Sally Dorman
The Archdiocese of Chicago is introducing “natural” burial plots in a section of St. Michael the Archangel Cemetery in Palatine, Illinois. The new section, dedicated to St. Kateri Tekakwitha, will …More
The Archdiocese of Chicago is introducing “natural” burial plots in a section of St. Michael the Archangel Cemetery in Palatine, Illinois. The new section, dedicated to St. Kateri Tekakwitha, will allow for the use of biodegradable caskets and burial without chemical embalming. This option responds to “a growing environmental consciousness among Americans,” the archdiocese said.

Chicago Archdiocese introduces natural burial plots, first among state's Catholic dioceses - Chicago …

The Archdiocese of Chicago is introducing a natural, eco-friendly burial option at a suburban cemetery …
Hugh N. Cry
Nothing wrong with this. I bet, though, it costs more because it can be labeled as “organic.”
sp2 . .
Ahem...... Listen up: Jewish caskets are all wood construction (biodegradable) In construction they have been doweled, pegged, and glued together, no …More
Listen up:
Jewish caskets are all wood construction (biodegradable)
In construction they have been doweled, pegged, and glued together, no nails, metal, or unnatural materials. This makes the caskets "Kosher for Burial". The pure wood construction of Kosher caskets, adorned with only a little more than the Star of David, adhere to and embrace the traditions governed by Jewish Law.
Jewish law requires that the body, in its entirety, be returned to the earth. For this reason, cremation, autopsies and embalming are forbidden. The natural process of decomposition must occur so that the body can reunite with the soil from which it was formed.
Pope John Paul 2 was not embalmed.
Sister Wilhelmina's body was not embalmed
and did not receive any other treatments prior to her burial. She was buried in an unsealed wooden casket. Although the casket had deteriorated, her body was not decomposed and her habit and clothing showed no features of breakdown.
4 more comments

Synod on Synodality: Bishops launch regional workshops ahead of October meeting in Rome

Vatican City, Aug 22, 2024 / 05:30 am (CNA). Around the world, bishops together with the Catholic faithful of their …
Father Karl A Claver
Workshops are a total waste of time. How many workshops did Our Lord have? It is bloated bureaucracy at its worst.
perhaps most revealing, the study found that no priest ordained since 2020 described himself as “very progressive.” In addition, nearly all priests ordained in 2020 and afterward described themselves …More
perhaps most revealing, the study found that no priest ordained since 2020 described himself as “very progressive.” In addition, nearly all priests ordained in 2020 and afterward described themselves as politically moderate or conservative.

Surge of Young, Conservative Priests Could Make Aging Liberal Clergy 'Extinct'

The American Catholic Church is seeing a prolonged surge of conservative young priests, leaving the aging and far more …
Father Karl A Claver
At John's Seminary, for Los Angeles, if a seminarian was found praying the Rosary, he was kicked out. It is better now but look at the mess.
I wonder how "conservative" these newly ordained young priests really are. When i was in seminary, you had to keep your head down and educate yourself …More
I wonder how "conservative" these newly ordained young priests really are. When i was in seminary, you had to keep your head down and educate yourself on tradition using mainly books [Internet was in its infancy]. But now with all the outline pundits and social media 'influencers' it's hard to distinguish the truly orthodox from the grifters. One just needs to look at the crazy Eucharistic "revival" they just had: Youtube priests, contemporary music, & selfies! Not really traditional. Sure there's a lot of young people at the TLM, but how many more are getting "Catholicism-lite"?

