternity and a new code of the human being, in addition to announcing a great event on fraternity during the Holy Year [Jubilee] to be celebrated in 2025.” The guest list included Guatemalan indigenous leader Rigoberta Menchú, NASA director Bill Nelson, New York Mayor Eric Adams, and Mozambican child activist Graça Machel, who is also the widow of Nelson Mandela.
“Efforts will be made …More

Israeli organ trafficking network busted in Adana during transplants

Police teams in Adana detained 11 suspects, five Israeli and two Syrian, on allegations of organ trafficking. The Provincial Directorate …
Info Krieger Krieger
🇹🇷🇮🇱 Größte englischsprachige Tageszeitung in der Türkei Daily Sabah berichtet: Israelisches Organhandelsnetzwerk bei Transplantationen in Adana …More
🇹🇷🇮🇱 Größte englischsprachige Tageszeitung in der Türkei Daily Sabah berichtet: Israelisches Organhandelsnetzwerk bei Transplantationen in Adana gesprengt
Polizeiteams in Adana nahmen elf Verdächtige fest, fünf Israelis und zwei Syrer, denen Organhandel vorgeworfen wird.
Die Abteilung für Schmuggelbekämpfung und Grenzübergänge der Provinzdirektion für Sicherheit begann mit den Ermittlungen, nachdem sie die Pässe von sieben Personen untersucht hatte, die vor etwa einem Monat mit dem Flugzeug aus Israel in Adana angekommen waren. Bei zwei dieser Personen, AS (20) und ZMZ (21), beide syrische Staatsbürger, stellte sich heraus, dass sie gefälschte Pässe besaßen.
Weitere Ermittlungen ergaben, dass die syrischen Staatsangehörigen AS und ZMZ mit den israelischen Staatsangehörigen SAS (68) und EAM (28) eine Vereinbarung über Nierentransplantationen in Adana gegen Geld getroffen hatten.
Nach einer technischen und physischen Überwachung führte die Polizei eine Operation durch und nahm die Verdächtigen …More

Court of Human Rights Overreach Imperils Its Survival

The outcry at the so-called ‘Swiss Grannies case’ in early April—in which the European Court of Human Rights told the Swiss government that, as a …

Betrayed by Victims’ Advocates. Written By Anonymous

This riveting account by a survivor of adolescent sexual abuse first appeared in the Catholic League Journal, Catalyst, in April 2020. It is republished with permission at Beyond These Stone Walls. As …More
This riveting account by a survivor of adolescent sexual abuse first appeared in the Catholic League Journal, Catalyst, in April 2020. It is republished with permission at Beyond These Stone Walls.
As an adolescent victim of homosexual clergy abuse, I know the challenges that men face in coming forward. Many of us are silenced in shame after being abused. Aggravating the recovery process is that, despite the evidence, there is an ongoing agenda to cover up the homosexual nature of the abuse crisis, disenfranchising more than 80% of us victims.
Recovery is difficult enough without predatory advocacy groups and their lawyers trolling us for profit and politics. The added torment of being told the problem isn’t related to homosexuality only compounds our pain. For this reason, I am grateful to the Catholic League for giving me the opportunity to relay the difficulties facing victims of homosexual abuse in particular, with all due respect and recognition of the grief suffered by victims who …More
great article homosexuality is the elephant in the room .So happy you stayed in the church (St Peter Damian pray for us)
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Protect Yourself From EMF Radio, Microwave, Gamma Radiation & Chemical Poisoning

6. Restore Cellular Energy, and 'Prevent' Cell Membrane Damage. To purchase a bottle of Master Peace with Nano Zeolite Z …
Jeffrey Ade shares this
Please listen dear Catholic Friends! We need to know this information! God bless you! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
Jeffrey Ade
"For over 30 years, we have researched the benefits and effects that lifestyle and nutrition have on one’s health and fitness. With more than 40,000 …More
"For over 30 years, we have researched the benefits and effects that lifestyle and nutrition have on one’s health and fitness. With more than 40,000 case studies throughout the years, we have discovered that the pH level (the acid-alkaline measurement) of our internal fluids affects every cell in our bodies. Extended acid imbalances of any kind are not well tolerated by the body." - Dr Robert Young,

168. Life and faith in Jesus

May we recognize that Jesus is Lord and saves us from evil and sin. Jesus sends his disciples to learn at the mission school. He sends us there too. He tells us, “Go and learn the meaning of the words …More
May we recognize that Jesus is Lord and saves us from evil and sin.
Jesus sends his disciples to learn at the mission school. He sends us there too. He tells us, “Go and learn the meaning of the words, ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ I did not come to call the righteous but sinners.”
It’s reassuring. We are all called to him. Here and now, he asks us to be merciful. It’s difficult for us to become “righteous”, but it’s to become righteous that we are called to be. We are sinners and yet we are asked to offer to others what God offers us.
God’s justice is what he transmits to us through Love; joy, peace, mercy, hope, etc. Let’s offer them too. In this way, we will always be searching, standing, walking.
The school of life and faith in Jesus is just beginning. Let’s remain in the mission and stay awake to seek the Doctor. Here we’re on the road to follow Jesus and we want to enter salvation, freely.
The new American Bible, 2011-2014
Book: Watch with faith, Normand Thomas
Looking Ahead to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus (June 7)

Looking Ahead to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus (June 7) - Adoremus

The expression “poured out” appears time and again in the Church’s texts during Solemnities. For example, the Opening Prayer for Mass …

Abu Obeida: Wir haben weitere israelische Soldaten gefangen genommen - Sicht vom Hochblauen

Abu Obeida announced that Israeli soldiers were captured, killed and wounded during a Resistance operation on …
Guntherus de Thuringia
"Das israelische Militär wies diese Behauptung zurück." Sehr bald wird sich herausstellen, wer lügt und wer die Wahrheit berichtet. >> Israels Krieg …More
"Das israelische Militär wies diese Behauptung zurück." Sehr bald wird sich herausstellen, wer lügt und wer die Wahrheit berichtet. >> Israels Krieg gegen Gaza live: Hamas behauptet, israelische Truppen gefangen genommen zu haben - Sicht vom Hochblauen