Epstein Victim Sues Top Psychiatrist Henry Jarecki - Slay News

A victim of deceased child trafficker Jeffrey Epstein has filed a lawsuit in New York against prominent psychiatrist Dr. Henry Jarecki. The …
Tom Morelli
Media pays for getting Trump wrong

Media pays for getting Trump wrong

Discover more from Don Surber Media pays for getting Trump wrong Two stories broke on Monday that are intertwined. One is the realization by liberals that President …
martin fischer
As of June 1, Ukraine may no longer allow men with dual U.S.-Ukrainian citizenship aged between 18 and 60 to leave the country, the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine said on June 4. American embassy officials …More
As of June 1, Ukraine may no longer allow men with dual U.S.-Ukrainian citizenship aged between 18 and 60 to leave the country, the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine said on June 4. American embassy officials advised men with dual citizenship not to travel to Ukraine.
Kyiv does not recognize dual U.S.-Ukrainian citizenship. Therefore, men with dual status are subject to the same mobilization measures as other Ukrainian citizens.
"Previously, dual U.S.-Ukrainian citizens in this group could enter and then depart Ukraine if they had deregistered their Ukrainian residency and registered their U.S. residency," the Embassy statement reads.
"According to our information, this exception was revoked as of June 1."

US Embassy: Ukraine may no longer allow men with dual citizenship leave country

As of June 1, Ukraine may no longer allow men with dual U.S.-Ukrainian citizenship aged between 18 and 60 to leave the …
Everyday for Life Canada
Yes, force these men to fight and get killed for a useless and unnecessary war, unless you’re becoming rich with the spoils of western dollars to …More
Yes, force these men to fight and get killed for a useless and unnecessary war, unless you’re becoming rich with the spoils of western dollars to support and prolong the conflict.

Top Study Directly Links Covid Shots to Global Excess Deaths - Slay News

A major new peer-reviewed study into the “unprecedented” global excess deaths figures has concluded that Covid mRNA shots are …

AfD politician injured in second attack within a week by left-wing extremists in Mannheim, Germany

In the state of Baden-Württemberg, an Alternative for Germany (AfD) metropolis council candidate was …
Everyday for Life Canada
Isn’t this not the goal of western DIE policies of diversity, inclusion and equity? We’re merely reaping what we have sown.
After 42 years of priesthood, 30 unjustly in prison, ‘The Whisky Priest,’ the central figure of Graham Greene’s best known novel, comes to my mind in darker times.

The Power and the Glory If the Heart of a Priest Grows Cold — Beyond These Stone Walls

The Power and the Glory If the Heart of a Priest Grows Cold — + + + I was ordained to the priesthood on June 5, …
No other U.S. bishop has diverged so openly from his brother bishops on sensitive issues, or so obviously ignored the protocols of collegiality, than Lexington’s John Stowe

On the Disunities of Bishop Stowe - The Catholic Thing

One of the reasons I spent three years writing a recent book on the Church in the United States was to capture the character, challenges, and real …
Tom Morelli
Are Ornaments Bringing Spirits Into Your Home?

Are Ornaments Bringing Spirits Into Your Home?

Objects, for example, ornaments that seem harmless, can open you to the influence of the evil one. Every choice you make, even the most seemingly insignificant …
Father Karl A Claver
Yoga, judo, weird meditation and other practices from pagan cultures have found their way into our lives. Do not use these because they can lead to …More
Yoga, judo, weird meditation and other practices from pagan cultures have found their way into our lives. Do not use these because they can lead to demonic influence.
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Pierre Henri


Discover more from Sonia Elijah investigates BOMBSHELL STUDY: 3 MILLION EXCESS DEATHS IN 47 COUNTRIES Researchers from The Netherlands point out …
All Saints
Not enough to fill their quota. So, stay tuned…
Normand Thomas

178. Lead people to salvation

All that we say, all that we achieve will be to lead us and draw people to salvation in the Lord’s life. Let’s read a few times what Peter says in this little text and we will have a synthesis of the …More
All that we say, all that we achieve will be to lead us and draw people to salvation in the Lord’s life.
Let’s read a few times what Peter says in this little text and we will have a synthesis of the purpose of our faith:
“That the genuineness of your faith, more precious than gold that is perishable even though tested by fire, may prove to be for praise, glory, and honour at the revelation of Jesus Christ. Although you have not seen him you love him; even though you do not see him now yet believe in him, you rejoice with an indescribable and glorious joy, as you attain the goal of (your) faith, the salvation of your souls.” 1 Peter, chapter 1, verses 7 to 9
All that we say, all that we realize will be to lead us and lead people to salvation in the kingdom of God. As soon as we direct our life to make it pleasing to God, we also help our neighbour to discover the purpose of life. We walk on the path of holiness.
This passage from Peter is revealing: “As you attain the goal of (your) …More
Wilma Lopez

