Sally Dorman
Is more state propaganda even possible?
The clip that ended Kamala’s first presidential campaign
John A Cassani
It also shows what a lefty Tulsi Gabbard is.
English Catholic
Let's hope it ends any further attempt, as well.
Crowds cheer as more than 1,000 priests pass by in the Eucharistic procession through the streets of Indianapolis for the National Eucharistic Congress.
This is the audience at the Eucharistic Congress
Denis Efimov
I have not yet recovered from the photos and videos from World Youth Day, and here this
Billy F
It seems very American Jesus John 6:66 Protestant than adoration of the True Holy of Holies!!!
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Eucharistic Congress: Honest question, is this something you would want to be at?
Lelkihaz Lelkihaz
Praise the Lord! Dicsőség az Úrnak! 🙏
charisma shares this
Amikor az Eucharisztikus Kongresszus (USA) átmegy karizmatikus találkozóba...
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Supreme Knight Patrick Kelly takes "the stage" (what is your opinion on it?) and encourages our devotion to Jesus Christ in the Eucharist.
This set is even more garish than what was on display at the RNC.
Whoopi Goldberg mocked Trump’s 17-year-old granddaughter’s speech. She’s going after a minor.
I just can't take a woman who wears a mop on her head seriously.
His family says everything about what a good man and Father he is.. I know he has been divorced etc. We all sin.
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This is from the youth breakout session at the Eucharistic Congress.
Entertainment central at it's best
Ann Smith
Soon, the Satan and his cohorts will be chained up.
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NBC News: “The Republican Platform no longer calls for a Federal abortion ban and no longer defines marriage between one man and one woman. Is this a sign your father (Donald Trump) is moving to the …More
NBC News: “The Republican Platform no longer calls for a Federal abortion ban and no longer defines marriage between one man and one woman. Is this a sign your father (Donald Trump) is moving to the center?”
Eric Trump: “My father has ALWAYS been there on those issues. That’s reflective of my father and what he believes in… and my wife Lara who runs the RNC and what she believes in. At the end of the day, this country has holes in the roof and you’ve got to fix those holes and stop worrying about the spot on the wall in the basement.”
It is official - we have uniparty.
What a ridiculous and callous reply. Murdering the unborn is certainly not a "spot on the wall." BTW can man fix anything without the assistance of God …More
What a ridiculous and callous reply. Murdering the unborn is certainly not a "spot on the wall." BTW can man fix anything without the assistance of God. Answer: no, history tells us that.
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Former Attorney General Bill Barr won't answer if he thinks the FBI can be trusted with the Trump shooting investigation, but he says they should be given a chance. As for Secret Service Director Kimberly …More
Former Attorney General Bill Barr won't answer if he thinks the FBI can be trusted with the Trump shooting investigation, but he says they should be given a chance. As for Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle, Barr says she should be fired.
President Joe Biden says he is “not going anywhere” before rambling about how there is no traffic congestion anymore. The president appeared more aware than he was during the debate however he still …More
President Joe Biden says he is “not going anywhere” before rambling about how there is no traffic congestion anymore. The president appeared more aware than he was during the debate however he still slurred through his speech. “You got me man. I'm not going anywhere. I'll come back out when they let the open the gate.” “I used to think when I was a senator was there were always congestion on the highways.” “There's no congestion anymore. No. Regarding the highway, there's no congestion. And so what the way they get me to stop talking, they'll say, we just shut down all the roads.”
For anyone wondering why Cardinal Zen wrote that piece about Michael Lofton, watch this 30 second clip of how condescending this guy is. He will go on and talk about ad hominem attacks while staying a …More
For anyone wondering why Cardinal Zen wrote that piece about Michael Lofton, watch this 30 second clip of how condescending this guy is. He will go on and talk about ad hominem attacks while staying a cardinal does not belong having his red hat.
