Viganò Accuses Francis of Being a Homosexual

The former nuncio to Washington D.C., Monsignor Carlo Maria Viganò, has accused Pope Francis of being a homosexual. Referring to former Washington Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, 93, who was accused of …More
The former nuncio to Washington D.C., Monsignor Carlo Maria Viganò, has accused Pope Francis of being a homosexual.
Referring to former Washington Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, 93, who was accused of homosexual misconduct, Viganò writes on (29 May):
"Bergoglio himself committed the same abuses when he was Master of Novices of the Society of Jesus in Argentina, as personally confided to me by one of his former novices".
If Viganò is not allowed to publish the name of his witness, he would at least be obliged to present the accusations in detail, otherwise, they are worthless.
la verdad prevalece shares this
If even Pope Benedict was afraid of the Gay Mafia with the protection of the entire Swiss Guard, what would be said of a poor young Argentine man victim of Bergoglio's homosexual abuse, his life would be in danger living in Argentina where they kill anyone for a few cents just like in my country.
la verdad prevalece
Here in the Gloria TV forum on the Spanish page there was an Argentine commentator who was afraid to even denounce Bergoglio's heresies and even though he used a malemp pseudonym, he told me that his life was in danger. Mysteriously, his account remained inactive, I don't know if he decided not to publish more but that's how things are.
True Mass
God Bless and protect Archbishop Vigano. A true Warrior For Christ. The only prelate who speaks the full truth.
Tony M
Archbishop Vigano is the most courageous of all the Hierarchy in his being prepared to speak the truth of what is occurring in our Church as it is being destroyed by Bergoglio and his cohorts!! I believe he would be prepared to be martyred in his efforts to defend the True Faith of 2000 years given to us by Our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ. I trust everything Archbishop Vigano says.....absolutely!!!More
Archbishop Vigano is the most courageous of all the Hierarchy in his being prepared to speak the truth of what is occurring in our Church as it is being destroyed by Bergoglio and his cohorts!! I believe he would be prepared to be martyred in his efforts to defend the True Faith of 2000 years given to us by Our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ. I trust everything Archbishop Vigano says.....absolutely!!!
He has all the qualities of a Pope....and I mean a real one...... If Only!!!!
Sean Johnson
I agree that if Vigano is going to make such a revelation, he should be prepared to substantiate it.
Maria delos Angeles
Well maybe he cant without putting the victim in danger of his life or various repercussion - have you thought about it from that pov?
Sean Johnson
I think if it can’t be substantiated, for whatever reason, then it shouldn’t be alleged, as it’s ruinous to the reputation of both accuser and accused.
Maria delos Angeles
@Sean Johnson, read comments below
English Catholic
If what this former novice says is true, then the sin of calumny wouldn't apply. I also don't think the sin of detraction would apply, because a crime would have been committed which would have consequences for the good of the whole Church. So why not get the former novice to bring the darkness into the light, and let justice take its course?
Maria delos Angeles
Those who cover for others' crimes are guilty of those same crimes
There's a big difference between being accused of being a homosexual and being accused of homosexual "misconduct". I definitely agree with the last sentence.
True Mass
God Bless Vigano a warrior for Christ. I do hope he can prove this claim.
Vigano has opened the eyes of so many faithful Catholics.
Tony M
Bergoglio is a serial, manifest, pertinaceous, formal heretic.....and he was long before he came to the Chair of Peter. In my 7 decades of life, I have never understood that a heretic can be elected to the papacy or even be a valid Catholic. If you are a heretic you are by your own choice....Out of the Church!!!
Ivan Tomas
Pachapapa, anathema sit!
If this is true, then the Archbishop’s source/eyewitness must be named and openly identified, with the evidence made public that will prove the veracity of this shocking and appalling allegation. Otherwise it is just unfounded hearsay and gossip, bordering on calumny. You cannot, as a fellow Bishop — with integrity and godly purpose — make such scandalously horrific charges of unspeakable and …More
If this is true, then the Archbishop’s source/eyewitness must be named and openly identified, with the evidence made public that will prove the veracity of this shocking and appalling allegation. Otherwise it is just unfounded hearsay and gossip, bordering on calumny. You cannot, as a fellow Bishop — with integrity and godly purpose — make such scandalously horrific charges of unspeakable and heinously unnatural acts against the reigning Bishop of Rome and Supreme Pontiff of Holy Mother Church (or anyone else, for that matter) so callously, casually and nonchalantly without being amply prepared to fully, thoroughly and unreservedly substantiate what you have alleged, and at the same time being irreversibly prepared to weather the storm unleashed by your accusations. If you are so bold as to openly, before the whole Church and the entire world, make such a denouncement, then you must also be ready to suffer sacrificially the adverse consequences of your willingness to condemn the sitting, duly elected, validly enthroned Vicar of Christ of committing sodomy and sexually violating a Novice whose formation was under his direct supervision. Such a brazen indictment issued by a Bishop of the Church (active or retired) against the Pope would be utterly without precedent in our modern times. That is why the certitude along with the exactitude of a gross abomination of this sordid sort having actually occurred must — and can only — be proven via demonstrable and verifiable facts. Thus, the identity of the Archbishop’s source/eyewitness must be made known and that person must step forward with an unimpeachable testimony....or this is all just a steaming pile of garbage and the accusers will be reviled as false, with their story cast aside and discredited as an egregious LIE and their reputations rightfully assailed and torn asunder.
