
Coronavirus: "Outgoing Church" And "Field Hospital" Have Evaporated

The "outgoing church has barricaded itself in the Vatican because of the coronavirus," Antonio Socci observed (March 9):

"No more bridges, but walls" behind which Francis, cardinals and monsignors have hidden themselves.

Socci observes that "Bergoglio said that the shepherds must take the scent of the sheep, but he and the shepherds have run away and now they are well away from the sheep and their breath".

For Socci, this is "the great hypocrisy of the 'progressive church'."

He also remembers the Bergoglio slogan of the "Church as a field hospital" but as soon as the epidemic broke out, "the traces of this hospital were lost".

The churches in Italy have been closed, "The country that is the center of Christianity will remain totally, and for days, without mass.

The message that has reached the people is terrible: it teaches that in misfortune it is better to leave God behind, "because he is of no use".

Dios tenga misericordia de su alma Gesu e con noi, moderador del sitio. Quiere que menciones el millón de cuentas que tiene?
Gesù è con noi
😷 El Coronavirus ha hecho que los bergoglianos huyan 'Como ratas saltando de un barco que se hunde'
San Atanasio ora pro nobis
Father Don Reto Nay I dont understand why this user Holy Cannoli has the power to delete our comments and leave his comments intact. When we (Kevin and I) prove him wrong.
Gesù è con noi
The Coronavirus has made Bergoglians flee 'Like Rats Fleeing a Sinking Ship'
And to think that there are people still supporting Bergoglio! You only have to watch Gloria.TV to see that I'm telling the truth.
(As Abbot Markus Doppelbauer and his comrades are making a mess on Gloria.TV, I will refrain from commenting on Gloria.TV from now on until these infamous people are driven out. From now on, I will reserve my comments for my forum only : catholique.forumactif.com/f35-2020More
And to think that there are people still supporting Bergoglio! You only have to watch Gloria.TV to see that I'm telling the truth.
(As Abbot Markus Doppelbauer and his comrades are making a mess on Gloria.TV, I will refrain from commenting on Gloria.TV from now on until these infamous people are driven out. From now on, I will reserve my comments for my forum only : catholique.forumactif.com/f35-2020 )
"And I heard another voice from heaven, saying: Go out from her, my people; that you be not partakers of her sins, and that you receive not of her plagues."
[Apocalypse (Revelation) 18:4]
The World is about to End.
Revelation 18:2 Just Happened
All that happened in the Jewish Scriptures to the Children of God = has happened also to …More
"And I heard another voice from heaven, saying: Go out from her, my people; that you be not partakers of her sins, and that you receive not of her plagues."

[Apocalypse (Revelation) 18:4]


The World is about to End.
Revelation 18:2 Just Happened

All that happened in the Jewish Scriptures to the Children of God = has happened also to the Roman Catholic Church
The Wicked Shepherd
The Vatican II false Church now exposed to be what it truly is. A sham! Not one of it's clergy strong enough spiritually to receive the grace of God in order to perform superhuman feats! Woe to you - false Rome, merely A pale reflection of the Historical Roman Catholic Church, when truly guided by the Holy Spirit, bravery not cowardice left people in awe, and God judged His flock less harshly. Enough …More
The Vatican II false Church now exposed to be what it truly is. A sham! Not one of it's clergy strong enough spiritually to receive the grace of God in order to perform superhuman feats! Woe to you - false Rome, merely A pale reflection of the Historical Roman Catholic Church, when truly guided by the Holy Spirit, bravery not cowardice left people in awe, and God judged His flock less harshly. Enough of people pretending to be Priests. - THIS - is what we should live up to.....

