
Everything under Heaven has its time and place according to Ecclesiastes 3:1, this Holy Words from God Himself are so beautiful... THINK, think back the first time you accepted Jesus in your life, please …More
Everything under Heaven has its time and place according to Ecclesiastes 3:1, this Holy Words from God Himself are so beautiful... THINK, think back the first time you accepted Jesus in your life, please go back a little bit and remember.
I do remember my first time I truly accepted Jesus, it was 1992 at a Catholic retreat, but despite me accepting Jesus as my God and Savior, I wasn't yet there, as I was an awful christian...
Years later I did found a youth group in which I grew, made my confirmation, there I've met my wife, after 3 kids and tough times, I forgot religion for a while and then on the brink of death and years of being ill, my conversion heated up.
Met people who by their deeds or words console me through Jesus and later on, affected bit by bit my soul... then my neo-catholic and Woodstock (ecumenism) mindset changed when a Catholic showed me that my "yea-yea everyone is saved" view wasn't from God.
My appetite for the heavenly things made me investigate a little about my …More

Confusion Incarnate

'Pope' Francis now says that most of what he says is null, all this time he knew and how come he would be ignorant about it? He insults traditionals all the time on his 'off the cuff' blabber and …More
'Pope' Francis now says that most of what he says is null, all this time he knew and how come he would be ignorant about it? He insults traditionals all the time on his 'off the cuff' blabber and contradicts Jesus consistently for the Joy of all false religions and confusion of the little ones.
For those who always believed that 'papa' Bergoglio had some sort of a mental disease or senile dementia, this, is another sign how brilliant and evil this man is, he knows exactly what he's doing, be warned...this is another uppercut to put people to sleep.
His intentions are not to confuse the world, as the world is already confused, his intentions are to confuse Catholics to open the Gospel for all the hellish ideas the world holds dear, which corrupts everything:
"Most Catholic marriages are nulled... cohabitation are real marriage." Francis
Looking those words through the world's glasses, those words makes some sort of 'logic', but God doesn't favor logic, what God values is how a man embraces …More
I take exception to this statement: Francis returning from his visit to the Philippines said that his exhortations, homilies and encyclical were "…More
I take exception to this statement: Francis returning from his visit to the Philippines said that his exhortations, homilies and encyclical were "teachings, TRUE MAGISTERIUM" - whenever a pope interjects his personal opinion about a topic related to Catholic teaching and it contradicts dogmas established by previous Councils, the revealed word of Our Lord, and goes directly against Apostolic teaching it is NOT the "true Magisterium" but a false teaching that any Roman Catholic can reject in good conscience.

So, it begins...

Where all the 'mercy' preached by the top go? How can you or anyone stay silent by what it has been obvious since day one? Today we are living in dangerous times, some compares our time with the time …More
Where all the 'mercy' preached by the top go? How can you or anyone stay silent by what it has been obvious since day one?
Today we are living in dangerous times, some compares our time with the time of Arianism... I say no, you can't compare the two, at that time at least the genocide of the womb and the LGBT agenda was a taboo, it existed because those 2 are ideas from hell, but still taboos among those who betrayed Jesus.
Back then, the good, were persecuted, jailed, accused with false witness... the works, but, today we have all that and the hellish ideas mentioned above proclaimed as law.
On top of that we have a 'pope' who isn't as weak as Liberius, the arian pope... was, Bergoglio whose history before his election it's dark, as his 'reign' is right now, both traditionals and neocatholics have defended to the teeth that he is a true pope, when it has been demonstrated that he wasn't catholic to begin with, that he was proselytized to reach St. Peter's throne and how he is claiming …More
@aderito My dear aderito, it is wonderful that you or anyone hopes for the next pope... I know that the next pope will be handpicked from the Most High …More
@aderito My dear aderito, it is wonderful that you or anyone hopes for the next pope... I know that the next pope will be handpicked from the Most High, there is a historical precedent, in 2000 years each and every time an antipope comes forth the pope that follows it's a true pope and most times it's a saint, our Lord will cleanse the Church and their evil efforts to flood it with lukewarmth, bad and evil priests. They boast that 90% of all seats of power are taken by liberal men, but God only needs one good man, only one for the Church to be alive, like St Athanasius back then. What we need to do is to fulfill the desires of our Lord, to remain in Love, Truth and Sacrifice... sacrifice which it'll go as far as martyrdom.
I feel so frustrated and upset about what this pope says sometimes ,but at the same I hoping that another Pope next will do things right

Is Francis one of them?

