TFP Student Action

Thank Texas Gov. Greg Abbott for Signing the Pro-Life Heartbeat Bill

>>> Click here to thank Gov. Abbott. Gov. Greg Abbott signed a Heartbeat Bill that recently went into effect, which stops nearly all procured abortions in the state of Texas. But pro-abortion backlash …More
>>> Click here to thank Gov. Abbott.
Gov. Greg Abbott signed a Heartbeat Bill that recently went into effect, which stops nearly all procured abortions in the state of Texas.
But pro-abortion backlash is loud and furious. From President Joe Biden to Vice-president Kamala Harris, there is a frantic pro-abortion lobby insisting that the sin of abortion is an untouchable “right.”
Yet Texas Gov. Abbott is standing firm.
He said:
“No freedom is more precious than life itself. Starting today, every unborn child with a heartbeat will be protected from the ravages of abortion. Texas will always defend the right to life.”
Although the Heartbeat Bill Act in Texas alone will save about 100 babies per day, the pro-abortion movement is not about to give up.
For example: NARAL Pro-Choice America president Adrienne Kimmell, said: “NARAL and our 2.5 million members will continue fighting back against attacks on abortion access from statehouses to the Supreme Court.” Click here to urge Gov. Abbott to …More
Werte shares this

Students to Catholic College: Don't Open Pro-Abortion Coffee Shop

Why would Catholics want to favor the abortion industry with every sip of café latte? Well, they don’t. That’s why a growing number of students at Saint Leo University are urging campus officials to …More
Why would Catholics want to favor the abortion industry with every sip of café latte?
Well, they don’t. That’s why a growing number of students at Saint Leo University are urging campus officials to scrap plans to welcome Starbucks at their Catholic institution.
“I reject Starbucks on campus because they support Planned Parenthood, an abortion provider,” said Matalin Shaver, a pro-life senior at Saint Leo. “I would love to see a coffee provider that is local or another supplier that does not support Planned Parenthood or go against our Catholic values.”
Sign this peaceful protest.
Starbucks attacks moral values in multiple ways:
Funding largest abortion provider: According to the Media Research Center, “Starbucks' support of Planned Parenthood is an established fact.” The corporation matches donations to Planned Parenthood.
Same-sex “marriage” advocacy: Starbucks attacked true marriage by signing an amicus brief urging the US Supreme Court to overturn state marriage laws in Obergefell …More
la verdad prevalece
My Family boicot this evil coffee shop Starbucks long time ago. Thank you for reporting them and for letting us know their plans to infiltrate our …More
My Family boicot this evil coffee shop Starbucks long time ago.
Thank you for reporting them and for letting us know their plans to infiltrate our Catholic Universities.
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Why are 1.1 million children being forced to accept radical transgender lies in NYC?

Your voice will help protect 1.1 million children under attack by the transgender revolution in 1,800 schools in New York City. Please take a stand today. Because the radical pro-transgender program …More
Your voice will help protect 1.1 million children under attack by the transgender revolution in 1,800 schools in New York City.
Please take a stand today. Because the radical pro-transgender program launched by NYC Department of Education will go into effect this 2019-20 school year.
“Guidelines to Support Transgender and Gender Expansive Students,” a document published by NYC Department of Education, reads like a communist gulag memo designed to destroy the innocence of our children.
For example:
-- Schools will facilitate “formal gender transition” for students.
-- Students will tell their teachers what pronouns to use.
-- Teachers will be forced to adopt pro-transgender terminology.
-- Male and female sports teams will be forced to accept players according to their “gender identity asserted at school,” rather than their true biological sex; -- Restrooms, locker rooms, and changing rooms assigned to girls must be open to boys who “identify” as girls. Will you please use your voice to …More

Say "THANK YOU" to Alabama Governor for Banning Abortion

Sign your thank you here. Hurray! Alabama has banned nearly all abortions. And Gov. Kay Ivey stated: “Today, I signed into law the Alabama Human Life Protection Act. To the bill’s many supporters, …More
Sign your thank you here.
Hurray! Alabama has banned nearly all abortions.
And Gov. Kay Ivey stated:
“Today, I signed into law the Alabama Human Life Protection Act. To the bill’s many supporters, this legislation stands as a powerful testament to Alabamians’ deeply held belief that every life is precious & that every life is a sacred gift from God.”
Although the bill makes Alabama the safest place for innocent human life, the pro-abortion movement is going crazy with rage. In fact, Hollywood “stars” are enraged too.
Backlash is fierce and frantic.
Socialist Bernie Sanders called it an “utter disgrace.”
Leftist Senator Kamala Harris said: “We will not stand for it...” Planned Parenthood president Dr. Leana Wen, tweeted: “Last night, 25 white men voted to take away women’s right to safe, legal abortion. This is a terrifying time...” So, please support Gov. Ivey’s stand against abortion today: Sign your “THANK YOU!”
God bless you
Thank you!
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14,000 Urge Catholic Xavier University to Cancel Fr. James Martin's Address

