72 pages

UK: Plurality See Immigration as Being Negative, Majority Say Only Farage Telling Truth About Issue

A survey found that the plurality of Britons see immigration as negative, while a majority said only …

Pope repeats gay slur just weeks after grovelling apology over offensive phrase.

Michi Gini

Bishop Eleganti: Papal primacy must not be defined by ecumenical 'negotiations' with non-Catholics -…

(LifeSiteNews) — To see the acceptance of the Roman Catholic papal primacy of jurisdiction by other …

No Mass! Vatican Treats Melbourne Archbishop "Like a Flunky"

During a visit to the Vatican on 24 January, Monsignor Peter Andrew Comensoli, 60, Archbishop of Melbourne, asked the Dicastery for the Liturgy for a "dispensation" to celebrate the Roman Rite Mass in …More
During a visit to the Vatican on 24 January, Monsignor Peter Andrew Comensoli, 60, Archbishop of Melbourne, asked the Dicastery for the Liturgy for a "dispensation" to celebrate the Roman Rite Mass in three churches: St Michael, St Philip and the Cathedral St Patrick.
A day later he received the answer: Niet! The Vatican issued a decree forbidding the Mass in the cathedral.
Cardinal Arthur Roche "allowed" it only for two years and only in the churches of St Michael and St Philip. The decree was signed by his secretary, Archbishop Vittorio Viola (pictured).
According to the Vatican, over the next two years, the faithful are to be led into the [decadent] Novus Ordo from which they have all been fleeing for decades.
Archbishop Viola writes: "While we recognise that Mass according to the Missale Romanum of 1962 has been celebrated in the Cathedral Church for some time, we are nonetheless constrained [by whom?] to deny this request. It is now opportune [!] that the direction given by the …More
Alex A
@Sean Johnson> I don't see the SSPX 'drifting' into the modern mass no matter the mindset of the 'resistance'. No doubt that is the 'wish' of Williamson's …More
@Sean Johnson> I don't see the SSPX 'drifting' into the modern mass no matter the mindset of the 'resistance'. No doubt that is the 'wish' of Williamson's followers, after all, they desperately look for validation.
@Sean Johnson what you say is true. We can see it happening at our chapel. It is unfolding before our eyes. We were abandoned by the church during V2 …More
@Sean Johnson what you say is true. We can see it happening at our chapel. It is unfolding before our eyes. We were abandoned by the church during V2 and soon to be abandoned by the SSPX. The younger look and listen as if in awe. Us old timers shake our heads and wonder what happened.
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Germany moves closer to AfD ban, Greens claim party is a ‘security risk for people and democracy’

Germany: Poster with the inscription ” Kill AFD members” at a radical left-wing anti-AfD demonstration …
Zeiter Tag der Novene Our Lady's Apparition to Marija - 17.6.2024 June 17, 2024 Apparition of Our Lady to Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti Marija shared: "Tonight Gospa came - it looked like she was a little …More
Zeiter Tag der Novene
Our Lady's Apparition to Marija - 17.6.2024
June 17, 2024 Apparition of Our Lady to Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti Marija shared: "Tonight Gospa came - it looked like she was a little more joyful compared to last night. This means that we listened to her and came in a larger number, but that doesn’t mean that there is enough of us praying for peace. "Gospa prayed over us in which language? In her Aramaic motherly language. Gospa prayed for a long time over us. I recommended all of us, all of our intentions, and everything we have in our heart. In a special way I asked Gospa to intercede in front of her son Jesus for peace in the World as she requested. Gospa prayed one more time over us and blessed us all.

Our Lady's Apparition to Marija - MaryTV

Our Lady's Apparition to Marija - 6/17/2024 June 17, 2024 Apparition of Our Lady to Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti Marija shared: "Tonight Gospa came - it looked like …
Live Mike
"The Russian Federation, the one guest with whom the terms of any peace agreement must be negotiated, was not invited."

Switzerland’s Ukraine Peace Summit Was a Call for Continued War

Last week, representatives of 93 countries and eight international organizations attended the self-styled Summit on Peace in Ukraine in …

Germany: Afghan parents suspected of murdering their 15-year-old daughter

The body of a teenage girl was discovered on the banks of the Rhine near Worms on Monday evening. Investigators fear that the 15…
🇬🇧 COVID “vaccines” are biological weapons of mass destruction

695. COVID “vaccines” are biological weapons of mass destruction - World Scam

Vienna 06/18/2024 In an ongoing Florida lawsuit filed by Dr. Joseph Sansone to stop all further distribution of Wuhan …
Marek Wójcik shares this
🇬🇧 COVID “vaccines” are biological weapons of mass destruction

Al Kresta, longtime Catholic radio host, dies at 72.

