Mary K Jones
Mary K Jones

Cardinal Müller: "There Is No Doubt That Francis Is a Legitimate Pope" - So?

What need have we of Rome, or the cardinals, or the Church for that matter? The commenters here on have settled it for us. Now we can rest comfortably tonight.
Mary K Jones

La Croix: No Document in Preparation against the Roman Mass

Sean. Give it up. Do you not realize that you are not 'converting' people here? If they come to, they have already found a position. And you make people think you are a troll, or that your 'group' is just nuts. Maybe take a little break.
Mary K Jones

No Mass! Vatican Treats Melbourne Archbishop "Like a Flunky"

Sean, many of us who have been helped by the SSPX for decades are, as you might guess, adults. Do you think that your random 'facts' will make a difference for your average attendee? And if the SSPX priests did all, abruptly, go 'N.O.', I for one would not be heading to a resistance group. Why not slow down your prognostication and let people use their own minds and souls to discern their choices.
Mary K Jones

Legal Victory: Rosary Can Be Prayed in Madrid Next Weekend

Yes, but I think it is a good thing to force the court to approve it.
Mary K Jones

Vatican Reverses Dismissal of Mother Gerlach

It is a very large and beautiful piece of property that, I believe, belongs to the sisters. The diocese would lose all hope if the sisters decided to break with them and ask to be accepted by a traditional order.
Mary K Jones

Rev. John Hunwicke RIP - A Victim of Prefect Arthur Roche?

Oh, please Eva. Replay more of his interviews if you have some. He became a dear friend when I met him in 2015 and I will seriously miss him. Of course I pray that he will RIP.
Mary K Jones

Cardinal about the West: “We Wish Them All the Best in their Disappearance!”

We are not obliged to hold to private revelations, and there have been many. We must continue to pray that God will relieve us of this frightful papacy while there are still Catholics in the world.
Mary K Jones

Francis' Obsession with Vestments Continues

I appreciate your youthful enthusiasm Kenjiro, and I enjoy your comments. I sincerely hope you are correct. Happy new year to you!
Mary K Jones

Festival of Heresy: Francis "Allows" Homosexual "Blessings"

Unwed mothers were always allowed to receive Holy Communion if they had been to confession and live a celibate lifestyle or gradually marry.
Mary K Jones

Another Cardinal Buries Traditionis Custodes

Thank you, Cardinal Carrera. May God reward you.
Mary K Jones

Spain: Pastor of Decadence Promoted

😫 So tremendously sad. I'm praying for those churches now. I wonder who attends?
Mary K Jones

Francis Allowed PiusX To Ordain Whomever They Wish

Thank you, Mr. Bogle and Gloria TV (& Eva) for an excellent video. I was sorry I couldn't attend the Roman Forum this year, but the video gave me a little sample of what I missed. This was a clear explanation of true and false obedience which seems so hard for 21st century people to comprehend. Again, thank you, and God bless you!
Mary K Jones

This Is the Draft Of The "Mayan Rite" - The Altar Is Back

Hilarious, Kenjiro. I'll post here if I see one advertised. 😉
Mary K Jones

Bridegroom of the Holy Spirit Suspended

If I were his 'wife-to-be' I would be highly suspicious of his promises, as he is already breaking the vows he took to be a priest. She shouldn't expect better. Of course, she is doing the same, so they make the perfect couple of those who cross their fingers behind their backs as they pronounce their vows. I think by 'mystical incarnation of the Holy Spirit', they mean incontinence.
Mary K Jones

+Cardinal Pell: "I Strongly Believe He Was Murdered"

I know many Catholics are suspecting foul play. I am a Trad and I rather liked Cardinal Pell. But I am also a registered nurse, and it is not unusual at all for a person to experience a blood clot after hip surgery (and also knee surgery). They are large joints. The blood vessels are small so it doesn't take a large clot to block an artery in the body. That is why even younger people receive blood …More
I know many Catholics are suspecting foul play. I am a Trad and I rather liked Cardinal Pell. But I am also a registered nurse, and it is not unusual at all for a person to experience a blood clot after hip surgery (and also knee surgery). They are large joints. The blood vessels are small so it doesn't take a large clot to block an artery in the body. That is why even younger people receive blood-thinning medicine and compression stockings after joint surgery. Add the complications of high blood pressure and diabetes...had he been my relative I would have suggested that he try to get around without surgery, as I did with my father. (A friend had recently died of a blood clot after hip surgery.) Then there is the possibility of the vax, one or more. It's not a good combination. I am praying that he will rest in peace and speedily join the forces of us who are left here, fighting for the Church.
Mary K Jones

Russia: Was Francis Confused?

Kenjiro, I love optimism and I hope and pray that you are right. 😊
Mary K Jones

Dublin Mocks Saint Patrick

I am so saddened by the home of my family giving in to this perversion! Thanks for your post, Kenjiro.
Mary K Jones

Kiev: Surrogacy Children for Western Market Are Safe

Thank you, Laurelmarycecilia & Orthocat. This is not a Catholic alternative.
Mary K Jones

Francis’ Zanchetta Disaster

Today is the feast of St. Peter Damian, Doctor of the Church. I wonder if he has helped in the conviction of Zanchetta. I pray he will help clean the priesthood in our day, as he did in his.
Mary K Jones

Broken Promise: Bishop "Forbids" All Roman Masses

Ultraviolet, is your first name Karen? You seem to think it's your job to keep everyone in line with your program so I'm just wondering...