Tom Morelli

Nailed it....

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò VOS ESTIS LUX MUNDI - To the participants of the Eucharistic Congress - Indianapolis, July 19, 2024, sponsored by LifeSiteNewsMore
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò
VOS ESTIS LUX MUNDI - To the participants of the Eucharistic Congress - Indianapolis, July 19, 2024, sponsored by LifeSiteNews
Fred Alan Medforth

French TV channel hosting right-ring show taken off the air by regulator – Allah's Willing Executioners The French TV channel Arcom’s decision, based on what it said was “the …
Father Karl A Claver
Unfortunately, the RIGHT seldom has the courage to fight back.

President of Italian Bishops Praises "Queer Family"

At the Giffoni Film Festival for children and youth on 23 July, the homosexual activist and president of the Italian bishops Matteo Zuppi, Archbishop of Bologna, exalted what he calls the "queer family". …More
At the Giffoni Film Festival for children and youth on 23 July, the homosexual activist and president of the Italian bishops Matteo Zuppi, Archbishop of Bologna, exalted what he calls the "queer family".
He said: "You have to understand what, in my opinion, 'queer' means. A person whose name was Michela and whose surname was Murgia, explained it to me. She told me about her children, with whom she had no blood relationship. She married a man because she loved him and so that she could continue to have that bond with those children. I think that is something we should all learn, that a bond can exist without there necessarily having a legal implication. The point is to love each other".
Michela Murgia (1972-2023) was an Italian writer and homosexual propagandist. She married a certain Manuel Persico in 2010 and separated from him in 2014.
She claims to have four "children of the soul" from this relationship but little is known about their family origins. Murgia then began a concubinage …More
Billy F
This Judas will not give children bread, he will give them deadly serpents!!!
The chaff continues to stick their necks out with proudness, no fear whatsoever, and all under a "pope" who celebrates gays, atheists, and anything …More
The chaff continues to stick their necks out with proudness, no fear whatsoever, and all under a "pope" who celebrates gays, atheists, and anything uncatholic... yet some have the sturdy guts to defend this diabolic false prophet.
2 more comments
WAYNE ROOT: The Choice of Kamala Makes No Sense. It’s a Terrible Mistake. But Democrats Have Something Up Their Sleeve. Something Very Evil and Shocking is Coming.

WAYNE ROOT: The Choice of Kamala Makes No Sense. It’s a Terrible Mistake. But Democrats Have Something …

Donald J. Trump is not supposed to be alive. It’s literally a miracle that President Trump is still …

Top Canadian intelligence official called critics of gender ideology a 'violent threat' in 2023 report …

OTTAWA, Ontario (LifeSiteNews) — The new head of Canada’s intelligence agency before becoming interim …

Brand new exhaust for my bimmer

🔧✨ Just got done installing a new exhaust system on my BMW, and it's a beast now! The performance has skyrocketed, and the sound is absolutely epic. It's these little upgrades that make driving such …More
🔧✨ Just got done installing a new exhaust system on my BMW, and it's a beast now! The performance has skyrocketed, and the sound is absolutely epic. It's these little upgrades that make driving such a pleasure. Can’t wait to hit the open road! 🚀🌟 #CarEnthusiast #UpgradeYourRide Every moment behind the wheel feels more exhilarating now.
sp2 . .
So Mr. Milly, Do you also love the Latin Liturgy, or are you just a Rump Ranger showing off a new car on a Religious Forum?More
So Mr. Milly,
Do you also love the Latin Liturgy, or are you just a Rump Ranger showing off a new car on a Religious Forum?
Sean Johnson
I love whole milk. It makes me feel just wonderful! And I see birds!
By Mary Ann Kreitzer of Les Femmes - The Truth

"Life is Like Toilet Paper" and Other Thoughts

Beyond These Stone Wallsby falsely imprisoned priest, Fr. Gordon MacRae. His case illustrates the evil of ungodly prosecutors, corrupt policemen, and greedy …
Spiritual emptiness attracts all the evil with which the world is filled. It is quite easy to recognise such a soul. Fanaticism, that is, the blind and mindless denial of objective truth. It should be …More
Spiritual emptiness attracts all the evil with which the world is filled. It is quite easy to recognise such a soul. Fanaticism, that is, the blind and mindless denial of objective truth. It should be recalled here that faith in the teachings handed down to us by our Lord Jesus Christ is the only one. which is grounded in all the laws governing the reality around us. As I have written on more than one occasion, it is impossible. for the God who created this world to contradict Himself, and therefore the laws governing this world are in perfect conformity with the laws of God.

