
Cupich: Anything Goes As Long As It Is NOT Catholic

Chicago Cardinal Blase Cupich "forbids" the Roman Rite but "allows" and presides over liturgical abuses.

• In January 2020, Cupich presided over a Chinese Lion-awakening ritual before a Eucharist.

• In 2016, he welcomed the Chinese lion during a Eucharist (article's picture).

• In February 2020 he incorporated a Hindu worship (“Arati ritual”) in a Eucharist in Rome.

• A member of the McCarrick gang, he promotes homosex eucharists in the "AGLO" (Archdiocesan Gay and Lesbian Outreach) - the official homosex branch of his archdiocese.

This year, Chicago became again a hotspot of liturgical scandals. St Sabina celebrated Christmas Eve with made-up consecration words, a Shaman-style liturgy, a wooden chalice, a mini canoe for the hosts, and an old Saxophone player.

Below is another Chicago midnight eucharist broadcast which featured a Broadway like dance.

Online comments pointed at Cupich’s double standard stressing that his crackdown on the Roman Mass is about power and sadism, and evidently not about "liturgical unity."

Father Richard Gennaro Cipolla asked Cupich to “at least obey the rubrics of the Novus Ordo Missal” - with which not even Francis complies.


la verdad prevalece
Does anyone know how much money the apostate Blase Cupich receives for betraying the Church, ususping the position of bishop?
Jan Joseph
Wat zielig, een kardinaal die niet weet wat het Rooms Katholieke geloof betekent. Blijkbaar kunnen ze in de Rooms Katholieke kerk iedere man gebruiken, als hij maar homo is.
Well, I never heard such things- I am going vegetarian again in the new year
Christ certainly approved of fish so you don't have to limit yourself if you don't want to. I can say with certainty He never ate cat or dog since both are unclean animals according to Jewish dietary laws. Likewise, Christ wouldn't eat Cardinal Cupich, since pigs are also unclean.;-)
Ahh in the end Indiana Jones rescues the lost children, understands true love and conquers the evil temple
One interesting thing... the least popular movies "Crystal Skull" and "Temple Of Doom" have alien/ pagan artifacts while the most popular movies "Last Crusade" and "Lost Ark" have Christian artifacts. All the movies were successful because they don't have Cardinal Cupich. Some experts insist he had an uncredited role as the fat baby elephant in "Temple of Doom" but this has never been conclusively …More
One interesting thing... the least popular movies "Crystal Skull" and "Temple Of Doom" have alien/ pagan artifacts while the most popular movies "Last Crusade" and "Lost Ark" have Christian artifacts. All the movies were successful because they don't have Cardinal Cupich. Some experts insist he had an uncredited role as the fat baby elephant in "Temple of Doom" but this has never been conclusively proven.
Chinese dragons? Anything Goes? Someone at GTV is a fan of Indiana Jones and the Temple Of Doom. :D
Facts Not Lies
Is this the one where Lassie chases the cinnamon thieves ... I think it was called Raiders of the Lost Bark.
Good one! :D This was the one where Deepak Chopra serves chilled monkey brains to Mother Teresa and sacrifices a Sports Illustrated swimsuit model to the evil goddess Pelosi. He also forces Indy to drink Yerba Mate out of mummified skull-gourd that was eventually sent as a good-will gift to Pope Francis.
Fun Trivia: if Cardinal Cupich goes to a Chinese Lion Dance feast, the traditional entree is …More
Good one! :D This was the one where Deepak Chopra serves chilled monkey brains to Mother Teresa and sacrifices a Sports Illustrated swimsuit model to the evil goddess Pelosi. He also forces Indy to drink Yerba Mate out of mummified skull-gourd that was eventually sent as a good-will gift to Pope Francis.

