Lisi Sterndorfer
Fr. Rippperger is spot on. The government taxing individuals more than even what God wants (10%) is disordered and defrauding the laborer of his wages.
Actually, it's the middle class, not even upper middle class they're after. The upper echelons have bought the media and politicians.
Socialism/Communism/Marxism puts government in the place of God, so yes, government demands more, it demands everything from its slaves.
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Brot und Butter für 230 Mäuler zum Frühstück bei der aktuellen altrituellen Wallfahrt in England
so ungefähr wie bei den Wanderungen von Jugend für das Leben
Lisi Sterndorfer
Hier ist das Mittagessen:
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Bishop Schneider catechize on the Sacrament of Holy Orders.
On the eve of the Assumption Br. Edward and Br. Gabriel professed their first vows to the Canons Regular of St. John Cantius
Sean Johnson
Eh, apparently he was accused of inappropriate relationships with adult men: Canons of St. John Cantius founder to face review board after removal amid …Mehr
Eh, apparently he was accused of inappropriate relationships with adult men: Canons of St. John Cantius founder to face review board after removal amid misconduct claims
There were some false rumors that he had been exonerated from the charges, but this statement rebuts that claim: Update: 'Exoneration' of St John Cantius founder 'without foundation'
As for the order, it was always schizophrenic, celebrating Latin Rite, Novus Ordo, and Byzantine.
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El “Espíritu legionario” presente en la Peregrinación tradicional a Covadonga 2024
perceo3 teilt das
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Bishop Schneider on Holy Orders
Es sind nur ein paar kleine Änderungen bei der Liturgie
Zitat "Es sind nur ein paar kleine Änderungen bei der Liturgie" ein sehr gutes Beispiel zur Konsequenz
Bernold Baer
Ein angeblich in Europa produzierender Hersteller von Bad-Keramik! DURAVIT Egypt Plant (Ceramic Plant) 10 th of Ramadan City Industrial zone #A6 Phone …Mehr
Ein angeblich in Europa produzierender Hersteller
von Bad-Keramik!
DURAVIT Egypt Plant (Ceramic Plant)

10 th of Ramadan City
Industrial zone #A6
Phone +2015412445/46/47
Fax +2015412444
DURAVIT Egypt Plant (Acrylic Plant) Badr City Industrial zone # 2 Piece No. 25/26/27 Phone +202 28607201 Fax +20228607197 Quelle: Unsere Produktionsstandorte | Duravit
7 weitere Kommentare
Los peregrinos de NSCristiandades llegan a la basílica de Covadonga (II)
Nuestra Señora de la Cristiandad - España ¡Comienza la segunda jornada de la peregrinación!Mehr
Nuestra Señora de la Cristiandad - España
¡Comienza la segunda jornada de la peregrinación!
Pro Vita Famiglia: La blasfema cerimonia di apertura delle Olimpiadi 2024 avrà, come tutte, il suo posto nella Storia. Più precisamente, tra i rifiuti organici.
maxi57 teilt das
Najlepiej wyrzucić razem z telewizorem.
3 weitere Kommentare
Michael Matt published a video about the Latin Mass in Africa
Heiliger Erzengel Raffael teilt das
Billy F
My Brothers and Sisters are from every race, color, country. They who love Our Lord, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. They who love the One who Tabernacles …Mehr
My Brothers and Sisters are from every race, color, country. They who love Our Lord, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. They who love the One who Tabernacles with His People in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Alter until the end of the age!
Bishop Schneider, Can I fulfill my Sunday obligation by attending a Sedevacantist Church?
Nicola D.B.
Loro stanno negando i veri Dogmi, quindi loro sono gli eretici, non Cattolici. Poco importa se ciò accade da 60 anni.
Bishop Schneider, What is the Church's stance on Artificial Intelligence?
Lisi Sterndorfer
Archbishop Cordileone celebrates the ancient Roman Rite.
Lisi Sterndorfer teilt das
4 weitere Kommentare
Latin mass conquers Kilimanjaro: Remnant Tours is climbing the mountain with a Portuguese priest
Vincent Capuano
There is no tabernacle on portable altar, gothic vestments are legit even if the modern silkscreen print leaves something to be desired.
Sean Johnson
You sure that’s. TLM? Novus Ordo vestments and server bowing instead of genuflecting when passing in front of altar, etc.). Maybe the host wasn’t yet …Mehr
You sure that’s. TLM? Novus Ordo vestments and server bowing instead of genuflecting when passing in front of altar, etc.). Maybe the host wasn’t yet consecrated I guess.
Bishop Schneider, Is God the Father genderless?
True Mass
These guys are a complete mess and embarrassment. So sad. V2 must be washed away with all its filth. Long live Vigano!Mehr
These guys are a complete mess and embarrassment. So sad. V2 must be washed away with all its filth.
Long live Vigano!
Ari B
If God called Himself the Father, well, guess what? That's the gender God wants to be referred to as. Simple as that.
Bishop Schneider answers questions
Thank you for posting this discussion.
Fr. Murray on a battle already fought by Mother Angelica ...discussing "inclusive language" at the Synod. “An attempt to manipulate thought through language...this is silliness”
Naomi Arai
Sadly EWTN is pure trash now.
FR. GERALD MURRAY on the NYT report that NEW priests are younger and more traditional. - “A life of faith that’s alive”
Bishop Athanasius Schneider on how Communion in the hand became widespread