Pope Paul VI once declared: “... the smoke of Satan has entered the temple of God.” Because some pastors act like wolves. For example, Fr. James Martin, S.J. And he's slated to deliver a commencement …More
Pope Paul VI once declared:
“... the smoke of Satan has entered the temple of God.”
Because some pastors act like wolves.
For example, Fr. James Martin, S.J.
And he's slated to deliver a commencement address for young Catholic graduates at Xavier University in Cincinnati, Ohio on May 18, 2019.
Like a wolf in sheep's clothing:
-- Fr. Martin supports transgenderism for children
-- Fr. Martin said Catholics should "reverence" homosexual unions -- Fr. Martin favors homosexual kissing during Mass (sacrilege against God) -- Fr. Martin said homosexuals should be "invited" to be Eucharistic ministers -- Fr. Martin promoted a sacrilegious "rainbow rosary" Please: Click here to urge Xavier University -- which has 6,500 students -- to find a true Catholic speaker to replace Fr. Martin on May 18, 2019. It's particularly troubling because Fr. Martin is famous for trying to normalize homosexual sin. His misleading message to Catholic students is this: “Accept homosexuality.” It's also shocking to see …More
T'is a tale that's often told That idols make the head a mold.More
T'is a tale that's often told
That idols make the head a mold.

Why Did Mount St. Mary's Pick a PRO-ABORTION Commencement Speaker?

Click here to join pro-life students in their peaceful protest. Because Mount St. Mary's University -- a Catholic institution in Emmitsburg, Maryland -- has picked notorious pro-abortion promoter Mark …More
Click here to join pro-life students in their peaceful protest.
Because Mount St. Mary's University -- a Catholic institution in Emmitsburg, Maryland -- has picked notorious pro-abortion promoter Mark Shriver as its commencement speaker on May 11, 2019.
But this is why Mr. Shriver is NOT a role model for students:
1. NARAL Pro-Choice Maryland gave Mark Shriver a 100% approval rating for his pro-abortion record when he served as a member of the Maryland House of Delegates.
2. In an interview with The Washington Post, Mr. Shiver said: “... I will continue to fight for a women’s right to choose [abortion] ...”
3. Mr. Shriver is the CEO of Save the Children, a pro-contraception organization with ties to Planned Parenthood.
However, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has stated that the “Catholic community and Catholic institutions should not honor those who act in defiance of our fundamental moral principles. They should not be given awards, honors or platforms which …More
Piscis primum a capite foetetMore
Piscis primum a capite foetet
How? Because they aren't Catholic. Have not been in a long time. Only a handful of truly Catholic universities left in the world. God is punishing our …More
How? Because they aren't Catholic. Have not been in a long time. Only a handful of truly Catholic universities left in the world. God is punishing our lack of faith. St Michael defend us in battle.
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15,000 People Urge NC State University to CLOSE Down Satanic Club

Under the title of Satanic Students at North Carolina State, the club holds weekly meetings on campus "where newcomers can learn about Satanism." The club is listed by the university as something normal …More
Under the title of Satanic Students at North Carolina State, the club holds weekly meetings on campus "where newcomers can learn about Satanism."
The club is listed by the university as something normal. But Satanism is destructive, not normal. And you and I must not sit idle and allow the forces of darkness to destroy our One Nation Under God.
So please sign your petition to help CLOSE DOWN the Satanic student club.
The more God and His holy Law are pushed aside and ridiculed, the more Satan gains ground to deceive and ensnare souls in his dark web of sacrilege and blasphemy.
St. John defines who the devil really is: "He was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in truth, because there is no truth in him. When he tells a lie, he speaks in character, because he is a liar and the father of lies" (John 8:44).
Stand with those who love God.
Join this peaceful protest.
Let them have it. There is a reasonable hope that all men are saved - bishop barron
some people choose darkness to light????

