Russia/Putin & the West Part 1 (of a 2 Part series) - Behind The News Network

Background (1991-Present) The fall of the Soviet Union marked the beginning of a highly dangerous new phase of American …
Carlus shares this
Russia/Putin & the West Part 2 (of a 2 Part series) - Behind The News Network Ohne Putin wäre Russland verloren gewesen. Als Politiker hat er sich für …More
Russia/Putin & the West Part 2 (of a 2 Part series) - Behind The News Network
Ohne Putin wäre Russland verloren gewesen. Als Politiker hat er sich für seine Bevölkerung und für den russischen Staat große Verdienste Erworben.
Live Mike
"Cardinal Bertone wanted people to believe that the words of the Virgin had nothing to do with the crisis of the Church and the marriage of Modernists & Freemasonry behind the scenes at the Second …More
"Cardinal Bertone wanted people to believe that the words of the Virgin had nothing to do with the crisis of the Church and the marriage of Modernists & Freemasonry behind the scenes at the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965)." - Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganó

Letter #7: Viganó on the (Unrevealed) Third Secret of Fatima

Wednesday, April 22, 2020 Friends, Christ is Risen! Wishing the best to all of you, in this period after Easter. Hoping you are well in this …
All Saints
Where is that old devil Bertone these days?
Live Mike

Wonder if John XXIII told Fulton Sheen about the contents of the Third Secret of Fatima

On two occasions (8 May 1960 & 21 May 1961), at the request of Pope John XXIII, Bishop Sheen assisted in consecrating fourteen bishops for the purpose of serving in the mission territories of the world …More
On two occasions (8 May 1960 & 21 May 1961), at the request of Pope John XXIII, Bishop Sheen assisted in consecrating fourteen bishops for the purpose of serving in the mission territories of the world. Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen and Pope John XXIII were such good friends that he confided many secrets with Sheen including the proceedings of the conclave which elected him and his desire to announce the council. Much of Sheen's 28 years as a bishop were dedicated to writing & preaching on subjects such as Communism, Russia, and Our Lady of Fatima... Still I wonder.
Source: Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen on Facebook Friday, October 11, 2013 at 1:40 PM
I do not think so. More probably Sheen shared with him his marvelous revolutionary ideas like how to visit Talmudic synagogues and talk about unceasing …More
I do not think so. More probably Sheen shared with him his marvelous revolutionary ideas like how to visit Talmudic synagogues and talk about unceasing Old Covenant, to organize seminaries together with Protestants or give the Church property to the govt.
Interesting -- Hmmmm..... We do know that Cardinal Ratzinger confided to Fr. Ingo Dollinger the missing parts of the 3rd Secret NOT released in the 2000…More
Interesting -- Hmmmm.....
We do know that Cardinal Ratzinger confided to Fr. Ingo Dollinger the missing parts of the 3rd Secret NOT released in the 2000 Vatican document on the 3rd Secret of Fatima.
Regarding the Recent Confirmation by Fr. Ingo Döllinger
<< Third Secret of Fatima Still Mainly Concealed; Warns Against an Evil Council and Changes in the Liturgy >>
“Fr. Ingo Döllinger is a several decades long close personal friend of Pope Benedict XVI. Cardinal Ratzinger told Dr. Döllinger around 1991 that the 3rd Secret speaks of an ‘evil council,’ and warned against changing and adulterating the liturgy of the Mass -- literally against adding extraneous elements into the liturgy (which is exactly what Bugnini & Co. did by adding Protestant elements into the liturgy).
“The Secret, according to Döllinger, also speaks negatively about the Conciliar popes, according to what Ratzinger told Döllinger -- comparing one pope to a chameleon, another to a serpent …More
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Live Mike