About modern ‘Catholicism’: The impact of heresy and communism on contemporary religious practice

photo: Albrecht Dürer- Our Lord Jesus Christ said: render to the emperor what is emperor’s and to God …
Where is Joe Biden The system scrambles for a new puppet front man The Reese Report | Greg Reese | Substack Joe Biden hasn’t been seen since last Wednesday in Las Vegas, four days after the assassination …More
Where is Joe Biden
The system scrambles for a new puppet front man
The Reese Report | Greg Reese | Substack
Joe Biden hasn’t been seen since last Wednesday in Las Vegas, four days after the assassination attempt on president Trump.
The signature on his memo announcing that he is dropping out of the 2024 election has been proven to be a forgery.
And according to the Artificial Intelligence voice app, ElevenLabs, the recent alleged phone call from Biden was created using the app.
But Joe Biden has been missing in action for years. By most accounts, there has been at least three fake Joe Bidens on camera since his election. We have seen images that show Joe Biden with different ear lobes, which would be impossible if it were all the same person. We have seen videos that show what appears to be a rubber mask. With a rubbery chin.
In the early nineties, former head of disguise for the CIA wore a mask as she briefed George H.W. Bush in the White House about the latest disguise technology. She …More
Fides Et Ratio

Marriage A Great Gift VII - Fides et Ratio

3 Myths Flying Solo marriage is a ball and chain, of little benefit to the average guy…. At best unimportant, at worst an obstacle to woman’s progress.[1]…
Irapuato shares from Irapuato
Carmelite Saints - Blessed John Soreth - July 24More
Carmelite Saints - Blessed John Soreth - July 24
Carmelite Saints - Blessed John Soreth - July 25 carmelitesireland 25 July 30 July on some calendars 24 July on some calendars 28 July on some calendars 31 July on some calendars Profile Carmelite. …More
Carmelite Saints - Blessed John Soreth - July 25 carmelitesireland
25 July
30 July on some calendars
24 July on some calendars
28 July on some calendars
31 July on some calendars
Carmelite. Studied in Paris, France. Doctor of theology in 1438. Prior-general of his order from 1451 to 1471. Wrote a famous commentary on the Rule. Issued new Constitutions in 1462. Worked to return his order to its earliest observance, and to admit convents. Spiritual director of Blessed Frances d’Amboise. Born c.1420 at Caen, Normandy, France Died 1471 at Angers, France of cholera Beatified 1865 by Pope Pius IX (cultus confirmed) John Soreth (1394 – 1471) was a French Carmelite friar and became a Prior General of the Order of Carmelites.[1] John Soreth was born near Caen in Normandy, France in 1394 and entered the Carmelite house there. Ordained priest around 1417, he became a doctor of theology in Paris in 1438 and then regent of studies there. He was Provincial of the French …More
Billy F Carmelite. Studied in Paris, France. Doctor of theology in 1438. Prior-general of his order from 1451 to 1471. Wrote a famous commentary …More
Billy F
Carmelite. Studied in Paris, France. Doctor of theology in 1438. Prior-general of his order from 1451 to 1471. Wrote a famous commentary on the Rule. Issued new Constitutions in 1462. Worked to return his order to its earliest observance, and to admit convents. Spiritual director of Blessed Frances d’Amboise.
c.1420 at Caen, Normandy, France
1471 at Angers, France of cholera
1865 by Pope Pius IX (cultus confirmed) Additional Information
religions shares from religions
Return to Our Lady

Bishops vs. God's Seers in 2024 & What WW3's Cause Will REALLY Be—Regis, CoRedemptrix, Piccarreta,++

I wouldn't use my time to view this video. Mr. O'Connor seems to have a flawed discernment process.
De Profundis
Notre-Dame de l'Assomption has became the latest church to be set on fire by arsonists
Billy F
Let the Vampire into the house, bad things will happen! Also, distance yourself from those who are trying to get you to open the doors and windows. They …More
Let the Vampire into the house, bad things will happen! Also, distance yourself from those who are trying to get you to open the doors and windows. They want the vampire to kill your house!
Pete Buttigieg responded to Mike Johnson saying his same-sex marriage is the “dark harbinger of chaos and sexual anarchy” that will destroy the country.
Is a matter of principle
All Saints
I can’t take Buttplug seriously unless he has his fake breast strapped on.
Tristan Dawes
Solar panels are quite important if you want to camp with ur rv
Sally Dorman
What culture?
Good point