
Dublin Mocks Saint Patrick

Saint Patrick's Festival in Dublin, established by the Irish Government in 1995, presents its patron saint this year in women's underwear.

Different cartoons depicting the Irish saint as a transvestite on an advertisement for Paradise Cabaret, an event which is part of the festival. Dublin's Saint Patrick's Festival, an annual tourist around Saint Patrick's Day (March 17), the national holiday, has Dublin Mayor Alison Gilliland, a leftist homosexualist, on its board.

For years, the Festival's organisers have removed any semblance of Christianity.


Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
All this in Ireland is largely the fault of radical liberal bishops, especially those appointed in recent years by Bergoglio, who is a heretic himself. Dublin for instance, now has two horrible, heretical bishops in a row, Darmuid Martin (appointed by JPII), and the new one, appointed by Bergoglio (aka anti-Pope Francis).
Mary K Jones
I am so saddened by the home of my family giving in to this perversion! Thanks for your post, Kenjiro.
Cassandra Laments
Freemasonic eye there as well.
To be perfectly honest, the mockery of those silly people is frankly ludicrous! They may as well be cockroaches pulling rude faces at someone holding an exterminating gun.
The filthy, laughable, conceit of a stupid, vain and narcissistic nation, Martyrs of their own demonic, foolish laws, who shower their contempt on God, condemn the sins of Priests yet LOOK AT THEM, they are surely just as demonic …More
To be perfectly honest, the mockery of those silly people is frankly ludicrous! They may as well be cockroaches pulling rude faces at someone holding an exterminating gun.

The filthy, laughable, conceit of a stupid, vain and narcissistic nation, Martyrs of their own demonic, foolish laws, who shower their contempt on God, condemn the sins of Priests yet LOOK AT THEM, they are surely just as demonic themselves!...

Who are THEY to judge... when they have no virtue themselves? How LOW are they fallen? How can they ascend to Heaven or escape condemnation, when to them SODOM is their preferred habitat? Such abject wretchedness FULLY deserving of the prophetic words of God

See this well-known prophecy regarding the fate of Ireland. May these filthy perverts recall that Our Lord is not likely to be negligent or turn a blind eye to such an insult against the Saints who dwell in Heaven.

“I concede a favour to them without exception,
and St Patrick also did concede the same;
that seven years before the last day,
the sea shall submerge Eirin by one inundation.”

– Prophecy by St. Columba

The Prophecies of Ss. Columbkille, Maeltamlacht, Ultan, Seadhna, Coireall ... : Nicholas O'Kearney , O'Kearney : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

St. Columbcille - Catholic Prophecy

Finally from the Book of the Apocalypse...Chapter 13

"And I saw a beast coming up out the sea...... 4 And they adored the dragon which gave power to the beast. And they adored the beast, saying: Who is like to the beast? And who shall be able to fight with him? 5 And there was given to him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies: and power was given to him to do, two and forty months. 6 And he opened his mouth unto blasphemies against God, to blaspheme his name and his tabernacle and them that dwell in heaven.

Revelation 13 Douay-Rheims Bible
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Sadly, the Catholic Church is dead, absolutely dead in Ireland.
Jeffrey Ade
No there are still practicing Catholics there! We will never give up even if there is only one of us left we are still right and still the majority! If we keep with God's Grace we can do anything!
Cassandra Laments
Not quite true, Kenjiro, but very near the mark! It does, however, appear to do apostasy and blasphemy very publicly, sadly.
I'm Irish and I'm sickened about what Ireland has become. It's a disgrace.
Sally Dorman
St. Patrick’s Cathedral is the largest Gothic Roman Catholic Cathedral in the United States. The Cathedral was named after St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, in response to the increasing numbers of Irish immigrants in the city.
Jeffrey Ade
It is very beautiful!
De Profundis
Article about archaeological finds from the Roman period of Britain, which are probably of Irish origin: Fr Hunwicke's Mutual Enrichment: How the countrymen of S Patrick did get round ... (liturgicalnotes.blogspot.com)
Laura Yunque
Poor Ireland.
Shame on them. "For many walk, of whom I have told you often (and now tell you weeping), that they are enemies of the cross of Christ; Whose end is destruction; whose God is their belly; and whose glory is in their shame; who mind earthly things." Philippians 3:18, 19.
Jan Joseph
This could be considered hate crime, inflammatory, with a purpose to incite hatred for Catholics and Christians everywhere, even intentionally created to incite violence between denominations.
These evil people can say and mock any body they like .but if anybody says what they do is a sin (according to God ,it is a sin ) They basically cancel you out or worst ,
De Profundis
More of the wicked
Why the neocons want to save Ukraine so bad, it’s also because they crowd want to use low income Ukrainian women as cheap baby factories for hire.
Jeffrey Ade
@Werte The neocons do not want to save the Ukraine. They want to kill off every last living Ukrainian because they are against communism!
De Profundis
Saint Patrick as missionary Bishop only ever said Holy Mass in Latin despite evangelizing and baptizing all the Irish who didn’t know Latin.
Jeffrey Ade
Those Irish should have had a council and then they could have changed the mass to Irish then we could have all followed it without a missal! But then again honestly the only Irish I know comes from Enya songs so I am not sure how well that would work!