
Francis To Biden: Continue To Receive Communion

US Abortion President Joe Biden said Francis told him during their October 29 meeting that he should continue to receive Communion. After the meeting, Biden spoke to reporters at the Roman Palazzo …More
US Abortion President Joe Biden said Francis told him during their October 29 meeting that he should continue to receive Communion.
After the meeting, Biden spoke to reporters at the Roman Palazzo Chigi, where he was scheduled to meet Italy’s prime minister. A reporter asked if the issue of abortion had come up during his meeting with Francis. Biden replied, “No, it didn’t. We just talked about the fact he was happy that I was a good Catholic, and I should keep receiving Communion.”
Then, Biden was asked again, whether Francis said he should continue receiving communion and Biden said “Yes." Subsequently, Biden was asked whether he had received Communion that Friday and he said "No."
Finally, he was asked, if he discussed with Francis the U.S. bishops’ conference. Biden hesitated and said it was a “private conversation.”
Wilma Lopez shares this
Francis has just cleverly stabbed all his conservative Novus Ordo bishops in the back. Not that he'll confirm this report, he just won't deny it. That's enough to do all the intended damage.
De Profundis shares this
Although the Holy See Press Office has been made aware of the gravity of this statement from President Biden proceeding without Vatican clarification or confirmation, they declined to answer or respond at all, saying they don’t comment on private papal conversations
If Francis did not really say this to Biden, then the Vatican needs to renounce what Biden is bragging about. Silence means consent. The silence of the Vatican in the wake of Biden's comments means that Francis agrees that Biden should continue to commit this Grave Sacrilege against Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. Shame on Francis. Francis needs to state clearly that he did not say this and that …More
If Francis did not really say this to Biden, then the Vatican needs to renounce what Biden is bragging about. Silence means consent. The silence of the Vatican in the wake of Biden's comments means that Francis agrees that Biden should continue to commit this Grave Sacrilege against Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. Shame on Francis. Francis needs to state clearly that he did not say this and that neither Biden, nor any public sinner, should present themselves for Holy Communion.
Since the success of VII no one goes to confession. Who has been to confession in the last month? There has to be a crusade “back to the confessionals” We need a Confessional Congress!!!
Hugh N. Cry
Relish in the sacrilege
la verdad prevalece
The Council of Trent excommunicated Whoever publicly asserts that one may receive communion in mortal sin
Neither Biden or Francis possesses the true faith
This is probably how it went: Francis to Biden: “Tell them I told you you’re a good Catholic and should keep receiving Communion. I won’t confirm or deny it. This way the U.S. bishops are checkmate, and you and I both look good.”
Cassandra Laments
The grins say it all!
If Joe Biden said so, I believe him. Francis has followed a definite policy of never opposing abortion and showing friendliness to its advocates and hatred to those who oppose it.
lies just lies from biden
you can not serve two gods ,and if the pope and bishops dont warned them about the horrors of abortion and how sinfull it is, they the pope and bishops are putting themselves and the politicians in jeopardy of damnation
Jim Caviezel on “our well-meaning Christian liberal friends” - "even the pope" (Source: Jim Caviezel: “Sadly, Even Our Pope”)
Well-meaning? Liberals are usually really mean.