
Francis Hides Behind "Silence, Prayer"

Pope Francis commented in his September 3 homily on Luke 4 which speaks about Jesus in the synagogue of Nazareth. He used the homily to implicitly defend himself against the explosive statement of …More
Pope Francis commented in his September 3 homily on Luke 4 which speaks about Jesus in the synagogue of Nazareth.
He used the homily to implicitly defend himself against the explosive statement of whistle-blower Archbishop Carlo Viganò who witnessed how Francis himself provided the homosexual abuser Cardinal McCarrick with a cover.
In his homily, Francis claimed that Jesus, facing opposition, stayed silent: “With people lacking goodwill, with people who only seek scandal, who seek only division, who seek only destruction, even within the family: silence, prayer.”
He even spoke about "wild dogs" - in Italian: "cani selvaggi" - who seek war and not peace.
Francis needs to be reminded that the Viganò statement is not about villainising its author but about hard facts involving Francis and his pro-gay friends in hushing up the homosexual abuses of Cardinal McCarrick.
Pro-gay and pro-Francis outlets like the Argentinean Clarin.com (September 1) have attempted to label the facts presented by …More
De Profundis
Vatican spokesman says that when the Pope hugged, thanked, praised, promoted, and covered up for McCarrick, he had no idea that McCarrick had broken up with four "husbands"
Maudie N Mandeville
Pope Francis admits: 'When I pray, sometimes I fall asleep'
Take a polygraph test and clear yourself!
The truth: This man will never tell us the truth!
One more comment from sergeant
He is not a citizen of the United States of America, and he has NO 5th Amendment rights! Come on Pontiff, loosen up! Your silence is a sin of omission, and it will not be tolerated!
De Profundis
POPE FRANCIS: "With people who don't have good will, who seek only scandal, who want only division, who seek only destruction -- including within the family: silence and prayer" POPE SAINT GREGORY THE GREAT: "It is better that scandals arise than the truth be suppressed."
De Profundis
Silence is always demanded by abusers
Very disappointing polarisation. Serious allegations have been made against several senior figures (not just PF). Comparing himself to Christ & claiming that those asking for a credible investigation are under the influence of the devil just throws fuel on the fire
“It is not healthy to love silence while fleeing interaction with others.” — Pope Francis, Gaudete Exsultate 26
paul grech
What a hypocrite Bergoglio is! Claims to be silent when in fact he is having a jibe at Vigano'. What arrogance, a heretic comparing himself to our Lord Jesus! In any event silence is golden only when you do not have an answer because what is being alleged is true.
I think Our Lord calls for Peace IN HIS NAME Sir, - not Beelzebub's The Lord would prefer YOUR peace since you blaspheme His Holy Scriptures every time you open your mouth.
This is the time that catholics ,that want the truth and light speak up . form peacefull protests world wide with prayer to show that we are not alone and we are not going to be quiet ,because those clergy that like the status quo ,will do everything to make sure nothing comes out of these scandals .in other words they choose darkness .
I doubt Francis prays except when he publicly simulates it.
He's obviously not staying silent. He's attacking Vigano and creating scandal and confusion by not denying or confirming his claims. Holy Father: people are not stupid. They know you're hiding something.
How did Maciel get away with his sex abuse? He forbade members to criticize. He demanded silence.
Amid Pope’s call for “silence and prayer,” Lombardi says Francis has “reiterated his intention not to respond directly to these accusations and not to get involved in a terrible spiral of disputes & violent contradictions that leads to further divisions”.
Joseph a' Christian
This artikle exposes, once again, the deceitful creature that is False Francis.
It also adds more evidence, that is already mountainous, of his blasphemous dark mind/being. He equals his evil destruktive homosexual ways and therefore objections from we, Christ’s faithful, to our Holy Lord Jesus’ sufferings, inflicted upon our Lord by evil men.
To the writer of this article: good work. As well, …More
This artikle exposes, once again, the deceitful creature that is False Francis.
It also adds more evidence, that is already mountainous, of his blasphemous dark mind/being. He equals his evil destruktive homosexual ways and therefore objections from we, Christ’s faithful, to our Holy Lord Jesus’ sufferings, inflicted upon our Lord by evil men.
To the writer of this article: good work. As well, please no longer name this perverse opposite of Jesus Lord of His Church, as pope. A deceitful creature can not be the Vicar of Christ- The Truth.
Jesus Is True Peace, Freedom for mankind. His Holy Word Is strengthening, guidance from confusion & sin.
I can't be the only person who is uncomfortable by how uncharitable, judgmental and mean-spirited Pope Francis comes out looking in this ...
Generally, an innocent person does not remain silent when accused of a crime.
De Profundis
This is Pope Francis ordering the faithful to "shut up." He truly is a "Dictator Pope"