Fun Trivia: if Cardinal Cupich goes to a Chinese Lion Dance feast, the traditional entree is (naturally) a "hot pot" stew of cat. It's considered a "lucky" meat and a delicacy. The flavor varies dramatically based on a.) how the animal was raised. b.) what it was fed, c.) how it was killed and cleaned d.) the chef's choice of spices/ preparation, allowing for a.) through c.)
3rd Order Postulant
That's the same liturgy as the Christmas one posted. At st. Sabina in Chicago, south of east side. Has been like this for years and years. Same pastor. ++George tried to move him; would not not comply. Obedience not a strong suit in Catholic Chicago.
Do not think all parishes in Chicago are like this. Unfortunate leadership goes way way way way back!
Ursula Sankt
“Better that only a few Catholics should be left, staunch and sincere in their religion, than that they should, remaining many, desire as it were, to be in collusion with the Church’s enemies and in conformity with the open foes of our faith.” St. Peter Canisius
De Profundis
3rd Order Postulant
la verdad prevalece
The apostate Blase Cupich in complicity with Bergoglio desecrates the Liturgy and defies Catholic doctrine.
Bergoglio has maliciously chosen an enemy of the Catholic Church who internally challenges Catholic doctrine and fights the laws of God. But thanks be to God, the Magisterium of the Church has declared invalid and null the elevation of the heretics who, before his election, deviated from the …More
The apostate Blase Cupich in complicity with Bergoglio desecrates the Liturgy and defies Catholic doctrine.
Bergoglio has maliciously chosen an enemy of the Catholic Church who internally challenges Catholic doctrine and fights the laws of God. But thanks be to God, the Magisterium of the Church has declared invalid and null the elevation of the heretics who, before his election, deviated from the catholic faith.
3rd Order Postulant
I sense a ladder climber.
la verdad prevalece
The apostate Blase Cupich commits sacrilege with impunity in full communion with Bergoglio
Lesbian mayor takes Holy Communion at Mass said by Cdl. Cupich - LifeSite (lifesitenews.com)More
The apostate Blase Cupich commits sacrilege with impunity in full communion with Bergoglio

Lesbian mayor takes Holy Communion at Mass said by Cdl. Cupich - LifeSite (lifesitenews.com)
One more comment from la verdad prevalece
la verdad prevalece
In 2014 when the apostate Cupich was nominated by Bergoglio as bishop of Chicago, Gonzaga Jesuit University began promoting Lesbianism. Gloria.TV News on the 25th of September 2014 – gloria.tv
Ave Crux
It makes me weep....these "prelates" laughing and guffawing like "Life's a Beach" while they take a sledgehammer to the Ancient and Venerable Liturgies of Holy Mother Church, substituting sacrilege and desecration of God's Holy Sanctuary and the Blessed Sacrament.
The man is a disgrace. Do these men even hold The Catholic Faith?
Scandal must come, but woe to those that bring it.
St. Athanasius Pray for us.
De Profundis
To adore is to share the life of Mary on earth when she adored the Word Incarnate in her virginal womb, when she adored Him in the Crib, on Calvary, in the divine Eucharist.
~ St. Peter Julian Eymard
Les Crispi
Don't dare call him a heretic. He's just a good Vatican 2 boy.
la verdad prevalece
Cupich is a schism, apostate and heretic
3rd Order Postulant
He's 73 on march 19. How many more years to go?
Les Crispi
@la verdad pevalece and he's Bergolio's right hand man in America. But we musn't say anything about Bergolio. SHhhh.
la verdad prevalece
In 2016, Bergoglio rewarded the infidel and Apostate Blase Cupich for desecrating the liturgy and challenging Catholic doctrine.
Carolyn johnson
These liturgies are in your face demon worship.
Ursula Sankt
Because of his cruelty, and increasing irrationality many are suggesting Bergoglio has gone mad. Maybe the same is true for Cupich? And: Homosexuality is considered by some as madness, too.
John A Cassani
All very possible, but this guy has the pedigree that would make you expect exactly what he’s doing. He is a Rome educated “liturgist,” with very little real pastoral experience. Remember, there was no such thing as a “liturgist” until the middle of the 20th century, or so, and the “discipline” was created in order to destroy the liturgical tradition of the Latin Church. In my opinion, his …More
All very possible, but this guy has the pedigree that would make you expect exactly what he’s doing. He is a Rome educated “liturgist,” with very little real pastoral experience. Remember, there was no such thing as a “liturgist” until the middle of the 20th century, or so, and the “discipline” was created in order to destroy the liturgical tradition of the Latin Church. In my opinion, his spirituality is most likely the product of taking frequent retreats at places that have Buddhas and little Zen Gardens in every room (which isn’t going out on a limb, given the quality of retreat houses in the US). Add that to the fact that he is a Cardinal, and thus, devoted to maintaining the current course of things, one need not speculate on the state of his moral life to make sense of what he’s doing. Needless to say, he is on a very dark path, and needs prayers for his conversion.
Carolyn johnson
Cupich is an LGBTQ, McCarrick spawn. Evil is in the Vatican and in every Bishop and cardinal Bergoglio appoints.
3rd Order Postulant
Take a look at the schools he attended.