Nuclear Weapon Detonation on Luisa Piccarreta's Kingdom of the Divine Will Cult

Nihil Obstat Not Granted, Cause Suspended, Theological, Christological, and Anthropological Difficulties Bishop Benoît Bertrand Wednesday 24 January 2024 Bishop of Mende [France] President of the …More
Nihil Obstat Not Granted, Cause Suspended, Theological, Christological, and Anthropological Difficulties
Bishop Benoît Bertrand
Wednesday 24 January 2024
Bishop of Mende [France]
President of the Doctrinal Commission
To the Bishops of France
My Lord,
Dear Friend, The writings of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta are spreading throughout our dioceses. Their detailed and thorough examination, without prejudging the exemplary conduct of Luisa Piccarreta's life and virtues of Luisa Piccarreta's life and exercise of her virtues, has led us not to grant the Nihil Obstat for the continuation of the Cause of Beatification and Canonization. The difficulties identified in the writings are both theological (an overly mechanical and obsessive conception of the Divine Will is too mechanical and obsessive, leaving man no room for free free will), Christological (a doctrine of reparation and victim spirituality that does not spirituality that fails to integrate the primacy of God's merciful, …More
English Catholic
Thank you for sharing this @Live Mike I've always had grave doubts about it. I could never understand why her writings were being dealt with separately …More
Thank you for sharing this @Live Mike I've always had grave doubts about it. I could never understand why her writings were being dealt with separately to her cause. I think it's always been the case that all writings were checked and given a nihil obstat/imprimatur before the person's cause went ahead.
I think it is too Catholic for Pope Francis’s Vatican.
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Live Mike

Russian Orthodox Vladimir Putin More Catholic Than Jorge Bergoglio?

"Look what they are doing to their own people. It is all about the destruction of the family, of cultural and national identity, perversion and abuse of children, including pedophilia, all of which are …More
"Look what they are doing to their own people. It is all about the destruction of the family, of cultural and national identity, perversion and abuse of children, including pedophilia, all of which are declared normal in their life. They are forcing the priests to bless same-sex marriages. [...] But here is what I would like to tell them: look at the Holy Scripture and the main books of other world religions. They say it all, including that family is the union of a man and a woman, but these sacred texts are now being questioned. Reportedly, the Anglican Church is planning, just planning, to explore the idea of a gender-neutral god. What is there to say? Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.
Millions of people in the West realize that they are being led to a spiritual disaster. Frankly, the elite appear to have gone crazy, and it looks like there is no cure for that. But like I said, these are their problems, while we must protect our children, which we will do. We will …More
Putin "more Catholic"? A total delusion. He is a post-Commie utilising an old Russian tradition of tzaropapism. BTW, there is no "more Catholic" or "…More
Putin "more Catholic"? A total delusion. He is a post-Commie utilising an old Russian tradition of tzaropapism.
BTW, there is no "more Catholic" or "less Catholic" but only Catholic or non-Catholic. Tertium non datur.
Jeffrey Ade
"In fact, the US knew the Russians had faked their own demise and went along with it, because the globalists were still in the mode of building Russia …More
"In fact, the US knew the Russians had faked their own demise and went along with it, because the globalists were still in the mode of building Russia and China as future enemies in order to eventually have one more world war that would finally force the US into a militarized global government."
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Live Mike

Given the partial list of antipopes & interregna, should we be surprised to see another in our day? "What's past is prologue."

Natalius - antipope? (199-200) St. Hippolytus of Rome - antipope (217-235) Novatian, Latin Novatianus - antipope (251-251) Felix (II) - antipope (355-358) Ursinus - antipope (366-367) Eulalius - antipope …More
Natalius - antipope? (199-200)
St. Hippolytus of Rome - antipope (217-235)
Novatian, Latin Novatianus - antipope (251-251)
Felix (II) - antipope (355-358)
Ursinus - antipope (366-367)
Eulalius - antipope (418-419)
Laurentius, English Lawrence - antipope in 498 and from 501 to about 505/507
Dioscorus - pope or antipope, for 23 days in 530 Theodore - antipope from 21 September to 15 December 687 Paschal (I) - antipope against both the rival antipope Theodore and the legitimate pope St. Sergius I during 687 Constantine (II) - antipope (767-768) Philip - antipope in July 768 John - antipope (844-844) Anastasius the Librarian, Latin Anastasius Bibliothecarius - antipope (855-855) Christopher - antipope (903-904) Leo VIII - pope, or antipope, from 963 to 965 Boniface VII - pope, or antipope, from June to July 974 and from August 984 to July 985 John XVI - antipope (997-998) Gregory (VI) - antipope (1012-1012) Benedict (X) - antipope (1058-1059) Honorius (II) - antipope (1061-1064) Clement …More
Ave Crux
God will make everything known at the time He has chosen. I find great comfort in knowing that any given Pope is not THE Church. And should we ever …More
God will make everything known at the time He has chosen. I find great comfort in knowing that any given Pope is not THE Church. And should we ever find ourselves in an interregnum -- or should a Pope ever abandon that which was handed down to him to preserve -- we simply do not follow him into error. We remain in place, unmoved and unmovable.
A Pope merely holds the place of Christ at the Head of the Church and the Mystical Body....and should the See be vacant, it doesn't change what we know and must live as concerns our precious Faith.
We know what we have received from the Church of the Ages, and it this which we preserve and cleave to. If any Popes abandon this, we stay firm and clear-minded in the Deposit of Faith and the Traditions we have received. In so doing so we can never be mistaken.
Live Mike
Note: Thus far, God has never allowed an interregnum to go on beyond 2 Years, 276 Days. There are some who claim that we have been in a period of …More
Note: Thus far, God has never allowed an interregnum to go on beyond 2 Years, 276 Days. There are some who claim that we have been in a period of interregnum since 31 December 2022 [1 Year, 37 Days and counting]
For the love of God, my dear Catholics, OPEN YOUR EYES!