Cardinal Péter Erdő: 'Faith' is what is 'most important in life'

Cardinal Péter Erdő: 'Faith' is what is 'most important in life' "Faith is the most important thing in life, and therefore, serving the …
chris griffin
And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love; but the greatest of these is love. 1 Cor 13:13More
And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love; but the greatest of these is love. 1 Cor 13:13

From ‘open hearts’ to closed borders: behind Sweden’s negative net immigration figures

Ten years ago the then prime minister Fredrik Reinfeldt asked Swedes to “open your hearts” to refugees. Now the …
Academy for Life denies the redemptive value of suffering

‘Sufferance does not redeem’: PAV anaesthetises Redemption

‘Sufferance does not redeem’: PAV anaesthetises Redemption In the notable controversial volume on the end of life the meaning of Salvifici …
Hound of Heaven
St Maximilian Kolbe and all other martyrs please pray for these lost souls and all souls who dismiss the precious gift you gave to God in kinship with …More
St Maximilian Kolbe and all other martyrs please pray for these lost souls and all souls who dismiss the precious gift you gave to God in kinship with His Son.
And he made these inane comments at the foot of a crucifix! Lord, how long?
One more comment
More than 200 attendees — among them those who struggle with same-sex attraction and their friends and family — gathered at the lakeside facilities of the University of St. Mary of the Lake and Mundelein …More
More than 200 attendees — among them those who struggle with same-sex attraction and their friends and family — gathered at the lakeside facilities of the University of St. Mary of the Lake and Mundelein Seminary. In addition to fellowship, the attendees attended relevant talks, rosary prayer, Masses, and all-night Eucharistic adoration.

‘Courage’ a Catholic ministry for those with same-sex attraction, offers healing and support

CNA Staff, Aug 17, 2024 / 08:30 am A recent conference in Illinois gathered hundreds of Catholics together …
Gaspers argues that even if Francis was fraudulently elected and even if he is a heretic, he is still the pope at this time.

Archbishop Viganò and the Question of Pope Francis

Part 1 From the release of his initial Testimony in August of 2018 to the present, I have followed Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò’s public statements …
Louis IX
Following Gaspers reasoning a donkey could be pope as long as the cardinals accepted the donkey as pope.
Boanerges Boanerges
OP5 has adamant papolatry tradition of "abusive father" doctrine (you're damn if you refuse Bergoglio you're damn if you adhere to him) which ultimately …More
OP5 has adamant papolatry tradition of "abusive father" doctrine (you're damn if you refuse Bergoglio you're damn if you adhere to him) which ultimately leads to abandoning of faith. Very dangerous!
12 more comments
Fr. Mario Alexis Portella: The Catholic clergy in the West has not been able to grasp Islam in a coherent and meaningful manner; that is, unlike Christianity, Islam cannot be perceived as a religion …More
Fr. Mario Alexis Portella: The Catholic clergy in the West has not been able to grasp Islam in a coherent and meaningful manner; that is, unlike Christianity, Islam cannot be perceived as a religion from our Western perspective.

The Failure of Interreligious Dialogue with Islam

touched upon the “complicated and dramatic history [in Afghanistan], marked by a succession of wars and blood-stained conflicts, which have made it very …
Billy F
It is on par with Communism with a false profit and demon to worship instead of the Government! You can’t dialogue with Satan!
The globalist Club of Rome, under its Earth4All agenda, has urged nations worldwide to reduce meat consumption, redistribute wealth, and adopt a circular economy in the name of tackling climate change …More
The globalist Club of Rome, under its Earth4All agenda, has urged nations worldwide to reduce meat consumption, redistribute wealth, and adopt a circular economy in the name of tackling climate change and poverty.

Club of Rome Calls on Nations to Eat Less Meat, Redistribute Wealth, Adopt Circular Economy

The Club of Rome would see the entire planet turn into a Marxist dystopia: perspective As part of its Earth4All …
When satan wants you to do something, do the opposite.
John A Cassani
If producers can’t profit, nothing will be produced. If non-producers take charge of the means of production, nothing will be produced. “Redistribution …More
If producers can’t profit, nothing will be produced. If non-producers take charge of the means of production, nothing will be produced. “Redistribution of wealth” is nothing more than the destruction of wealth.
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International Olympics Committee president tells press there's "no scientifically solid system" to determine if someone is male or female

International Olympics Committee president tells press there's "no scientifically solid system" to …

It's one thing to allow transgenderism to ruin sports and put women in danger. But THIS is something …
Servum Tuum Domina
Why bother. Just boycott the stupid olympics
chris griffin
DNA tests can establish biological sex.
3 more comments
Falling birth rates (and marriage rates) aren't just a secular problem. Ask any young, devout, unmarried Catholic and they will likely tell you the Catholic dating scene is a mess.

