
Nuclear War: Cardinal Has Fun at Homosex-Show

While Europe is on the brink of a nuclear war, Munich Cardinal Marx mocked God with a Homosex-Eucharist in which he replaced the Gospel with homosex slogans. In lockstep with the almighty homosex lobby …More
While Europe is on the brink of a nuclear war, Munich Cardinal Marx mocked God with a Homosex-Eucharist in which he replaced the Gospel with homosex slogans.
In lockstep with the almighty homosex lobby, he wallowed in gestures of submission ("tale of woe", "made life difficult for homosexuals"). "Sorry" he said in English.
His party line: all relationships [like polygamy, pederasty] that followed the "primacy of love" may be "accepted by God."
The same Marx who has been fighting everything Catholic for years suddenly pleaded for “a Church that includes," admitting that twenty years ago, he could not have imagined participating in such a homosex show but now he is pleased "that we are not standing still" [but have gone into reverse].
Sally Dorman shares this
Catechism: “Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity, tradition has always declared that ‘homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered.’ They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved.”
Louis IX
I know this event should not sully all NO Masses throughout the world but it does beg the question; why does this sort of thing only happen in the NO of the Roman Rite?
Tony M
Should we be waiting with bated breath for Jorgy Bergoglio to correct him and pull him into line???
I don't think so!!!
De Profundis
German bishops are OBSESSED with homosex. Why?
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Because they all are gay themselves--all the radical liberal dissident ones-including fat boy Marx.
False church being used by Satan to mock God
There's only one Church, even if some of its members are in woeful error.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
NO, this "church" is not the true Catholic Church, nor is "Pope Francis" a legit Pope. He is Marx's man. He is arm 'n arm with the dissidents. Otherwise, he would have crushed their "synodal movement". What does he do instead----call for a world-wide "Synodal Church", which would not, and is not the Roman Catholic Church. Sorry, Ultraviolet, but the real Catholic Church exists ONLY WITH THE SSPX, …More
NO, this "church" is not the true Catholic Church, nor is "Pope Francis" a legit Pope. He is Marx's man. He is arm 'n arm with the dissidents. Otherwise, he would have crushed their "synodal movement". What does he do instead----call for a world-wide "Synodal Church", which would not, and is not the Roman Catholic Church. Sorry, Ultraviolet, but the real Catholic Church exists ONLY WITH THE SSPX, AND EVEN SEDE VACANTIST GROUPS- until the "Catholic Church" has a true Pope again who fosters tradition and promotes CAtholic teaching, rather than destroyes it like Bergoglio.
Jan Joseph
Kardinaal Marx lijkt met zijn atheïstische denkbeelden op zijn communistische naamgenoot. Is niet meer Rooms katholiek, kan gewoon in de lekenstand worden teruggezet en ontslagen worden. Is al homo, bisexueel, pedofiel en weet ook al niet meer het verschil tussen een jongen en een meisje of een man en een vrouw. Zielig mannetje.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
None of these people, MArx, the German bishops, French bishops, Parolin,Tagle, all the Cardinals created by Francis and Francis himself are Catholics. My advice to all good faithful Catholics.....this isn't the Roman Catholic Church, and he is not a real Pope. Ignore him, ignore all his bishops and cardinals, don't attend the Novus Ordo, and above all (because that's what these people care about …More
None of these people, MArx, the German bishops, French bishops, Parolin,Tagle, all the Cardinals created by Francis and Francis himself are Catholics. My advice to all good faithful Catholics.....this isn't the Roman Catholic Church, and he is not a real Pope. Ignore him, ignore all his bishops and cardinals, don't attend the Novus Ordo, and above all (because that's what these people care about the most), don't contribute financially to parishes, religious Orders, or the Vatican (Peter's Pence), until there is a new CATHOLIC pope.
"My advice to all good faithful Catholics.....this isn't the Roman Catholic Church, and he is not a real Pope." How's that schism working out for you, Kenjiro-sama? :P Go look up the penalties for that before you start sneering at who isn't a Catholic.
가입을 원합니다
don't contribute financially to // including Vatican vaccine fund.
Bishop Robert Barron pays "my photographer" (and travel companion) over $200,000 per year in salary and benefits.More
don't contribute financially to // including Vatican vaccine fund.

Bishop Robert Barron pays "my photographer" (and travel companion) over $200,000 per year in salary and benefits.
Memes are in
andreas adi
Rome lost her shepherd. in vain people will find them.
Why some clergy offend God so much ? do they really believe in Him ? Do they believe in His comandments ?Do they believe in Heaven and Hell ,Do they believe the true presence of our Lord Jesus in the consecrated Host ?If you said no to these questions maybe you need to repent ,I pray you do
Defeat Modernism
Novus Ordo people, please wake up! This is not the Catholic Church. The New Mass is not a Catholic Mass. Abandon the Novus Ordo and the New Mass, please!
Agatha James
Is that a Vatican new site or the Vatican page of a German newspaper?
Good question.... Vatican Media as outlet of Western oligarchs
It is a Vatican news site - this link is for us English-speakers: News from the Vatican - News about the Church - Vatican News
It is available in 30 languages, which can be found on a drop-down menu on the right-hand side of the page, found by pressing a downward arrow (see attachments).More
It is a Vatican news site - this link is for us English-speakers: News from the Vatican - News about the Church - Vatican News

It is available in 30 languages, which can be found on a drop-down menu on the right-hand side of the page, found by pressing a downward arrow (see attachments).
Wichita Knight
"While Europe is on the brink of a nuclear war"
By what delusion does anyone believe that any nuclear war would be limited to Europe?More
"While Europe is on the brink of a nuclear war"

By what delusion does anyone believe that any nuclear war would be limited to Europe?
Agatha James
Jimcat thank you for the clarification, How depressing. :(.