Sign this Petition Against Immoral "Drag Show" on Catholic USD Campus

This is a spiritual battle. And your voice really matters. Because the University of San Diego -- a Catholic institution in California -- announced that it will be staging a pro-homosexual drag show …More
This is a spiritual battle. And your voice really matters.
Because the University of San Diego -- a Catholic institution in California -- announced that it will be staging a pro-homosexual drag show called "PRIDE's Celebration of Gender Expression: Supreme Drag Superstar 8."
If it's not canceled -- the event will be held on Friday, April 5, 2019 in Shiley Theatre.
Please Protest Now
What will happen at this vile event?
Well, in a previous "show" one of the lewd performers appeared on stage dressed like Baphomet -- a satanic symbol -- wearing large devil horns.
Then the pro-homosexual performer started singing "Good N'Evil" which claims that "Good is evil" and "all evil is good."
The drag show has also been used to: -- Promote transgender bathrooms on campus -- Mock Catholic nuns with men dressed as "Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence" -- Recruit people to attend pro-homosexual "Pride" parades As you can tell, the smoke of Satan has literally infected this "Catholic" campus. And you and I …More
Could this have anything to do with the bishop of San Diego? Major scandal for students. Matthew 26:39 "And he went a little farther, and fell on his …More
Could this have anything to do with the bishop of San Diego? Major scandal for students.
Matthew 26:39 "And he went a little farther, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt."
Could Jesus be lamenting the loss of the souls of unrepentant sodomites and lesbians, per Divine Will, even though Jesus shed all of His Blood to offer them salvation?
Wait where will McCarrick and friends hang out now??

Support Saint Ann Catholic School Under Attack for Refusing to Enroll Child with Same-Sex Couple

Please sign your petition to support true marriage and the Catholic school. The homosexual movement never respected the freedom of the Church. But now the "LGBT" movement is attempting to dictate how …More
Please sign your petition to support true marriage and the Catholic school.
The homosexual movement never respected the freedom of the Church.
But now the "LGBT" movement is attempting to dictate how parish schools should be run. In fact, Saint Ann Catholic School in Prairie Village, Kansas is under fire and needs your support.
Backlash erupted when Fr. Craig Maxim issued a letter to parents, faculty and staff explaining why the school would not enroll a child being raised by a same-sex couple.
"When the question of enrollment first arose," writes Fr. Maxim, "I sought the advice of the Archdiocese since as a parochial school we are subject to the guidance of the Archdiocese on the application of Church doctrine."
Fr. Maxim explains the stance of the Archdiocese:
"...since same-sex unions are not in conformance with the Church's teaching on sacramental marriage and these unions have no current ability to bring their relationship into conformity, the parents cannot model behaviors and …More
Roger that. God's will for marriage of one man to one woman, clearly biblical, in Jesus' words:
This is truly a spiritual warfare ,but Jesus has won it
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Tell Xavier University to Cancel the Vile V-Monologues Play. Join the Protest.

Sign your protest here. Xavier University -- a Catholic university in Cincinnati, Ohio -- plans to host the lewd “V-Monologues” play on March 2. Promoted by Xavier's Center for Mission and Identity,…More
Sign your protest here.
Xavier University -- a Catholic university in Cincinnati, Ohio -- plans to host the lewd “V-Monologues” play on March 2. Promoted by Xavier's Center for Mission and Identity, the event will be held in Xavier Theatre.
What an insult to St. Francis Xavier's holy memory!
Unfortunately, the "V-Monologues" play by Eve Ensler is often staged by the pro-abortion movement as a tool to tear down moral boundaries. Its vulgar and immoral content is designed to shock, degrade, and desensitize.
Under the disguise of fighting violence against women, the production fosters the perverse Culture of Death that feeds the fire of disorderly passions responsible for causing so much violence and abuse -- namely, lust, unnatural vice, immodesty and crude vulgarity.
The late Bishop John D'Arcy condemned the play because of its "direct opposition to church teaching."
Sign your protest here.
No Catholic campus should ever showcase impurity. Please join TFP Student Action in this peaceful …More
Michael Son of the Servant of John
Being a Catholic in the post Vatican II world sure is grand. Ambiguity leading to a dissolution of the faith. Unbelievable! A "Catholic" university …More
Being a Catholic in the post Vatican II world sure is grand. Ambiguity leading to a dissolution of the faith. Unbelievable! A "Catholic" university showing a play based on free masonry ideals.
I pray that St. Francis Xavier causes a giant sink hole to form below the university and swallow it whole.
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LGBT Drag Queens Given Access to Little Childen: Join the Protest

