
Sarah Rants Against "Ideologues, "Dividers" Who Are "Of The Devil”

Already a few weeks ago, Francis informed him that he wanted to accept his resignation, Cardinal Robert Sarah told IlFoglio.it (March 10). He replied that he was happy and grateful for Francis' decision …More
Already a few weeks ago, Francis informed him that he wanted to accept his resignation, Cardinal Robert Sarah told IlFoglio.it (March 10).
He replied that he was happy and grateful for Francis' decision, “I have often said: Obedience to the Pope is not only a human necessity, it is the means of obeying Christ who appointed the Apostle Peter and his successors at the head of the Church.” He stressed that, despite some journalist claiming this "nonsense", he has never "opposed the Pope.”
Celebrating Mass toward God is for Sarah still the better option, “When everyone turns together towards the Cross, we avoid the risk of a face-to-face encounter that is too human and closed in on itself.”
The idea that the priest and the people should look at each other was born only in modern Christianity, he explains, "It is completely foreign to ancient Christianity.” If the cross isn't the center, the liturgy organises itself "around the microphone.”
Sarah uses strong words against “some ideologues” …More
Hey, look! It's the "ideologue" who encouraged Bishops to ban communion in the hand indefinitely, a "divider" of the faithful from the traditional. Is that "of the devil"? You decide.
The Church of the council has utterly destroyed the faith of countless Catholics and continues to do so. The cardinal wants me to respect that?
Sunamis 49
Cardinal Robert Sarah are you ok with what Pope Francis has done and not done and said and not said ????
“…The crisis of the Church is essentially a crisis of the liturgy because it’s a crisis of the relationship with God… The purpose of the liturgy isn’t to celebrate the community or man, but God. This is very well expressed in the oriented celebration [ad orientem].”
Cardinal Sarah: ‘Rather than talking about ourselves, let us turn to God! This is the message I have been repeating for years. If God is not at the center of the Church’s life, then she is in danger of death.”