If a man continually demonstrates his hatred of the Law, he is demonstrating his hatred of its Author …

Originally posted February 2, 2023 Today is the Feast of Candlemas, the Presentation of Our Lord, …
Slave of the Immaculata
"So, then, if anyone says that the Roman pontiff has merely an office of supervision and guidance, and not the full and supreme power of jurisdiction …More
"So, then, if anyone says that the Roman pontiff has merely an office of supervision and guidance, and not the full and supreme power of jurisdiction over the whole church, and this not only in matters of faith and morals, but also in those which concern the discipline and government of the church dispersed throughout the whole world; or that he has only the principal part, but not the absolute fullness, of this supreme power; or that this power of his is not ordinary and immediate both over all and each of the churches and over all and each of the pastors and faithful: let him be anathema."
(First Vatican Council, Dogmatic Constitution Pastor Aeternus, Ch. 3)
Two choices folks:
We are anathema for not following Bergoglio. Or...
Bergoglio is not the pope.
Everyday for Life Canada
I stopped listening to this man a long time ago. Pray for his conversion.
Live Mike

"I think that you are at that period when false doctrine shall propagate its errors throughout the world." - Sr. Lucia, 1946

In 1946, 13 years before the announcement of Vatican II, several historians of Fatima were able to secure more precise information from Sr. Lucia on the Secret of Fatima: Q. "At what actual stage are …More
In 1946, 13 years before the announcement of Vatican II, several historians of Fatima were able to secure more precise information from Sr. Lucia on the Secret of Fatima:
Q. "At what actual stage are we of the period mentioned in the Secret?"
A. "I think that you are at that period when false doctrine shall propagate its errors throughout the world."
Source: Rev. Fr. V. Montes de Oca, C.S.SP., More About Fatima and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, 1945, p. 66-68, Imprimatur: Most Rev. John Carroll, Archbishop of Dublin.
Live Mike

"What's past is prologue" - William Shakespeare

"What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done; and there is nothing new under the sun." - Ecclesiastes 1:9More
"What has been is what will be,
and what has been done is what will be done;
and there is nothing new under the sun."
- Ecclesiastes 1:9
Part 1: Full Scope of Dominion ICX Hack in Federal Court is FAR Worse than Just the BIC Pen Hack – With Transcript

Part 1: Full Scope of Dominion ICX Hack in Federal Court is FAR Worse than Just the BIC Pen Hack - …

Last week, University of Michigan professor Dr. J Alex Halderman stood in front of a federal judge …
Live Mike
89 pages
Maria delos Angeles
Classic pre-programming scenario.
John A Cassani
This will cause utter chaos. It won’t be like the last time, because governments aren’t going to just be able to emit vast amounts of credit to keep …More
This will cause utter chaos. It won’t be like the last time, because governments aren’t going to just be able to emit vast amounts of credit to keep people happy. The economy is in such a sorry state that it can’t be shut down for any amount of time without falling apart. Martial Law will be on the minds of the ruling class.
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Live Mike

Who's Jumping Ship? What Schism?

'Pirates' disguised as Catholics have secretly boarded and commandeered the visible ship (institutional organization of the Catholic Church). Pirates have taken possession of the vessel, raised the …More
'Pirates' disguised as Catholics have secretly boarded and commandeered the visible ship (institutional organization of the Catholic Church). Pirates have taken possession of the vessel, raised the skull and crossbones and are now behind the tiller steering the ship.
The Catholic captain & helmsman lost their positions and were replaced with pirates. Catholics still on board the visible ship & the 'invisible ship' (Mystical Body of Christ) are being held captive. Catholics do not recognize the pirates currently in charge of the visible ship as being members of the Faithful. Catholics haven't jumped overboard or abandoned ship. Catholics have always remained on board the 'invisible ship' although they're no longer in control of the visible ship.
Painting: Ship at Sail, Montague Dawson (1890-1973), British, oil on canvas on board
Bazsó-Dombi Attila
Is this point of view expanded somewhere, anywhere in an essay or book?
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"The dogmatic level, the highest level of teaching, held only by the Pope — or by a Council, but only if it is in union with the Pope — is the true and only Katéchon that can bridle the Antichrist. The …More
"The dogmatic level, the highest level of teaching, held only by the Pope — or by a Council, but only if it is in union with the Pope — is the true and only Katéchon that can bridle the Antichrist. The Katéchon is the Dogma."