With all urgency -- I'm writing to ask you to sign this protest because Vanderburgh Public Library in Indiana is hosting a "gender-bending" event that targets children as young as 3. You and I must …More
With all urgency -- I'm writing to ask you to sign this protest because Vanderburgh Public Library in Indiana is hosting a "gender-bending" event that targets children as young as 3.
You and I must not be silent because the event:
-- Attacks the innocence of children
-- Turns tax-dollar funded library into a place of corruption
-- Constitutes a new form of child abuse
-- Offends God Who created male and female
In fact, one "drag queen" involved in the program in Lafayette, La. confessed:
"This is going to be the grooming of the next generation." [see video] So please act now. Sign your immediate protest. Thanks to peaceful protest, the sinful program was stopped in some cities. -- Canceled in Atlanta, Georgia -- Canceled in Lafayette, Louisiana You'll be happy to know that TFP-Louisiana volunteers helped stop a "Drag Queen Story Hour" at the library in Lafayette. At least for now. But the ACLU got involved. And the "tolerant" activists are at it again, attempting to turn what used to …More
Perverts are going to be perverts. The biggest travesty here is that parents voluntarily bring their innocent children to these things.
When I look at this pervert dressed as a woman, I see the face of satan. Eternal shame on these parents who bring their children to this filth.
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Over 14,000 Catholics Call to Cancel Fr. James Martin's Pro-LGBT Talk on Campus

Join faithful Catholics in this prayerful petition to cancel Fr. James Martin's pro-LGBT lecture at Sacred Heart University in Connecticut on January 29, 2019. Fr. James Martin, SJ: -- Supports …More
Join faithful Catholics in this prayerful petition to cancel Fr. James Martin's pro-LGBT lecture at Sacred Heart University in Connecticut on January 29, 2019.
Fr. James Martin, SJ:
-- Supports transgenderism for children
-- Said Catholics should "reverence" homosexual unions
-- Favors homosexual kissing during Mass (sacrilege against God)
-- Said homosexuals should be "invited" to be Eucharistic ministers
-- Received a 2016 award from New Ways Ministry, a group condemned by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
-- Promoted a sacrilegious pro-homosexual "Rainbow Rosary" -- Attacked the purity of Our Lady of Guadalupe Please sign the prayerful protest. And share it with friends. It is difficult to understand why the president of Sacred Heart University, Dr. John J. Petillo, while expressing solidarity for the victims of clergy abuse, would allow a priest who promotes the unnatural sin “almost exclusively” responsible for such scandalous abuse to speak on campus. Addressing the …More
Where is the local bishop and what is he doing about this??
Gesù è con noi
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School BANS the Name of Jesus from Christmas Concert: Join Protest

Why is your protest vital? Because Christmas carols with the name of Jesus were recently banned at Robious Middle School in Midlothian, Virginia. NBC12 News reports: "According to the teacher's email,…More
Why is your protest vital?
Because Christmas carols with the name of Jesus were recently banned at Robious Middle School in Midlothian, Virginia.
NBC12 News reports:
"According to the teacher's email, after speaking with school administrators it was decided they would avoid singing anything of a direct sacred nature in order to be more sensitive to the increasing diverse population at the school."
David Allen, whose child attends the school, was informed that students will no longer sing Christmas carols that contain the word "Jesus."
Stunned by the news, Allen said: "I'm trying to rationalize how you can encourage diversity and yet be exclusionary in one specific area."
Please stand up for the Child Jesus.
Sign this protest today.
Who is behind this "increasing[ly] diverse population?" Isn't their end game revealed here?
Its unbelivable ,.Its like having a birthday party without the birthday boy .EVIL.SECULARISM
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Jesuit Georgetown Allows Pro-Abortion Student Club to Operate on Campus

Your voice is urgently needed because: Scandal #1: Club promotes abortion. H*yas for Choice at Georgetown hosts an annual "Abortion Story Share" promoted by hash tag "#ShoutYourAbortion." The event is …More
Your voice is urgently needed because:
Scandal #1: Club promotes abortion. H*yas for Choice at Georgetown hosts an annual "Abortion Story Share" promoted by hash tag "#ShoutYourAbortion." The event is meant to "normalize and destigmatize abortion" for women who have killed their unborn babies.
Scandal #2: Distributes contraceptives. On a daily basis, H*yas for Choice activists distribute contraceptives throughout campus. Their table in Red Square is a hub where students receive free contraception, including Plan B.
Scandal #3: Fundraises for Planned Parenthood. H*yas for Choice organized a bake sale on campus for Planned Parenthoood, announcing "all proceeds benefitting local abortion provider."
Please join the protest here.
God bless you.
Read homicide...
I'm glad the Jesuits aren't Catholic nor Georgetown
4 more comments

Artists Face Jail Threat for Belief in God's Marriage. Please Send Them Your Prayers.

