How Bill Gates functions as a true world dictator. Bill Gates dictates the world's health care, manipulates the news media, infiltrates the food industry, bribes governments, pushes weather manipulation …More
How Bill Gates functions as a true world dictator.
Bill Gates dictates the world's health care, manipulates the news media, infiltrates the food industry, bribes governments, pushes weather manipulation, promotes GMO industry, develops surveillance technologies, calls for digital ID, and a whole lot more. Meet the man who thinks he is God, and who acts like he is the devil.
Bill Gates has zero medical education, yet he was declared as the leader of the global vaccine plan 2012-2020 at the World Health Assembly. Let this sink in: a man without any kind of medical training is in charge of vaccinating all of humanity. The goal is to create a world where people can only participate in society, if they receive ongoing injections, several times a year.
See also: BILL GATES: THE BANNED VIDEO - This revealing documentary was removed …
Bill Gates is the main financial donor to the World Health Organization, which gives him full control over this organization. …More
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Miles - Christi - English shares this
Explosive revelation!
I have little doubt he is not possessed
He is the Wizard of OZ his money controls everything except God and men of good will ,when his time comes he can not take his money and power with him and he will be facing the Creator even if does not believe in Him
Miles - Christi
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2. “La normalidad solo volverá cuando hayamos vacunado a toda la población mundial” - Bill Gates: “La normalidad solo volverá cuando hayamos vacunado a toda la población mundial”
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