Prominent Italian Theologian Defends Abp. Viganò's Critique of Vatican II: "Take Off the Dogma and …

PDF Button Prominent Italian Professor Lauds Archbishop Viganò and Discusses Doctrinal Confusion …
Ludovic 2Nîm
What does it mean ? Mgr Lefebvre didn’t want to say the Pope is not the Pope and expelled all the priests that said so in order to stay in the Catholic …More
What does it mean ? Mgr Lefebvre didn’t want to say the Pope is not the Pope and expelled all the priests that said so in order to stay in the Catholic Church. If a Catholic no more recognizes the Pope, it should separate him from others Catholics that recognize the Pope. Even though the Pope is schismatic and separated from the Catholic Church through his heresies.
Live Mike
"It is categorically false to say that the Mosaic covenant remains eternally valid for the Jewish people, for as we painstakingly showed in our January 2008 article, the Catholic Magisterium, Sacred …More
"It is categorically false to say that the Mosaic covenant remains eternally valid for the Jewish people, for as we painstakingly showed in our January 2008 article, the Catholic Magisterium, Sacred Scripture, and our Apostolic Tradition all say the opposite, namely, that the Mosaic covenant was revoked; is no longer valid; and never had the ability to save anyone in the past or in the present." - Dr.R.S.

The Old Covenant is Revoked: The USCC Removes Heretical Sentence from its Catechism — Culture Wars

By and large, Culture Wars is a voice crying in the wilderness in this day and age of decadence and …
Live Mike
I skimmed both of the Culture Wars 2008 articles, and I think this guy is mixing two things up. This really is simple, and I don't understand why anybody …More
I skimmed both of the Culture Wars 2008 articles, and I think this guy is mixing two things up. This really is simple, and I don't understand why anybody would be confused about it.
If God revoked any covenant He ever made, He is a liar. He isn't, and every covenant ever made by Him is still in place. Asserting that God revoked a covenant He has made sounds blasphemous to me.
But there is only one covenant effective for redemption of the human soul, and that is the new covenant confirmed in the blood of Christ. If anybody could follow the covenant under the law, it would be effective for them. But no one can - only Christ could. Hence, the continual validity of the old covenant is completely a moot point, and there's no reason whatsoever for any Christian to get their panties in a bunch over the question.
Am I missing something here?
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Live Mike
"This Russophobic madness needs to end … so that the existential challenge common to all—the resurgent global jihad and Europe’s demographic collapse—can be addressed." - Dr. Srdja Trifkovic, January 2024 …More
"This Russophobic madness needs to end … so that the existential challenge common to all—the resurgent global jihad and Europe’s demographic collapse—can be addressed." - Dr. Srdja Trifkovic, January 2024
About the author: Trifkovic is a Serbian Orthodox, Serbian-American publicist, politician and historian. He is currently the foreign affairs editor of and has authored several books; The Sword of the Prophet and Defeating Jihad.

Dostoevsky, Putin, and the Russian Soul

In 1939 Winston Churchill memorably described Russia as “a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma.” He summarized the Western sense of Muscovy as an …
Jeffrey Ade
Yes! Why is it so hard to say the word that will take the devil's permission away, "Russia!" Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us and save us!
TWENTY-FIVE EXPLICIT ERRORS OF VATICAN COUNCIL II (and the corrections immediately following) by Michael Malone


Catholic Treasures Books TWENTY-FIVE EXPLICIT ERRORS OF VATICAN COUNCIL II (and the corrections immediately following) Michael Malone Number One "This …
John A Cassani
Just think of how much damage that freedom of speech has brought about in a relatively short time, that those who would simply proclaim the truth need …More
Just think of how much damage that freedom of speech has brought about in a relatively short time, that those who would simply proclaim the truth need to appeal to it in order to be freed from censorship, or worse. Error not only has rights in this world, it is supreme, and it has happened with the approval of those chosen by Christ to lead men to salvation. Vatican II was the ultimate modernist exercise.
Live Mike

He's Got the Juice! It's Official! Archbishop Viganò Conditionally Consecrated!

