Fred Alan Medforth

Did Enabling School Shooter’s Transgender Delusions Cause Massacre?

In the 1990s, people blamed “violent video games” like Doom for school shootings. Then it was Prozac. Were those assumptions entirely …
Novena - Oremus
St. John Henry Newman: According to most early Church Fathers, Mary undoes what Eve had done; mankind is saved through a Virgin; the obedience of Mary becomes the cause of salvation to all mankind.

Of Sin and the Human Heart - The Catholic Thing

It is so difficult for me to enter into the feelings of a person who Does not the objector consider that Does he not believe that St. John Baptist had the …
Tom Morelli
Coming up tomorrow....🇺🇲👍 LIVE: PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP HOLDS A RALLY IN LAS VEGAS, NV – 6/9/24More
Coming up tomorrow....🇺🇲👍

LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Holds a Rally in Las Vegas, NV – 6/9/24

LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Holds a Rally in Las Vegas, NV – 6/9/24 by RSBN Studio June 3, 2024 written by RSBN Studio June …
Fred Alan Medforth

US Marxism is DESTROYING Britain & the West. Immigration Is the CORE Issue of this Election

On today’s #NCFNewspeak, NCF Director Peter Whittle, Senior Fellow Rafe Heydel-Mankoo and Amy Gallagher of …

Keeping pornography out of schools isn’t banning books - Washington Examiner

My old middle and elementary schools hosted Scholastic Book Fairs every year. I would usually have a difficult time choosing …
Father Karl A Claver
I wonder if THE IMITATION OF CHRIST and THE BIBLE are banned.
Pierre Henri
Japanese researchers say urgent action is needed to clean up mRNA “vaccine” tainted blood suppliesMore
Japanese researchers say urgent action is needed to clean up mRNA “vaccine” tainted blood supplies

Japanese researchers say urgent action is needed to clean up mRNA “vaccine” tainted blood supplies

Japanese researchers warned this week that the risk of using blood from mRNA COVID-jabbed recipients …
Maria delos Angeles
Billy F
It is a worry in our house as well!
One more comment
Normand Thomas

181. Charity

Paul, in his first letter to the Corinthians, invites us to charity. To evangelize today, let's develop charity towards people. Here is one of his famous passages: “If I speak in human and angelic …More
Paul, in his first letter to the Corinthians, invites us to charity. To evangelize today, let's develop charity towards people. Here is one of his famous passages:
“If I speak in human and angelic tongues but do not have love, I am a resounding gong or a clashing cymbal. Love is patient, love is kind (...) rejoices with the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” 1 Corinthians, chapter 13, verses 1, 4 and 6 to 7
Anchored in Jesus’ Heart, we’re on the move (mission) and we’re joyful militants (evangelization) so that the world finds what is still current in biblical values; free the captives, feed the hungry, visit the lonely, evangelize people far from Church, from God.
The new American Bible, 2011-2014
Book: Up! Let's go!, Normand Thomas

Holy Land: Persecution of Christians Worsens, the newspaper of the Italian bishops, known for spreading homosexual propaganda, writes about the growing persecution of Christians in the Holy Land. Violence against Christians has been …More, the newspaper of the Italian bishops, known for spreading homosexual propaganda, writes about the growing persecution of Christians in the Holy Land.
Violence against Christians has been a problem for years, but since 2023 the situation has deteriorated, quotes Federica Sasso of the "Rossing Centre for Education and Dialogue" in Jerusalem.
Last year there were seven incidents of physical violence against clerics or ordinary Christian worshippers, almost all in Jerusalem, 7 cases of verbal harassment and about 30 cases of spitting against Christian clerics.
Most of the perpetrators are young "religious" Jewish men who espouse nationalism and racism.
On 1 January, graves in an Anglican cemetery in Jerusalem were desecrated.
According to Federica Sasso, the more than 90 incidents monitored by the Centre "are just the tip of the iceberg of a much larger phenomenon". The Christian Armenians in the Old City and the Polish monastery in Jerusalem were particularly affected. …More
Billy F
Our Greatest Allies!!! 🙄

Fauci Boasted 'mRNA Is Lethal to Kids' in Newly Leaked Video

The world is slowly waking up to the fact that the elderly and infirm were targeted by the elite in a ruthless culling exercise during the …

Researchers Drop Bombshell: Covid Shots Killed 35 Million - Slay News

Researchers have sounded the alarm over their chilling new findings after uncovering evidence showing that Covid mRNA shots have …
Jeffrey Ade

St. Joan of Arc, St. Jeanne d'Arc, Plinio Correa de Oliveira commentary on the Saint of the Day, May 30

On May 30, 1431, the eve of the feast of In a few minutes everything was finished. The ashes were …