"Papa" Bergoglio outraged by the Orlando massacre, condemned such thing, well good... but, many nations who are killing Christians like rabbits, women being raped and slaved gets nothing, only a few …More
"Papa" Bergoglio outraged by the Orlando massacre, condemned such thing, well good... but, many nations who are killing Christians like rabbits, women being raped and slaved gets nothing, only a few pretty words in a homily, but not a strong and persistant condemnation.
Make no mistake, the Orlando massacre has wickedness written all over and any Christian who is not disturbed at least a little by it, should question their Christianity... but the millions killed in the womb, those girls of Boko haram and the Asia Bibi's of the world haven't receive the strong condemnations that mafia and the so called "culture" of waste have received.
In Israel a Jewish man, perhaps a rabbi (I don't remember), said, that Francis is focus on saving humanity, not souls...
Now have you seen lately what's out there?
The USA transgender filth, the Canada animal sexual gratification with humans hellish law, are out there and a few well spoken words or nothing at all is all we get.
Clooney is one of many men …More
Bergoglio will only speak out when the big corporate media (which are owned by the super rich) speak out. He couldn't be farther away from what Jesus …More
Bergoglio will only speak out when the big corporate media (which are owned by the super rich) speak out. He couldn't be farther away from what Jesus Christ did.
Kenneth Harris
One could get the idea that Fr. Bergoglio [as he likes to call himself] and Barack "Insane" Obama are birds of a feather.
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Is Lynch gay?

It is undeniably clear that Bishop Lynch has to be gay, he may not put a wig or pantyhose like any transgender, no... gay because, by his deeds he's proclaiming it. Look, I know I'm not wrong, there's …More
It is undeniably clear that Bishop Lynch has to be gay, he may not put a wig or pantyhose like any transgender, no... gay because, by his deeds he's proclaiming it.
Look, I know I'm not wrong, there's no way that his deeds contradict what I'm saying, Bishop Lynch has put himself out of the Catholic Church a long time ago... he paid $100,000 dollars in a legal suit were he was accused of sexual harassment to... drum roll... his aid (yes a man).
If Bishop Lynch would've take the Christian road of doing things, he would've never paid that money, instead he would've gone all the way to see Justice to be done, if you trust Jesus, that's what you do.
He paid the money and by that action alone, instead of trusting God, he consented to that improper situation, now, years later... his words betrayed him, as he tells the Tampa Bay times:
“However, together with Pope Francis and in light of the discussions at the recent Extraordinary Synod on the Family held in Rome, I also recognize that the …More
Another prince that lives like a king ,but talks like a pagan

Outside of the Church... what?

Outsite of the Church there's no salvation? Indeed, that’s 100% the truth right there… the problem is with those, who, with their very lives honor God more than a Catholic who doesn’t even believe …More
Outsite of the Church there's no salvation?
Indeed, that’s 100% the truth right there… the problem is with those, who, with their very lives honor God more than a Catholic who doesn’t even believe that Jesus is in the Eucharist, but like they say, that Catholic is 'good' people.
Please, this piece was made not to confuse you, but to tell you that Catholicism is beautiful, that it has the entire truth, and it’s worth fighting and dying for… bear with me.
Ecumenism is nothing more than a tool used nowadays in the most wicked way, to promote, that any path leads to God, which isn’t true, there is only one door which leads to God and that’s Jesus.
Ecumenism was meant to show the bride of Christ to all religions in order to honor Christ command: “Make disciples of all nations” (Mat 28:19), St Paul had a little of Ecumenism himself when people from different believes invited him to speak about Christ:
16 While Paul was waiting for them in Athens, he was greatly distressed to see that the city …More

The Mercy game...