Naomi Arai
God have mercy on his soul. At least God gave him some notice so he could make preparations.
Gracida prays: God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ, we invoke your holy name, and we implore supplicantly your clemency, so that by the intercession of the always immaculate and virgin Mary, Mother …More
Gracida prays:
God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ, we invoke your holy name, and we implore supplicantly your clemency, so that by the intercession of the always immaculate and virgin Mary, Mother of God, of the Archangel St. Michael, of St. Joseph, spouse of the most holy virgin; of the Apostles Peter and Paul, and of all the saints, that you deign to lend us your efficacious aid against Satan and all the putrid spirits that roam throughout the world seeking to harm the human race, and for the petition of souls.

101-year-old Bishop Gracida and Bishop Strickland offer exorcism prayer for the world - LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — Bishop Joseph Strickland recently joined with America’s oldest prelate to offer an …
The Synodal Church is Shaping-Up to be Protestantism in Union with a Bishop of Rome

The Synodal Church is Shaping-Up to be Protestantism in Union with a Bishop of Rome

In his 1928 encyclical on religious unity, “[T]he union of Christians can only be promoted by promoting the return to …
Everyday for Life Canada
We are one in Christ and not one in any Synodal process.
Billy F
The First Protestant Pope!
Pro Memoria

ALZHEIMER: ‘INCREASED incidence in those receiving mRNA vaccines’

Biden Orders Amnesty

Biden Orders Amnesty

The Biden administration is taking executive action to protect undocumented spouses of American citizens — a move that would shield about 500,000 immigrants from deportation. The …
Bishop Athanasius Schneider - The Problem of Blessing Same-Sex Couples and Its Consequences for the Doctrine and Life of the Catholic Church - Fiducia Supplicans deeply and detrimentally affects the …More
Bishop Athanasius Schneider - The Problem of Blessing Same-Sex Couples and Its Consequences for the Doctrine and Life of the Catholic Church -
Fiducia Supplicans deeply and detrimentally affects the Catholic Church as a whole, as well as local Catholic communities.

The Problem of Blessing Same-Sex Couples and Its Consequences for the Doctrine and Life of the Catholic …

The Document The authorization to “bless” same-sex or adulterous unions does not express an authentically …
All Saints
It supports and encourages a most terrible sin against God. It denies the absurdity of their situation and the lie they are living. It is uncharitable …More
It supports and encourages a most terrible sin against God. It denies the absurdity of their situation and the lie they are living. It is uncharitable as it turns them away from the knowledge that they should be seeking help for their mental illness. It rejects reality itself. The just punishment of God will be more severe for the priest than for the poor devils he is leading to Hell.
Werte shares this
Englischer Wortlaut des Artikels von Bischof Schneider über Fiducia Supplicans.
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IDF knew of Hamas's plan to kidnap 250 before October 7 attack - report The IDF had precise information about Hamas's intentions, but due to prevailing conceptions in the security establishment and …More
IDF knew of Hamas's plan to kidnap 250 before October 7 attack - report
The IDF had precise information about Hamas's intentions, but due to prevailing conceptions in the security establishment and possible negligence by officials, the warning signs were not acted on.

IDF knew of Hamas's plan to kidnap 250 before October 7 attack - report

A newly surfaced document has revealed that the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) and intelligence systems had detailed knowledge of …

Andrea Grillo: An astonishing interview of the main lay ideologue behind Traditionis Custodes and the …

While Archbishop Viola, Secretary of the Dicastery for Divine Worship, is the main ultimate ban of …
Who cares about Grillo?
Cardinal Robert Sarah diagnoses a tide of practical atheism rising within the Church.

The Catholic Church’s Enduring Answer to the Practical Atheism of Our Age

Discover more from What We Need Now The Catholic Church’s Enduring Answer to the Practical Atheism of Our Age By Cardinal Robert …


THE ANTICHRIST ON…..”WHO IS THE ANTICHRIST” (YOU ARE GOING TO LOVE THIS, LOL) I cover 11 heresies of the New Age in regards to who is the Antichrist and more! THE ANTICHRIST ON…..”WHO IS THE ANTICHRIST …More
I cover 11 heresies of the New Age in regards to who is the Antichrist and more!