"For the information of all, Archbishop Viganò, it is confirmed is now conditionally consecrated and is a Bishop of the Resistance with Bishop Richard Williamson. We welcome His Excellency to our ranks!" …More
"For the information of all, Archbishop Viganò, it is confirmed is now conditionally consecrated and is a Bishop of the Resistance with Bishop Richard Williamson. We welcome His Excellency to our ranks!"
Source: ||
Archbishop Viganò was Conditionally Consecrated a Bishop || Traditional Catholic Forum - It's Official! Archbishop Vigano conditionally consecrated! ||
Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano Has Been Conditionally Consecrated – Ecclesia Militans ||
Fr. Chazal (MCSPX) Conference UK, November 2023 ||
Live Mike
@Tony Smith Given his purported close relationship with Bishop Williamson, what makes you write that?
Tony Smith
I doubt that he is actually going to work for the resistance. I think he has more integrity than that.
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Live Mike

Given this definition - Anyone at the Vatican come to mind? Perhaps, a Bishop dressed in White ‘we had the impression that it was the Holy Father'

Source: Fr. Johannes Brunsmann, A Handbook of Fundamental Theology, Volume 3, Ed. Arthur Preuss, B. Herder Book Company, 1928, 1929, 1931, 1932, p. 240-241 Membership of the Church – Unbelievers and …More
Source: Fr. Johannes Brunsmann, A Handbook of Fundamental Theology, Volume 3, Ed. Arthur Preuss, B. Herder Book Company, 1928, 1929, 1931, 1932, p. 240-241
Membership of the Church – Unbelievers and Professed Heretics – Ecclesia Militans ||
Fr. Johannes Brunsmann, S.V.D., on Public Heretics and Membership of the Church – Ecclesia Militans
Fr. Gérard Mura, The Third Secret of Fatima Lithuanian Source: Kun. Gérard Mura, Trečioji Fatimos paslaptis | FSSPX LithuaniaMore
Fr. Gérard Mura, The Third Secret of Fatima
Lithuanian Source: Kun. Gérard Mura, Trečioji Fatimos paslaptis | FSSPX Lithuania

Fr. Gérard Mura, The Third Secret of Fatima | SSPX Lithuania

The Third Secret of Fatima Was it advertised as it really is? Fr. Gérard Mura was born in 1957. in Basel (Switzerland). In 1982, after …
Thank you. This gives a lot of very important information on the Fatima revelations, as well as throwing light on the Sister Lucy imposter controversy …More
Thank you. This gives a lot of very important information on the Fatima revelations, as well as throwing light on the Sister Lucy imposter controversy. We must pray the Rosary and observe the First Saturday Devotions!
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Live Mike
1. On Pope Francis’ birthday. 2. One day before officially promulgating permission for official blessings of homosexual couples (as of yet to be clarified). 3. In the pope’s home city of Buenos Aires …More
1. On Pope Francis’ birthday.
2. One day before officially promulgating permission for official blessings of homosexual couples (as of yet to be clarified).
3. In the pope’s home city of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
4. In the same country of origin as Cardinal Fernandez of the DDF who it is said wrote the blessing document.
5. Outside a church associated with more recent Marian apparitions, Our Lady giving messages she said were the continuance of her messages at Fatima, including about the crisis in the Church.
6. A lightning bolt, which is a symbol of God’s wrath, came down and struck a statue of St. Peter the first pope, in front of this church.
7. Knocking out of his hands the keys representing the authority of the pope. The statue was otherwise left intact. Verified by religious brothers in charge of the church. The facts speak for themselves. What are the statistical odds all these factors converge at the same moment, and this is not some kind of divine intervention, a warning to Pope …More

Lightning Bolt from Heaven Warning Pope Francis!?

The facts speak for themselves. 1. On Pope Francis’ birthday. 2. One day before officially promulgating permission for official blessings of homosexual …
Maria delos Angeles
Anthony Stine did a deeper dig on that, and apparently the halo had gone missing previous to the lightning strike. It would appear the losing of the …More
Anthony Stine did a deeper dig on that, and apparently the halo had gone missing previous to the lightning strike. It would appear the losing of the halo coincided with the release of another Francis doc.
CONFIRMED! New Evidence PROVES God Used Lightning To Rebuke Francis
CONFIRMED! New Evidence PROVES God Used Lightning To Rebuke Francis
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