Catholics who know their faith well saw a 'smoke bomb' when the "year of Mercy" was proclaimed, some other Catholics despite knowing very well their faith, they decided for the longest time to embrace …More
Catholics who know their faith well saw a 'smoke bomb' when the "year of Mercy" was proclaimed, some other Catholics despite knowing very well their faith, they decided for the longest time to embrace prudence, regarding the false mercy agenda proclaimed by the top...
The 'others'? Well, they cheered each thing 'pope' Francis taught as heavenly and amazing! Few of them did opened their eyes, some, very ashamed to come out, and the vast majority of them? They are dancing to the tunes of "false Mercy."
How things are right now inside the Church? You all know... is all about Mercy, Mercy, Mercy... Yep, false mercy that is, those who are abortionists, evil doers and flat out enemies of the Church are proclaimed as brave, heroes and good people, and worse... put in places of power.
Years have passed since Francis was proclaimed 'pope', year after year, many defended each and every word or deed he made, while Francis never corrected his own stance.
When the year of Mercy was proclaimed, we …More
@GEORGE AROKIA 'papa' Bergoglio only speaks his falseness to Catholics, he is trying his best to change the minds of Catholics, he doesn't do this about …More
@GEORGE AROKIA 'papa' Bergoglio only speaks his falseness to Catholics, he is trying his best to change the minds of Catholics, he doesn't do this about anyone else... this demonstrates intention towards one group, in other words this speaks about how sharp is his mind, he isn't crazy or has senile dementia like others (not you), have implied. He knows what he is doing, which is: Corrupting those who don't know their faith well, which is more than 90% of Catholics.
Once they are poisoned, it'll be hard for them to realize the truth from a lie, this is how false teachers have always work, they don't believe in Jesus (and yes Bergoglio doesn't believe Jesus is God as Francis deeds have shown: "proselytism is nonsense', 'there is no catholic God'), and with their lies they seize souls for hell... just ask those muslims who heard from him saying 'continue following the faith of their fathers'
I do believe that those who are innocent, Almighty Father will protect them, those who never heard …More
The Pope Francis should understand this , that Islam will subjugate non- Muslims. And he should stop speaking for them. Most of his the off- cuff speech …More
The Pope Francis should understand this , that Islam will subjugate non- Muslims. And he should stop speaking for them. Most of his the off- cuff speech is ridiculous like he said in an interview in “ La Croix” : “ The idea of conquest is inherent in the soul of Islam. However, it is also possible to interpret the objective in Matthew's Gospel, where Jesus sends his disciples to all nations, in terms of the same idea of conquest.” What a stupid man's interpenetration! How about those Christians martyrs dies in the hands of ISIS ? Is it justified in the terms refusing in their conquest? Pardon me, this Pope is not speaking in the right mind or he is an outright ignorant….

Hatred against a 'Saint'?

Most people believe that some of us hate 'pope' Francis, I can tell you for myself that I pray for 'pope' Francis soul most times and praying for someone who is trying to rip you apart, it doesn't matter …More
Most people believe that some of us hate 'pope' Francis, I can tell you for myself that I pray for 'pope' Francis soul most times and praying for someone who is trying to rip you apart, it doesn't matter who it is, is hard to do with love... but I Love my Lord and He said:
"But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven." Matt 5:44-45
At the beginning of my path, which was to tell the whole world about Jesus Mercy, I saw that there was something off on this man who behaved like any good will citizen of the world who thinks that repentance is overrated as Francis declared:
"Atheists do good and we'll meet there"... "who am I to judge"... "Muslims with the coran with the faith of your fathers that it'll take you far"
Three statements that proclaims the intentions of Francis own heart.
In His autobiography written with his friend rabbi Skorka, Francis says clearly that he wouldn't dare to say that the lives of atheists …More
We can't stay silent about any destructive lies... at the same time, we need to pray for all dark souls including Francis, whose soul is in a dark place …More
We can't stay silent about any destructive lies... at the same time, we need to pray for all dark souls including Francis, whose soul is in a dark place because he doesn't believe in Jesus, He doesn't love our Lord, if Francis did truly believed, he wouldn't preach what he preaches.
To pray for the soul of Francis is one thing, to expose him as an heretic is even more important in order to save the souls of those millions of people …More
To pray for the soul of Francis is one thing, to expose him as an heretic is even more important in order to save the souls of those millions of people being led astray by the wrong teachings of Francis