After Eight Years in Exile Fr William Graham Is Credibly Innocent

Fr William Graham of the Diocese of Duluth, Minnesota was falsely accused and cast out in 2016 after his bishop deemed a nearly 40-year-old claim to be “credible.” By Fr William Graham with an Introduction …More
Fr William Graham of the Diocese of Duluth, Minnesota was falsely accused and cast out in 2016 after his bishop deemed a nearly 40-year-old claim to be “credible.”
By Fr William Graham with an Introduction by Fr Gordon MacRae.
From Fr Gordon MacRae: Some of our readers might have passed over my recent post, “Pop Stars and Priests: Michael Jackson and the Credible Standard.”
Much more than the strange story of Michael Jackson, that post was really about the much stranger story of Catholic priests falsely accused. Commenter James Anderson wrote of it, “This article is the best ever on your false conviction.” The matter of falsely accused Catholic priests has received some increased attention of late, but not nearly enough to counter the vast media bias that grew and festered through news of the scandal of sexual abuse in the Catholic priesthood since the moral panic of 2002.
In my post linked above, I wrote of a development in my diocese, the Diocese of Manchester, New Hampshire. A press …More

Are You Making One of These 4 Wilderness Mistakes? - Ask a Prepper

I recently read a book that estimates up to 5 billion people could die in the months and years after a global-scale nuclear war. The …

Voddie Baucham warns culture under divine judgment, urges Christians to 'be ready' for persecution

ARLINGTON, Texas — Pastor Voddie T. Baucham warned that the pervasive sexual sins of the prevailing …
Father Karl A Claver
The persecution is already here.
Heiliger Josef

The bridegroom is coming! Eternal profession with the Sisters of Atonement of the Holy Spirit

FSSPX Germany/ "You wise virgin, the great day of grace is here. The bridegroom is coming. Go to meet him with joy!" With these words the ceremony for the making of the perpetual profession begins at …More
FSSPX Germany/ "You wise virgin, the great day of grace is here. The bridegroom is coming. Go to meet him with joy!" With these words the ceremony for the making of the perpetual profession begins at the Sisters of Atonement of the Holy Spirit in Niedaltdorf. With these words the priest invites the professed sister to step in front of the altar and make the profession in aeternum into the hands of their general superior. In a sense he becomes the "friend of the bridegroom" who leads the soul to Christ.
In fact, there are great parallels between marriage and perpetual profession. Both establish an exclusive and indissoluble bond of total dedication. Profession even continues into eternal life.
On May 3, Sr. Maria Raphaele (Felicitas Roling) made her perpetual profession. The district superior, Fr. Stefan Pfluger, held the levitated office, assisted by Fr. Matthias Roling, the brother of the professed, as deacon and by Fr. Patrice Laroche as subdeacon.
In his homily he …
Father Karl A Claver
This will keep the Catholic Church alive.
Jeffrey Ade
@Heiliger Josef Beautiful! Thank you! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!

Trudeau desperately tries to lower voting age to 16 as election hopes die

Trudeau desperately tries to lower voting age to 16 as election hopes die Nigel Farage storms back on the political stage in UK …

EU ELECTIONS WATCH: Dutch Right Wing Head to Head With Centre-Left in Exit Polls – Danish PM Assaulted …

The European Elections are on: voters from across the continent will chose their MEPs to represent …
This is like the days of Rasputan just before millions died

Diocesan Delegation Arrives: Nuns Call the Police

At 2pm on 6 June, several representatives of the papal commissioner arrived at the convent of the Poor Clare sisters in Belorado, Archdiocese of Burgos, Spain. In May, the nuns announced that they had …More
At 2pm on 6 June, several representatives of the papal commissioner arrived at the convent of the Poor Clare sisters in Belorado, Archdiocese of Burgos, Spain.
In May, the nuns announced that they had joined a sedevacantist pseudo-bishop.
The delegation consisted of Sister Carmen Ruiz, Secretary of the Federation of Poor Clares of Our Lady of Aránzazu, Don Rodrigo Sáiz, representative of the Pontifical Commissioner, Don Carlos Azcona, Notary of the Ecclesiastical Tribunal, accompanied by the Notary María Rosario Garrido.
First, Sister Belén received the visitors at the revolving window where the person opposite cannot be seen. Then, Sister Sión received them in a small room.
They asked to speak to the ex-abbotess, Sister Isabel, who informed them through Sister Belén that, with the exception of the notary, the other visitors were "not welcome" and should leave the convent.
She warned that she would call the police if they refused. When they did, she called the police. The notary, María …More
Rumour has it dirty harry showed up with 45 magnum
Obedience in all legitimate things. -St. Maximilian Kolbe
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194 WHO Countries Agree to Arrest Citizens Who Oppose Bird Flu Vaccine - Media Blackout

The World Healthy Assembly this week adopted amendments to the controversial International Health Regulations…
Sean Johnson
Same as with covid, America has too many gun owners for them to try it. Now Australia…
Servant Of Divine Mercy
Keep praying and make sacrifices against this.

WHO Gives Special Status to Radical Abortion Group - C-Fam

WHO Gives Special Status to Radical Abortion Group Lisa Correnti| June 6, 2024 GENEVA, June 7 (C-FAM) After a razor thin vote and abundant …