Someone to Dance With - The Catholic Thing

Birth rates are falling. All around the world, societies are failing to undertake the most fundamental task of any civilization. The problem is most acute in …
Bishop Wojciech Osial, chairman of the Polish bishops’ education commission, has supported a protest against the government’s plan to reduce religious instruction in schools to one hour per week.

Polish bishop backs protest over religion class cuts

A Polish bishop has backed a protest against moves to curb state-funded religion classes in the country’s schools. Bishop Wojciech Osial, chairman …
I am happy: less new religion "instruction" - less heretics occupying the churches.
Father Karl A Claver
Five hours a week is still not enough considering how important religion is.
The Nicaraguan government has arrested at least 12 priests and closed down several parishes in the north of the country, in the latest offensive against the Catholic Church.

Nicaragua Escalates Repression Against Catholic Clergy

At least 12 priests have been arrested in recent days in a new wave of detentions targeting Catholic Church clergy in Nicaragua, according to a …
Father Karl A Claver
How many of the priests are involved in liberation theology?
Informative Article

XY Athletes in Women’s Olympic Boxing: The Paris 2024 Controversy Explained

With the return of the Olympics, it’s time for another predictable global uproar about XY athletes competing in the female …
To all the French people who have felt humiliated and scorned, to all the sportsmen and women with a sense of the sacred and religious, to all the other peoples of the world who have been outraged, I …More
To all the French people who have felt humiliated and scorned, to all the sportsmen and women with a sense of the sacred and religious, to all the other peoples of the world who have been outraged, I say to you: France is not the spectacle you witnessed. It was the brainchild of ideologues who trampled on a thousand-year-old heritage to which they are indebted.

The Remnant Newspaper - Louis de Bourbon: "The opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, a distorted …

Surpassing oneself, respecting others. This is a fine lesson that we can draw from the Olympic Games …

The Paris Olympic Ceremony: Not Simply Bad Taste, but an Act of War against Christian Civilization

Among the many symbolic events of our time, the grotesque spectacle that opened the Paris Olympics on …
The Full Analysis of the Olympic Last Supper Revelations 12. It isn't JUST mockery of Christ and Christianity. They are revealing their own Satanic …More
The Full Analysis of the Olympic Last Supper
Revelations 12.
It isn't JUST mockery of Christ and Christianity. They are revealing their own Satanic religious practices.
The scene at the Olympics is the anti-Last Supper referencing Revelations 12: " A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. 2 She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth. 3 Then another sign appeared in heaven: an enormous red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on its heads... The dragon (the Bacchus figure) stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child the moment he was born."
The fat woman, dressed in blue, with the sun and 12 stars on her head is the anti-Madonna. There is a menacing looking person in red standing next to her, but the star of the scene represents Satan, the Dragon, Bacchus, Dionysus, Baphomet (all the gods of the pagans …More

The Remnant Newspaper - Now That We Know Bishops Can Condemn Olympic Scandals, Can They Condemn the …

It is impossible to remain indifferent or passive in the face of this new attack on the rights of Our …
Christian church in India suspends services following attack by Hindu extremists

Hindu extremist attack shuts down church’s services in India

Worship services at a church in a village in central India’s Madhya Pradesh state have been suspended since Hindu extremists attacked the …
Naomi Arai
Considering how anti-Catholic and pro-Muslim Novus Ordos in India are, I honestly wonder if God allows these pagans to harass them.
The 69-year-old bishop decided to step back from the role after he appealed unsuccessfully to Rome for an auxiliary bishop to help him oversee his Diocese of Antwerp, which serves around 1.2 million …More
The 69-year-old bishop decided to step back from the role after he appealed unsuccessfully to Rome for an auxiliary bishop to help him oversee his Diocese of Antwerp, which serves around 1.2 million Catholics.

Bishop quits as Belgian Church’s point man on abuse

Bishop Johan Bonny confirmed July 25 that he was withdrawing from the high-profile role, citing an excessive workload that he said was taking a toll …