Maria delos Angeles
SonoftheChurch I totally disagree with you. He is under no such obligation.
@Maria delos Angeles You have every right to disagree, my dear. But it does not change, negate nor lessen the salient FACT that if the good Archbishop wishes his allegation to be received, believed and acted upon, then he is most CERTAINLY obligated to produce all the relevant evidentiary proof in existence that can actuate and sustain the veracity of his accusation. Otherwise, it will be as I …More
@Maria delos Angeles You have every right to disagree, my dear. But it does not change, negate nor lessen the salient FACT that if the good Archbishop wishes his allegation to be received, believed and acted upon, then he is most CERTAINLY obligated to produce all the relevant evidentiary proof in existence that can actuate and sustain the veracity of his accusation. Otherwise, it will be as I have stated: his charge against the Pope of sodomy and the deviant sexual violation and abuse of a Novice under his supervision will be considered as nothing more than calumnious hearsay and unfounded gossip unworthy of an Archbishop of Holy Mother Church. In cases like this, which have both global AND eternal implications, the bar of responsibility for one of his rank in the Church to act properly and appropriately is raised very high.
Maria delos Angeles
Check your base premise, @SonoftheChurch . You are assuming, nay stating he is the Pope, but even reason should tell you he is no such thing!
@softonthechurch you may be right in a strictly legal sense. But such an accusation as Bishop Vigano's is not easily dismissed with “slanderous rumors” or “unsubstantiated gossip.” First, Bishop Vigano is not stupid. When he makes such an accusation, he makes it only when he has sufficient convincing evidence to do so. But even if for some reason he cannot make that evidence public, his accusation …More
@softonthechurch you may be right in a strictly legal sense. But such an accusation as Bishop Vigano's is not easily dismissed with “slanderous rumors” or “unsubstantiated gossip.” First, Bishop Vigano is not stupid. When he makes such an accusation, he makes it only when he has sufficient convincing evidence to do so. But even if for some reason he cannot make that evidence public, his accusation is still credible. It would only make sense if Francis was guilty of such abuse given his relentless zeal to promote the LGTB agenda and present homosexuality as something “God-given.” His Fiducia supplicans shows in all clarity his distorted, perverted view of (gay) sexuality.
But the story undoubtedly will continue....
@SonoftheChurch the comment above is addressed at you. Sorry for the mistake.
It’s the Gay Mafia.
la verdad prevalece
True Mass
Need a translation.
la verdad prevalece
Basically, one of the seminarians who were victims of Zanchetta's homosexual abuse testified that Gustavo Zanchetta was proud of having slept with Bergoglio, and in front of all the seminarians he said that he had slept in bed with Bergoglio every time he returned from the Vatican to Argentina.
la verdad prevalece
Predatore omosessuale Gustavo Zancheta: «Ero con il Papa. "Ero nel letto del Papa."
In sostanza, uno dei seminaristi vittime degli abusi omosessuali di Zanchetta ha testimoniato che Gustavo Zanchetta era orgoglioso di aver dormito con Bergoglio, e davanti a tutti i seminaristi ha detto di aver dormito nel letto con Bergoglio ogni volta che tornava dal Vaticano a Argentina.
Homo or not, he is one of the best friends that the homo's have ever had. They rule the current Vatican.
la verdad prevalece
Vigano is correct and no proof is needed since St. Paul infallibly teaches that homosexual activists are homosexuals themselves. Romans 1:32
la verdad prevalece
And Saint Peter Damian taught that sodomites are those who declare an abominable war on God.
Boanerges Boanerges
If Vigano would publish the name of this witness he would put him in grave danger. Ecclesiastical masonry eliminates their enemies. Why do you think bishops around the world are so scared?