Calling a divorce and remarried woman to ‘switch’ parishes because her priest doesn’t allow her to receive it, now that’s Catholic. Suggesting that ‘even Christ’ allows divorce and remarried to eat …More
Calling a divorce and remarried woman to ‘switch’ parishes because her priest doesn’t allow her to receive it, now that’s Catholic.
Suggesting that ‘even Christ’ allows divorce and remarried to eat the Eucharist, that’s amazingly Catholic.
Allowing the ‘curas villeros priests’ get to the slums and giving the Eucharist to irregular couples, that’s in your face sweet… I mean you’re Catholic genius!
Proclaiming that the ‘old structures’ don’t serve for nothing (and no, he is not talking about buildings, he is talking about the traditions of old, the tridentine mass belongs there), that the 'old' is of ‘no use’, now that's heavenly.
Get to the cameras and say, there’s not going to be communion for the divorce and remarried on his trip from Mexico and then saying ‘YES’ on your trip back from Lesbos, that's not only Catholic, but super apostolic.
Your rabbi friend comes up to you and tells you how ‘problematic’ evangelization is, and responding you say to him ‘proselytism is nonsense’ and when …More
People tend to judge what they are reading by a tiny piece that gets stuck into their heads, PLEASE READ THE WHOLE ARTICLE and then judge. 😇
@On Guard It is not destructive to point out the view of those who are defending Bergoglio, they defend the indefensible... Yes it is a sarcasm, because …More
@On Guard It is not destructive to point out the view of those who are defending Bergoglio, they defend the indefensible...
Yes it is a sarcasm, because those who defend him to the teeth don't want to see how DESTRUCTIVE and UNCATHOLIC this man is... I mean, are you going to seat there and say this man is catholic when by his own words on May 26th 2016 in Santa Marta, he claimed that Jesus "knew temptation to Himself" once more, throwing questions on our Lord's divinity (this is not the first time he does this, see Francis claim about the miracle of the fish and many more) and he did this only to throw more mud to those who defend to not give the Eucharist to those in living in sin... are you going to defend him? What about when he said gays are not living in sin? Or when he throw to the mud family with amoris laetitia and in his fruits we see it when he open the Holy Temple to those pushing liberal ideas like George Clooney...
Sorry on Guard, to me Francis has hung himself a long time …More
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Poison travels well.

"I have come in my Father's name, and you do not accept me; but IF SOMEONE COMES IN HIS OWN NAME, you will accept him." John 5:43 “Pope” Francis has traveled very well, talked to most rulers and …More
"I have come in my Father's name, and you do not accept me; but IF SOMEONE COMES IN HIS OWN NAME, you will accept him." John 5:43
“Pope” Francis has traveled very well, talked to most rulers and dignitaries of the world and one word you will find hard to find in his speeches (you will not find it at all when it comes to the EU parliament, US congress and the UN), in countries were the Gospel is needed so much, the mention of the Name above all Names: Jesus.
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,” Mat 28:19
In no other name men can be saved, yet, we see the hearts of the rulers of the world seating in front of Francis, hearing Francis speak and there’s NO mention of Jesus anywhere, despite him knowing that Jesus is the door to Almighty Father.
“Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6
For example, Turkey is the only place where …More
When you speak truth you get the boot. When you try to warn people about a CLEAR wolf dressed in sheep's clothing like 'pope' Francis, this is what exactly happens.More
When you speak truth you get the boot.
When you try to warn people about a CLEAR wolf dressed in sheep's clothing like 'pope' Francis, this is what exactly happens.
Francis liberalism gang, which ARE wolves in sheep clothing... think about it, those he has elevated to places in power (not necessarily the ones he …More
Francis liberalism gang, which ARE wolves in sheep clothing... think about it, those he has elevated to places in power (not necessarily the ones he found there), places which controls certain aspects of the Church, they either believe in homosexual, cohabitation, and don't like to follow Divine law as they should.

The Holocaust of souls

Pope Leo the great heard Almighty Father saying in his vision, about when more power was given to the devil: “there will be a great price to pay." Forwarding to Pope Paul VI: “the smoke of satan has …More
Pope Leo the great heard Almighty Father saying in his vision, about when more power was given to the devil: “there will be a great price to pay."
Forwarding to Pope Paul VI: “the smoke of satan has entered the Church”, we are suffering this alright.
Bear with me… in horror movies you often hear some guy who is supposed to know about demons, saying: “the greatest triumph of the devil was making everyone believe that he doesn’t exist.”
It is true, that in itself is a triumph, but according to the devil himself, his greatest triumph has been convincing the Catholic Church to give the Eucharist in the hand.
In an exorcism performed by a famous exorcist in Colombia, Fr Wilson Salazar, the devil obliged by our Blessed Mother Mary, revealed, how he convinced the Church to allow such a mockery to our Lord, when not even angels are allow to touch our Lord in Heaven, but we on earth we stretch out our unworthy hands and touch Jesus Holy Flesh, those, who are devil followers, they have it easy to …More
alacer shares this
2016 - 20.04 Articoli d'interesse.More
2016 - 20.04
Articoli d'interesse.