Pope Francis praises Father James Martin’s book on the resurrection of Lazarus

CNA Staff, Jun 3, 2024 / 16:05 pm (CNA). Pope Francis has penned an introduction to the Italian version of a new book by …

New Faith: German Bishop Believes that Some People Born in the "Wrong" Body

When it comes to sexuality, the Church's magisterium and Christian anthropology "must" adopt the "latest findings of science", the German bishops' representative for the pastoral care of homosexuals, …More
When it comes to sexuality, the Church's magisterium and Christian anthropology "must" adopt the "latest findings of science", the German bishops' representative for the pastoral care of homosexuals, Auxiliary Bishop Ludger Schepers of Essen, told (4 June).
Schepers confuses science with homosexual propaganda. According to his theory, humanity is "not" male and female, but rather an "ellipse with two poles" with "the possibility of what lies in between". He should admit that he could only get away with such a fantasy among some media activists in decadent Western countries, not in the rest of the world.
"With this model I remain in the bipolarity of the sexes and still have the possibility to include these people in the image of humanity".
Schepers claims that there are people who are born in the "wrong" body. He thus revives the old Gnostic ideology that the body is a prison for the soul: "I have met them. They are stories of suffering". In the end, these people have "a …More
English Catholic
God doesn't make mistakes. Physical and mental illnesses (including psychosexual disorders) and death, are a consequence of the Fall.
Denis Efimov
He simply follows the instructions of the Second Vatican Council, which, of all the sciences, specifically ordered the adoption of two, which are more …More
He simply follows the instructions of the Second Vatican Council, which, of all the sciences, specifically ordered the adoption of two, which are more famous than others for their false teachings:
"sufficient use must be made not only of theological principles, but also of the findings of the secular sciences, especially of psychology and sociology, so that the faithful may be brought to a more adequate and mature life of faith" ("Gaudium et spes", 62).
Liturgical solvent of faith

Liturgical life of the Germans is stranger than many may think

Liturgical life of the Germans is stranger than many may think Liturgical designers at work The free-handed handling of the liturgical order …
Father Karl A Claver
There is also NO second reading for Sunday Masses, hymns can be used instead of the Gloria and only the Apostles Creed is used.
Ivan Tomas
The word "stranger" should be translated in to "anti-Catholic", which in fact means, - anti-Christian, which actually means...More
The word "stranger" should be translated in to "anti-Catholic",
which in fact means, - anti-Christian, which actually means...
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Media Smears Fail To Deflate Farmers at Brussels Rally

A Dutch-led effort to take the plight of European farmers to the door of EU lawmakers saw over a thousand farmers and their tractors gather in the …

‘So many have died’: Former Japanese minister apologizes for COVID jab-linked deaths - LifeSite

TOKYO (The Remnant) — On May 31, thousands gathered in Tokyo, Japan, to participate in what organizers have …
Carlus shares this

US Catholics plan hundreds of Sacred Heart rallies in reparation for LGBT 'pride' Masses - LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — American Catholics are planning hundreds of Sacred Heart rallies in reparation for …

Prepping guide: Salting meat for long-term preservation –

There are many food preservation methods, but one traditional method that has stood the test of time is Salting …
WATCH: ‘It’s Not Enough’ – Parents, Advocates Demand More from Cleveland Diocese after Resignation of Pastor

WATCH: ‘It’s Not Enough’ – Parents, Advocates Demand More from Cleveland Diocese after Resignation …

There are calls for more action from the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland after a News 5 Investigation…

Two-Thirds of Unemployment Benefits in Germany Go to . . .Where exactly is Germany going with this?

“Remix News, May 21, 2024: Nearly two-thirds of German residents receiving unemployment benefits have …

Pride is a sin

Ontario's Catholic schools have been colonized by the sin of pride for the month of June. The latest messagefrom Archbishop of Toronto Francis Leo tells the faithful to honour this month …