In 590 the Plague claimed the life of Pope Pelagius II, and Pope St Gregory the Great, his successor, led a procession through the City of Rome (according to St Gregory of Tours)

"the pestilence reached such a point of fury, that in the brief space of an hour, eighty people fell dead to the ground. However, Gregory didn’t cease for a second in exhorting the people to continue praying and insisted that the picture of the Virgin painted by St. Luke and kept in Santa Maria Maggiore, be brought to the front of the procession"..........the Holy Image advanced, the air became healthier and more limpid and the miasma of the plague dissolved as if it couldn’t stand its presence. It reached the bridge uniting the city to the Hadrian Mausoleum, ..., when all of a sudden a chorus of Angels could be heard singing

Regina Coeli, laetare, Alleluja —
Quia quem meruisti portare, Alleluja —
Resurrexit sicut dixit, Alleluja!

Gregory responded in a loud voice:

Ora pro nobis rogamus, Alleluja!

And so the Regina Coeli was born, "

(Gregorio di Tours, Historiae Francorum, liber X, 1, in Opera omnia, a cura di J.P. Migne, Parigi 1849 p.


full article here on lifesite news.

Dr Taylor Marshall mentions this great Saintly feat of Pope St Gregory the Great, (Creator of Gregorian Chant) on the video he did a couple of days ago..... watch...
The Pachamama Idol Worship conducted by Pope F at the Vatican was the trigger for all this-- the start of the terrible Chastisements prophesied years ago to the seer of Akita--now we're seeing them and the truth as to the FrancisChurch....
F M Shyanguya
Is anyone surprised at the response of the Vatican? They talk a good game but when it comes time for action, they look for the closest rock to hide under
This is not hypocrisy Mr. Socci. These are wolves in sheep's clothing which have attacked pope Benedict XVI and Merciful and Just God is starting to expose them.
J 10:12 - 12 The one being a hired one and not a shepherd, of whom the sheep are not his own— he sees the wolf coming and leaves[d] the sheep and flees, and the wolf snatches them and scatters them, 13 because he is a hired one,More
This is not hypocrisy Mr. Socci. These are wolves in sheep's clothing which have attacked pope Benedict XVI and Merciful and Just God is starting to expose them.
J 10:12 - 12 The one being a hired one and not a shepherd, of whom the sheep are not his own— he sees the wolf coming and leaves[d] the sheep and flees, and the wolf snatches them and scatters them, 13 because he is a hired one, and he is not concerned about the sheep. 14
Holy Cannoli
I have some questions about your post that you have repeated ad nauseam. 🤪
1) What was the pestilence that you speak of in your post?
2) What are the individual names of the “nuns of St. Clare.”
3) Where are the “many places” that have been likewise preserved from contagions by that particular prayer?
4) If the “nuns of St. Clare” actually did say this prayer, how do you know that the …More
I have some questions about your post that you have repeated ad nauseam. 🤪

1) What was the pestilence that you speak of in your post?
2) What are the individual names of the “nuns of St. Clare.”
3) Where are the “many places” that have been likewise preserved from contagions by that particular prayer?
4) If the “nuns of St. Clare” actually did say this prayer, how do you know that the prayer was the primary factor that stopped the undefined pestilence? Could other factor/s been involved or even had more importance that you fail to mention? Mass, communion, prayer before the Sacrament, for example?
5) Can you site 2 or more independent sources (not blogs but reputable news sites) that affirm the pestilence that you write of and the nuns’ action in stopping "contagion instantly ceased" the pestilence?

You have posted the identical message approximately 60 times at GTV during the last week. To my knowledge, before you, no poster has ever shown the lack of appropriateness and ego which you have displayed.

Your posts are a perfect display of a zealot, a fanatic who has last their sense of balance and lost the state of conforming to conventionally accepted standards of behavior. Rational people don’t do what you are doing but realize that they are - by making post after post after post repeated so often - that the posts and they themselves have become annoying and tiresome. Your repeated posts of the identical unverified message is doing the exact opposite of what you (presumably) hope to achieve. 🥴
See - Virtue Signaling
Holy Cannoli
Your post is bogus. Unless there is proof for what you claim, your post is made up and misleading. You are doing a DISSERVICE TO ANYONE WHO READS IT.