Should Bishops Ignore the Vatican? (Guest: Peter Kwasniewski) The reign of Pope Francis has revealed a crisis in the relationship between bishops and the pope. From the sacking of Bishop Strickland to …More
Should Bishops Ignore the Vatican? (Guest: Peter Kwasniewski)
The reign of Pope Francis has revealed a crisis in the relationship between bishops and the pope. From the sacking of Bishop Strickland to the Vatican micromanagement of dioceses and even parishes, what is the proper relationship between Peter and the other apostles?
Guest: Peter Kwasniewski earned a B.A. in liberal arts at Thomas Aquinas College and an M.A. and Ph.D. in philosophy from The Catholic University of America. Since 2018, Dr. K has been a full-time writer and speaker, contributing to blogs, magazines, and newspapers. He has published over twenty books and his work has been translated into at least twenty languages.
• "Unresolved Tensions in Papal-Episcopal Relations" (book): Unresolved Tensions in Papal-Episcopal Relations
• "Ultramontanism and Tradition" (book): Ultramontanism and Tradition
• "Bound by Truth" (book):
• "Does Traditionis Custodes Pass the Juridical …More
Boanerges Boanerges
Bla, bla of Francis Trads. When will they wake up?
Ben Carsonon gay xex: “I believe God loves everybody, but I don’t believe that it was intended that men have sex with men and women have sex with women For those who want to do it are free to do it, …More
Ben Carsonon gay xex: “I believe God loves everybody, but I don’t believe that it was intended that men have sex with men and women have sex with women For those who want to do it are free to do it, but trying to say that’s the Norm and everyone should conform to that, does not make any sense What we should be doing is making sure the Norm recognizes there are things that are not consistent with the Norm and that we need to learn how to tolerate those things…”
Sean Johnson
Ben Carson wants to tolerate it? He’s been brainwashed. Here’s what Pope St. Pius V said: “ If someone commits that nefarious crime against nature …More
Ben Carson wants to tolerate it? He’s been brainwashed. Here’s what Pope St. Pius V said:
“ If someone commits that nefarious crime against nature that caused divine wrath to be unleashed against the children of iniquity, he will be given over to the secular arm for punishment [of death]; and if he is a cleric, he will be subject to the same punishment after having been stripped of all his degrees [of ecclesiastical dignity].”
St. Pius V, Constitution Cum primum, April 1, 1566, in Bullarium Romanum
(Rome: Typographia Reverendae Camerae Apostolicae, Mainardi, 1738), vol. 4, chap. 2, p. 284,
apud Atila S. Guimaraes, Vatican II, Homosexuality and Pedophilia, TIA, 2004, pp. 19-20
An estimated 5000 Catholics walking through Denver with the Blessed Sacrament Video: Drew Sexton
Thousands attend Eucharistic Procession in Washington DC.
The winner of Miss Alabama, America. Thoughts?
Alejandrina Reyes
Of course she reprensents Gluttony a mayor sin
Sean Johnson
Looks more like Klondike Kate.
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Bavarian Waste company in Kentucky raised a huge flag in honour of the Sacred Heart of Jesus marking the month of June
Billy F
Young muslim kids stomp “Pride” flag as their mothers cheer them on. Muslims don't like "Pride" but "Pride" likes Allah. Who will win this battle?
Billy F
Two factions of the same master… Lucifer. Islam is just as sexually filthy as the Alphabet Degenerates. With their instant marriage and divorce whores …More
Two factions of the same master… Lucifer. Islam is just as sexually filthy as the Alphabet Degenerates. With their instant marriage and divorce whores and their Polygamy. Their idea of Heaven is a sexual orgy. 72 Virgins. It is not Heaven they’ll go to but with their false profit, to the depths of Hell.
Bruceph Mildur
Shucks, missed opportunity... for US soldiers to drive by throwing candy.
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Male drag artist Carmine De Rosa 'entertains' children at Vatican World Children's Day in Rome (May 25, 2024).