How far will this persecution go? A sweeping criminal law in the city of Phoenix, Arizona, is forcing two young artists to promote same-sex ceremonies and remain silent about their belief in God's …More
How far will this persecution go?
A sweeping criminal law in the city of Phoenix, Arizona, is forcing two young artists to promote same-sex ceremonies and remain silent about their belief in God's marriage.
>> Please sign your message now.<<
If the artists don't comply, the full brunt of the law will kick in -- that means up to six months jail time, $2,500 in fines, and three years of probation for each day that there is a violation.
Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys representing artists Joanna Duka and Breanna Koski, owners of Brush & Nib Studio, are asking the high court of Arizona to take the case because the Phoenix ordinance illegally controls artistic expression—violating the freedom of Duka and Koski to choose which messages they will convey and refrain from conveying.
“Artists shouldn’t be forced to create artwork contrary to their core convictions, and certainly not under threat of criminal fines and jail time,” said ADF Senior Counsel Jonathan Scruggs, who argued the case …More

Catholic University Should Apologize for Printing Same-Sex Couple Kissing

Rivier University, a Catholic institution in New Hampshire founded by the Sisters of the Presentation of Mary, published a "wedding" photo of two women kissing in the pages of its magazine, Rivier TodayMore
Rivier University, a Catholic institution in New Hampshire founded by the Sisters of the Presentation of Mary, published a "wedding" photo of two women kissing in the pages of its magazine, Rivier Today.
Join the peaceful protest at TFP Student Action now.
Urge the university to apologize for the following reasons:
1. To restore respect for God. God's marriage is only between one man and one woman. Homosexual unions are unnatural and 100% sterile and deprive children of their biological mothers or fathers.
2. To restore trust and affirm moral values. Morality is the keystone of the family and society. If our Catholic universities no longer teach the truth -- in word and deed -- where will the next generation go to learn the truth?
3. To stop confusing students. By publishing a photo of two women kissing on the wedding page of its magazine, Rivier University legitimizes sin, undermines Holy Matrimony, and causes scandal and confusion.
To justify the homosexual "wedding" photo, Rivier told …More
San Atanasio ora pro nobis
No only Apologize they must be removed those responsible must be publicly excommunicated and Catholic parents and students must boycott Rivier University. 😡 😡More
No only Apologize they must be removed those responsible must be publicly excommunicated and Catholic parents and students must boycott Rivier University. 😡 😡
Veteran Catholic Journalist: All Bishops Involved in Sex Abuse Scandal Must Resign…

Jesuit Georgetown Encouraging Contributions to Planned Parenthood

Catholic Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. is encouraging students to support mega abortion provider Planned Parenthood and other pro-abortion groups with time and money. Under "Organizations …More
Catholic Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. is encouraging students to support mega abortion provider Planned Parenthood and other pro-abortion groups with time and money.
Under "Organizations You can Support," Georgetown's Law Library web site lists:
- Planned Parenthood
- NARAL Pro-Choice America
- The Center for Reproductive Rights
- The National Organization for Women (NOW)
- EMILY's List
- ACLU - The Southern Poverty Law Center - Lambda Legal Although these groups trample Church teaching by promoting abortion and the destruction of God's marriage, Georgetown tells web visitors to support them with time and money. Ironically, the Georgetown Law Library web page dedicated to the history of "civil rights" includes a pitch to support pro-abortion groups that deny the first and most basic right -- namely, the right to life. What might be even worse, Georgetown hired the Senior Associate General Counsel and Director of Advocacy and Political Law of Planned Parenthood Federation of …More
TFP Student Action
please join the peaceful protest today by signing the petition here:…More
please join the peaceful protest today by signing the petition here:…

Fordham University Features Planned Parenthood as "Internship and Job Opportunity"

