
Cardinal Zen: Vatican II? It's All the Fault of "The Theologians"

Vatican II is like each ecumenical council a "Sacrosanctum Concilium," Cardinal Joseph Zen emphasised when asked by CatholicNewsAgency.com (July 27) whether a council’s legitimacy can be questioned.

Unlike all other ecumenical councils, Vatican II was only a pastoral council without doctrinal importance. Zen rejects the truism pointed out by Archbishop Viganò that the downfall of the last decades was laid down in the Vatican II documents.

For him, the grave post-conciliar errors don't belong to Vatican II as heresies don't belong to the Bible - as if the Bible and a pastoral council were the same thing.

Zen doesn't blame the true responsible - popes, cardinals and bishops - for the Vatican II disaster but laments that "unfortunately there are theologians who put themselves above the Council documents.”

However, these evil theologians were authorised by the bishops and put in charge to teach the seminarians, and the popes made many of them bishops.

Zen consoles himself with Benedict XVI's liturgical “Reform of the Reform” which was never more than a speech bubble.

After decades of Vatican II propaganda, he still believes that all Catholics need to "rediscover" and "re-appreciate" the wordy, ambiguous, and outdated documents of the Pastoral Council. He repeats the demand that all Catholics - who often barely know the Our Father - should "rediscover" and "newly appreciate" the wordy, ambiguous and outdated Vatican II documents.

Picture: Joseph Zen, © Mazur CC BY-NC-SA, #newsTgxjqurkve

" I pray to God that I die before the end of this council ( Vatican II ), so at least I die Catholic."
- Cardinal Ottaviani
The fruits of Vatican II have damned many souls to hell. It was a crowing achievement of Satan.
Child of Our Lady
There's been much confusion that's for sure. The church is literally hemorrhaging Catholics. People aren't going to mass, sacrilegious Holy Communions, drop off in men entering the seminary, Catholics contracepting/aborting themselves out of children & the lack of belief in the Real Presence.
I remember one day prior to mass starting, there was a guy behind me talking to a woman saying he didn't …More
There's been much confusion that's for sure. The church is literally hemorrhaging Catholics. People aren't going to mass, sacrilegious Holy Communions, drop off in men entering the seminary, Catholics contracepting/aborting themselves out of children & the lack of belief in the Real Presence.

I remember one day prior to mass starting, there was a guy behind me talking to a woman saying he didn't see a difference between Catholicism & Protestantism. He felt they were basically the same religion (this is staggering). He believed as long as the person lived a 'good' life that they would go to Heaven.
F M Shyanguya
“Unlike all other ecumenical councils, Vatican II was only a pastoral council without doctrinal importance.”
False! Line parroted especially among the self-styled Trad circles.More
“Unlike all other ecumenical councils, Vatican II was only a pastoral council without doctrinal importance.”

False! Line parroted especially among the self-styled Trad circles.
Be Ye Separate
"The Second Vatican Council has not been treated as a part of the entire living Tradition of the Church, but as an end of Tradition, a new start from zero. The truth is that this particular Council defined no dogma at all, and deliberately chose to remain on a modest level, as a merely pastoral council; and yet many treat it as though it had made itself into a sort of superdogma which takes away …More
"The Second Vatican Council has not been treated as a part of the entire living Tradition of the Church, but as an end of Tradition, a new start from zero. The truth is that this particular Council defined no dogma at all, and deliberately chose to remain on a modest level, as a merely pastoral council; and yet many treat it as though it had made itself into a sort of superdogma which takes away the importance of all the rest." -- Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, “Address to the Bishops of Chile,” (13 July 1988).
F M Shyanguya
See my comments here: Schneider: Abu Dhabi Heresy Is Contained in Vatican II
Focus on the one with BXVI.More
See my comments here: Schneider: Abu Dhabi Heresy Is Contained in Vatican II

Focus on the one with BXVI.
The documents of V2 are neither "confusing" nor "false". @Be Ye Stupid "False" for you is anything you personally dislike. e.g. your constant references to "false Jews" Just because YOU don't like an official Church proclamation contradicting your own personal bigotry doesn't make it "false".
"do not fit with centuries of clear Church teachings."
Unsupported claim, typical EMJ fan-boy rhetoric.More
The documents of V2 are neither "confusing" nor "false". @Be Ye Stupid "False" for you is anything you personally dislike. e.g. your constant references to "false Jews" Just because YOU don't like an official Church proclamation contradicting your own personal bigotry doesn't make it "false".

"do not fit with centuries of clear Church teachings."

Unsupported claim, typical EMJ fan-boy rhetoric.
Be Ye Separate
Excellent commentary against the faithless modernists. Saint Pope Pius X warned us Catholics in much detail, that subversives were in the priesthood. (His encyclical: Pascendi Dominici Gregis - On the Doctrines of the Modernists) Pope Pius was battling with them fifty years before Vatican 2.
The confusing false documents of V2, do not fit with centuries of clear Church teachings.
We had another …More
Excellent commentary against the faithless modernists. Saint Pope Pius X warned us Catholics in much detail, that subversives were in the priesthood. (His encyclical: Pascendi Dominici Gregis - On the Doctrines of the Modernists) Pope Pius was battling with them fifty years before Vatican 2.
The confusing false documents of V2, do not fit with centuries of clear Church teachings.
We had another false, "robber's council," centuries ago, the pope proclaimed most of the results, null.
Christ Is King.