Sally Dorman
Yeah, let’s aggressively dishonour the symbols of one religious tradition and then preach about the absurdity of violence.
The same people who cheer on the freedom to blaspheme in Paris Would have Christians jailed for criticising the LGBT movement in a heartbeat
Novena - Oremus
Europe is demographically dying, economically dying, technologically dying, and tonight we saw that it's also culturally dying...
St. Andrew's Church has cancelled an upcoming Pride event involving the Dublin Gay Men's Chorus saying it is 'not compatible with our Misson as a Roman Catholic Parish Church' The choir has since …More
St. Andrew's Church has cancelled an upcoming Pride event involving the Dublin Gay Men's Chorus saying it is 'not compatible with our Misson as a Roman Catholic Parish Church' The choir has since criticised the cancellation and the pope's use of the word 'f*ggot'
Tammy Peterson officially entered the Catholic Church during the Easter vigil Mass last night
Sally Dorman
Dr. Tim Gray shares his thoughts on Fiducia Supplicans, the Vatican's recent document "On the Pastoral Meaning of Blessings".
Sally Dorman
The Legacy of Liberal Catholicism
Everyday for Life Canada
Two other photos would go well here: that of pro-forma Catholic Fauci and Pelosi.
Is this the “return to normalcy” we were promised by Joe Biden and the Democrats?
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Sally Dorman
Abandoned Roman Catholic Church in Chicago, Illinois
The college now accepts grossly immature, mentally sick, spiritually diseased young men who like to wear make-up and dress as girls. Perfect fit for …More
The college now accepts grossly immature, mentally sick, spiritually diseased young men who like to wear make-up and dress as girls. Perfect fit for newchurch
Sally Dorman
Abandoned Catholic Church in Chicago, Illinois. The church was bought out by a baptist church and they installed the drop ceiling. Pretty much building a small church inside the massive church. While …More
Abandoned Catholic Church in Chicago, Illinois. The church was bought out by a baptist church and they installed the drop ceiling. Pretty much building a small church inside the massive church. While also hiding all the decaying features that were much too costly to repair. Sadly, the church went abandoned again and is sitting in disrepair.
Why were the statue of St. Joseph and the stained glass window left abandoned? How many newly built traditional churches have to wait to fund-raise …More
Why were the statue of St. Joseph and the stained glass window left abandoned? How many newly built traditional churches have to wait to fund-raise enough funds to install these things? The Prots will probably smash it as an "idol"!
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
It went from Catholic to ...Baptist? Ugh!
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Sally Dorman
You at the airport - Juan at the borderMore
You at the airport -
Juan at the border
Sandy Barrett
Sally Dorman
MLB pitcher Trevor Williams has stepped up to the plate to urge Catholics to withhold support of the L.A. Dodgers in the wake of the team’s decision to re-invite the blasphemous anti-Catholic drag …More
MLB pitcher Trevor Williams has stepped up to the plate to urge Catholics to withhold support of the L.A. Dodgers in the wake of the team’s decision to re-invite the blasphemous anti-Catholic drag group the “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence” as Community Hero Award honorees next month.
“As a devout Catholic, I am deeply troubled by the Dodgers’ decision to re-invite and honor the group ‘The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence’ at their Pride Night this year,” wrote Williams in a statement on Twitter.
Sally Dorman
The Benedictine Sisters of Mary, Queen of the Apostles in Gower, Missouri, exhumed their founder, Sister Wilhelmina of the Most Holy Rosary, on April 28, the Feast Day of St. Louis Marie DeMontfort: "…More
The Benedictine Sisters of Mary, Queen of the Apostles in Gower, Missouri, exhumed their founder, Sister Wilhelmina of the Most Holy Rosary, on April 28, the Feast Day of St. Louis Marie DeMontfort: "Not only was her body in a remarkable preserved condition, her crown and bouquet of flowers were dried in place, the profession candle with the ribbon, her crucifix, and rosary were all intact. Even more remarkable was the complete preservation of her holy habit, made from natural fibers, for which she fought so vigorously throughout her religious life. The synthetic veil was perfectly intact, while the lining of the coffin, made of very similar material, was completely deteriorated and gone."
Novena - Oremus shares this
Berichten zufolge ist der Leichnam von Schwester Wilhelmina Lancaster, der Gründerin der Benediktinerinnen von Maria, Königin der Apostel (alter Ritus …More
Berichten zufolge ist der Leichnam von Schwester Wilhelmina Lancaster, der Gründerin der Benediktinerinnen von Maria, Königin der Apostel (alter Ritus), vier Jahre nach ihrem Tod in Missouri unversehrt aufgefunden worden.
Jim Jambon shares this
Hundreds of pilgrims have descended on a Benedictine monastery for religious sisters in rural Missouri in recent days after news began to spread on …More
Hundreds of pilgrims have descended on a Benedictine monastery for religious sisters in rural Missouri in recent days after news began to spread on social media last week that the recently exhumed remains of the contemplative order’s African American foundress appear to be incorrupt, four years after her death and burial in a simple wooden coffin. Read more: A miracle in Missouri? Body of Benedictine Sisters’ foundress thought to be incorrupt | Catholic News Agency
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Sally Dorman
The Diocese of Irapuato, Mexico, announced May 15 that the historic church of Santiaguito had been set on fire overnight. Much of the fire damage was centered around the main entrance doors, with the …More
The Diocese of Irapuato, Mexico, announced May 15 that the historic church of Santiaguito had been set on fire overnight.
Much of the fire damage was centered around the main entrance doors, with the sanctuary and statues still largely intact and um-damaged by direct flame, but damaged by smoke.
Sally Dorman
Funeral of Benedict? No, it’s Palermo’s lay holy man Biagio Conte.
In Moscow, some billboards have been replaced by huge orthodox icons of Mary
anthony fowler shares this
Russia's conversion forthcoming
Non conosco il Polacco, ma temo che i commenti dalla Polonia siano di totale avversione ai Russi. Se è così, prego i commentatori di chiedersi se San …More
Non conosco il Polacco, ma temo che i commenti dalla Polonia siano di totale avversione ai Russi. Se è così, prego i commentatori di chiedersi se San Giovanni Paolo II sarebbe stato totalmente, ferocemente antirusso.
If comments from Poland are totally anti-Russian (I don't know Polish language): please think of Saint John Paul the Second and His visions and feelings
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Sally Dorman
Corpus Christi procession today in Sydney, Australia - 13.000 people