Posted by voiceofthesheepblog on May 27, 2016 The United States of America, the Land of the “free” and the home of the strange, as we walk side by side (unwillingly), with men who have taken their …More
Posted by voiceofthesheepblog on May 27, 2016
The United States of America, the Land of the “free” and the home of the strange, as we walk side by side (unwillingly), with men who have taken their sins to another level, the land of transgenders: Transgenderwood.
Transgenders defy Almighty Father in such an open way, they hide in the sufferings they have “endured”, like if they were heroes; transgenders back up with the gay lobby, they corrupt everything in society, like a virus, a disease, corrupting the body taking away life.
The United States of America is the leading beacon, corrupting everything it touches, look how they corrupted the education system, the diplomat corps, the military… I often see to Heaven and ask God: “Please come now, don’t delay”
Like Lot waiting at the gates of Sodom I’m waiting for God, but Lot did wait a long time, while Sodom had their filth going on 24 hours a day.
Lifesitenews did a piece which describes the poison hidden between the lines of Obama’s …More
True, unfortunately.

Ode to Rosica

Posted by VOICEOFTHESHEEPBLOG on MAY 26, 2016 Father Rosica is ranting, about those who loves truth… while “peter” is tanking doctrine inside the Church. Jews no longer needs Christ, Salt and light’s …More
Father Rosica is ranting,
about those who loves truth…
while “peter” is tanking
doctrine inside the Church.
Jews no longer needs Christ,
Salt and light’s agenda is about gays,
which makes feel right… the many Fortes of our days. Read more at: voiceofthesheepblog.wordpress.com

Ganswein don't fool yourself

No, is not a tale of the Lord of the rings, where, there is a story about two towers, but Excellency Archbishop Ganswein thinks that there’s a situation in which, the two towers, sorry… the two popes …More
No, is not a tale of the Lord of the rings, where, there is a story about two towers, but Excellency Archbishop Ganswein thinks that there’s a situation in which, the two towers, sorry… the two popes have the keys of Peter.
Peter is one, there’s no “Peter’s” running the Church, in the history of the Church NEVER something like that, happened. Jesus anointed with His breath one man only, Peter is the one… in him, the Church was built.
Pope Benedict will be known as a pope martyr, because, he endured dry martyrdom with the tons of Judas betraying him left and right until finally he did the unthinkable, he ceded to the pressure to go and he did.
Francis and Benedict is not a case of 2 popes running things, is a case of one pope suffering for the Church and the other (Francis) destroying it.
Read more at: voiceofthesheepblog.wordpress.com
Gaenswein, don't fool us either.
This is what we need ,please try your best in other sites to inform catholics ,of what's going on

The Holiest ‘pope’ ever…

Posted by VOICEOFTHESHEEPBLOG on MAY 20, 2016 Humanism vows to man and that was the first sign of trouble seen when “pope” Francis vowed to the crowd in St. Peter’s square when elected: “Pray for me …More
Humanism vows to man and that was the first sign of trouble seen when “pope” Francis vowed to the crowd in St. Peter’s square when elected: “Pray for me”, instead of doing what all popes have done, blessing the Church first.
No sign of the cross when he came out, just a simple hello, but, 99% of the Catholic world now thinks, how wonderful and noble soul he is, the holiest pope ever, despite being the only pope in the whole world never to condemn communism, to preach not to convert anybody and preach a long list of insults to those who have sacrifice so much for following the Catholic faith, traditionalists.
Rejecting, with what he call “carnival time”, the sacred vestments used for special occasions, one of those which was used always: the red shoes.
‘Oh I need to be around of people’ said the “living saint”, when he rejected to live in the papal apartments, sure, I guess he wouldn’t have slept at all in the same place where St. Pious X …More
"Pope" Francis never was catholic and his fruits reveal this... when he was a mere bishop, he allow his beloved curas villeros to give the Eucharist to …More
"Pope" Francis never was catholic and his fruits reveal this... when he was a mere bishop, he allow his beloved curas villeros to give the Eucharist to irregular couples, in his autobiography reveals that it is ok NOT to evangelize rather let people with different religions to CONTINUE their own traditions.... if this would've happen 200 years ago he would've been excommunicated.
I share these sentiments, except where Pope is in quotes, described as un-catholic. Let's ponder the challenges and errors and confusions and motives …More
I share these sentiments, except where Pope is in quotes, described as un-catholic. Let's ponder the challenges and errors and confusions and motives and answers together and avoid the near occasion of pulling away from true North.