Catholic Fordham University in New York City features mega abortion provider Planned Parenthood under "internships and job opportunities" for students. The online entry, however, is raising deep concern …More
Catholic Fordham University in New York City features mega abortion provider Planned Parenthood under "internships and job opportunities" for students. The online entry, however, is raising deep concern among young Catholics who believe in the God-given right to life, which naturally extends to the unborn.
TFP Student Action has launched a petition calling for the removal of Planned Parenthood and other pro-abortion advocacy groups listed by the university's Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies department. [Link]
"How can a Catholic university favor Planned Parenthood?" said TFP Student Action director John Ritchie. "In good conscience, we can't stay silent and allow the Culture of Death to poison more young minds. No way. Not on a Catholic campus."
"Instead of featuring groups that attack Church teaching, students should be given the names of honorable pro-life organizations that faithfully defend the unborn," continued Ritchie. "And there are so many to pick from."
Planned Parenthood …More
Joseph a' Christian
Fordham University is no longer Catholic. They also allow worldly and occult music to be sent out by their radio station- WFUV. When a Catholic person …More
Fordham University is no longer Catholic. They also allow worldly and occult music to be sent out by their radio station- WFUV. When a Catholic person notified the School's staff, Fordham's management stated that their policy is free speech above all. I was amazed when i read this. One of the best Catholic Universities in America, previous to Vatican II, has become a tool for the world- they hold the freemason's constitutional law above the laws of Almighty God.
Catholics with business and non business ,should get together and stop the financial to all these universities and schools that provide anti catholic …More
Catholics with business and non business ,should get together and stop the financial to all these universities and schools that provide anti catholic services .rise up
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First LGBT+ 'Pride Prom' Planned at Catholic Marquette Univ.

While Catholic students fight to preserve moral values on campus, Marquette University -- a Catholic institution in Wisconsin -- plans to host an event that destroys moral values: "PRIDE PROM 2018."More
While Catholic students fight to preserve moral values on campus, Marquette University -- a Catholic institution in Wisconsin -- plans to host an event that destroys moral values: "PRIDE PROM 2018."
Announced as a "first," the pro-homosexual prom is sponsored by the LGBT+ Resource Center on campus and is open to people of "all ages." According to the university's website, the event will take place in Marquette's AMU Ballrooms on April 14, 2018.
What is worse, the "Pride Prom" is scheduled in the same building where Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist is present. To avert this sacrilege against the Most Blessed Sacrament, please join the peaceful protest.
Sign your protest HERE
God bless you.…
Joseph a' Christian
I signed. Many colleges that used to be Catholic, are now worldly sewers. Notre Dame allows anti-Christ, false jew rabbis, to teach the Catholic students …More
I signed. Many colleges that used to be Catholic, are now worldly sewers. Notre Dame allows anti-Christ, false jew rabbis, to teach the Catholic students there. The signs are everywhere, that the apostasy of the numerous, is ongoing.
The Holy Word, is our way through this exceptional confusion.
Valiant Woman shares this
Please sign!
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Holy Cross College Sponsors Transgender Archive -- Join Protest

The College of the Holy Cross -- a Catholic institution in Massachusetts -- is sponsoring the world's first "Digital Transgender Archive." Why should you protest? Reason #1: Because Catholic colleges …More
The College of the Holy Cross -- a Catholic institution in Massachusetts -- is sponsoring the world's first "Digital Transgender Archive."
Why should you protest?
Reason #1: Because Catholic colleges should NEVER be used as platforms to destroy family values, especially one named after the Holy Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Reason #2: Because the "Digital Transgender Archive" is a hub that broadcasts pro-transgender literature and activism, promoting unnatural sin. With the help of Holy Cross students, the archive publishes explicit content.
Reason #3: Because Catholic education SHOULD be about truth, holiness and respect for God Who created male and female (Gen. 5:2).
Please take action immediately.
>>> Sign your peaceful protest.
Thank you.
Once again, a ,"Catholic " college defends the rights of perverts! Makes me so proud.
Battle with the sin and his promoter satan is already on the Church Ship. Do not hesitate to take rosary in hands and practice FASTING. If your pastors …More
Battle with the sin and his promoter satan is already on the Church Ship.
Do not hesitate to take rosary in hands and practice FASTING.
If your pastors, bishops, pope going against God - do not follow them.
Follow 10 Commandments and Commandment of Love.
Follow 2000 years Church teaching /not this created by neo modernist on and after Vaticanum Secundum/
Be brave ! Jesus said very clearly: Do not be afraid. I am with you.