Francis meets with pro-choice US SpeakerPelosi, who was in Rome to give keynote address at Pre-COP26 Parliamentary Meeting and 4 more users link to this post
????????????????THe Pope just melts away when he meets "WISE "people like Pelosi and the USA should be gratefull to have a leader like that???????????????????????? and 3 more users link to this post
De Profundis shares this
Francis has no problem meeting pro-abortionists. He just has problems meeting faithful Catholics
Die Bärin
One day he will have a big problem getting to heaven!
Seidenspinner shares this
As a senior bench op put it, “The Pope is sending more signals [to the bishops] than a 3rd base coach at the World Series…” Accordingly, beyond the expressions, the desk-side chair usually denotes a “friendly” audience; a “formal” would use the seats across the desk.
Hugh N. Cry
Look how happy he is to see her. J&J not Johnson & Johnson but Judas & Jezebel.
chris griffin
"They poison human society, and they do more harm to those who practice them than to those who suffer from the injury." The Gospel of Life #3.
Father D. Joseph Waugh
Bergolio always has the big smile on for the worst people. Frowns come out when he's around the good.
Have you noticed in this world everywhere you turn everything seems against the Truth!
Marxist collaborators.
Facts Not Lies
I have used the ploy of needing to be closer to hear better as an excuse to break formalities and the desk barrier.
I imagine an 80 y/o woman politician would know of this ploy too.More
I have used the ploy of needing to be closer to hear better as an excuse to break formalities and the desk barrier.

I imagine an 80 y/o woman politician would know of this ploy too.
Malki Tzedek
Christ met with sinners but none of them were left unchanged by the encounter. Some were transformed; none were reinforced in their iniquity.
Bishop Ambrose denies Holy Communion to the Roman Emperor Theodosius after he massacred thousands in Thessalonica. The Roman Emperor is told he must confess and do penance before returning to the Holy Sacrament.