
US Bishops: Abortion "Pre-Eminent" In Politics

The US bishops, at their autumn meeting in Baltimore on November 15, approved an introductory note to a voter guide for Catholics that affirms abortion as “our pre-eminent priority” in political life …More
The US bishops, at their autumn meeting in Baltimore on November 15, approved an introductory note to a voter guide for Catholics that affirms abortion as “our pre-eminent priority” in political life. The language was adopted in an unexpected amendment, writes PillarCatholic.com. For years, the bishops have been engaged in a heated debate over whether abortion should be singled out or be one issue among others such as mass-immigration, social justice, and climate ideology.
Jan Joseph
Ja natuurlijk, de katholieke kerk in Amerika wordt rechts ingehaald door de Republikeinse Partij die al vele jaren abortus wil afschaffen.
I heard their determination was significant because they went immediately to a vote and did not have any discussion as they have in previous meetings.
Sandy Barrett shares this
The U.S. bishops will continue to highlight the threat of abortion as a “pre-eminent priority” in the introduction to a guide they’ll disseminate to Catholic voters ahead of the 2024 election.
chris griffin
How dare they not!
chris griffin
Little know fact about abortion. The Bible in Genesis 4:10 says your brothers BLOOD[S] cry out from the ground. The word “blood” in the Hebrew is plural, and the word “crieth” is in the plural agreeing with it. In the Hebrew it is bloods to charge Cain with the murder of all those that might naturally have come out of Abel’s loins. God avenges the aborted child and also the never- to- be-born …More
Little know fact about abortion. The Bible in Genesis 4:10 says your brothers BLOOD[S] cry out from the ground. The word “blood” in the Hebrew is plural, and the word “crieth” is in the plural agreeing with it. In the Hebrew it is bloods to charge Cain with the murder of all those that might naturally have come out of Abel’s loins. God avenges the aborted child and also the never- to- be-born descendants.
Oh, yes, thank God! Oh, yes, we all need to cry out in a loud voice, no more slaughter of the innocent.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I hope the good, "Bishop Strickland" type Bishops in this conference still are able to carry the day at the end, defeating the "Francis style" bishops.
Abortion is legal because the bishops refused to make it a defining issue when it was imperative.
True Mass
US Bishops blah blah blah blah blah blah all words no actions.
Everyday for Life Canada
If the bishops really believed that abortion is a priority they would stop taking money from a government that is totally pro-abortion. And how many millions were collected to push the experimental shot, shut down churches and comply with Caesar’s demands?
Sally Dorman shares this
The U.S. Catholic bishops decided on Nov. 15 at their general assembly that "the threat of abortion" will remain the "preeminent priority" for their political guidance to Catholic voters in the year leading up to the 2024 presidential election.
All Saints
As it should be. You don’t worry about dirty windows or a leak in the roof when the house is on fire.