Cardinal Burke is wrong

Posted by voiceofthesheepblog on May 23, 2016 His excellency Cardinal Burke is, unknowingly wrong, perhaps confused like most of us by the cunning of 'pope' Francis, please bear with me. Francis …More
Posted by voiceofthesheepblog on May 23, 2016
His excellency Cardinal Burke is, unknowingly wrong, perhaps confused like most of us by the cunning of 'pope' Francis, please bear with me.
Francis while flying back from the Philippines said without a gun to his head: his exhortations, homilies and encyclical were "teachings, TRUE MAGISTERIUM"
His excellency Cardinal Burke is right to say that we should RESIST WORLDLY teachings, but, because he is obviously unaware of what Francis have said about his "teachings" in his flight back from the Philippines, Cardinal Burke is wrong unknowingly, to say, that Amoris laetitia reflects Francis personal opinion.
Understand this, a thief or a murderer speak about their intentions with their actions, how many times has "pope" Francis hinted, that it is merciful to give the Eucharist to the unrepentant? Many times, and liberal priests are giving it away.
When asked...
Read more at: voiceofthesheepblog.wordpress.com

Rupture this Francis!

Posted by VOICEOFTHESHEEPBLOG on MAY 21, 2016 Lately I have heard a lot about “those” who are rupturists, but nothing, on why priests don’t tell the truth? The truth, a thing priests don’t want any …More
Lately I have heard a lot about “those” who are rupturists, but nothing, on why priests don’t tell the truth? The truth, a thing priests don’t want any part of it nowadays…
I went to confession today and the priest told me that the “father of lies” is a metaphor, I remember how another priest in the middle of his homily said on that the man who was possessed by evil spirits called ‘legion’, that man in reality had “psychiatric problems”, they don’t believe that the devil exists.
Spiritual famine is what we are suffering and the man seating in Peter’s throne telling people his beautiful but deadly gospel… but us telling it like it is, now that’s being demonic and RUPTURIST.
All this priests telling the world such an erroneous gospel… Jews no longer needs evangelization, the Eucharist now is being given to the divorce and remarried, sex education supposed to be given in the classroom BUT we or better said… I, am the demonic and rupturist for …More
That's all we need... but as you might imagine, the "future" of the Church is grim with this man, imagine cohabitation, homos couples and divorced and …More
That's all we need... but as you might imagine, the "future" of the Church is grim with this man, imagine cohabitation, homos couples and divorced and remarried setting the bar inside the Church... It is time to GO back to the traditions of all, like St Vincent of Lerins said in order to remain in line with what our Forefathers envisioned... poor Catholics, they are walking into a trap and some who know their faith don't care because they have rejected their Master and Teacher.
What catholics need is priests bishops and the Pope to teach the truth of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ


Posted by VOICEOFTHESHEEPBLOG on MAY 17, 2016 On May 7th 2016, his Excellency Card. Raymond Burke told us about the troubled parts of amoris Laetita and I quote: "We are all tempted to engage in such …More
On May 7th 2016, his Excellency Card. Raymond Burke told us about the troubled parts of amoris Laetita and I quote:
"We are all tempted to engage in such WORLDLY ways of thought. It is my hope today to assist you in the battle to RESIST such thinking, in order to remain true to Christ Who is alive in you through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit,” end quote.
Thanks your Excellency...
Resisting is not obeying ANYTHING that is contrary to the faith and prevent such orders to be implemented...
Unfortunately Francis only doing, has been undermining the faith with tiny beautiful lies, but those who don't know the faith don't care, to them it's like rainbows and unicorns.
Francis doesn't call for people to repent, never called people from other religions to accept Jesus through Catholicism...
On the contrary, he told his buddy Skorka about evangelization, that proselytism is 'nonsense' while being a Bishop of Argentina and when got elected? The …More
IS St FRANCIS FOR REAL. St Francis pray for us!More
St Francis pray for us!