Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, May 25, 2024, #459

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, May 25, 2024, #459 "Millions Of Americans Brace For 'Intense' Tornadoes During Memorial Day Weekend" …

LIVE:👉 President Trump 👈Addresses Libertarian National Convention in D.C. - 5/25/24..🇦🇺🇨🇦🇺🇸🇬🇧

HERE IS THE LIVE-STREAM-LINK>>> LIVE: President Trump Addresses Libertarian National Convention in D.C. - 5/25/24 LIVE:👉 President Trump 👈Addresses Libertarian National Convention in D.C. - 5/25/24…More
LIVE: President Trump Addresses Libertarian National Convention in D.C. - 5/25/24
LIVE:👉 President Trump 👈Addresses Libertarian National Convention in D.C. - 5/25/24..🇦🇺🇨🇦🇺🇸🇬🇧

Abschlachten im Gazastreifen: Wann wird die Vernunft siegen? Von Dr. Marwan Asmar - Sicht vom Hochblauen

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On the Vatican’s New Norms for Discerning Apparitions

The new and long-awaited Vatican document laying out norms for discerning apparitions was released today. It at least appears free of some of the …
One person has died of measles in the last 10 years. Is this a sign everyone who has not been vaccinated should be vaccinated against measles? Steve Kirsch does the math for us and it is amazing!

Measles vaccine math

Discover more from Steve Kirsch's newsletter Measles vaccine math Health experts are telling everyone to get the MMR shot. But simple math shows getting the measles vaccine is …

Why Do People Bother with Conservatism?

. . . when we know the vastly superior path to holiness is Traditional Catholicism. This article explains why conservatism doesn't work, especially in the Russian context, and how the real solution is …More
. . . when we know the vastly superior path to holiness is Traditional Catholicism. This article explains why conservatism doesn't work, especially in the Russian context, and how the real solution is the Consecration to Mary's Immaculate Heart.
Father Karl A Claver
Conservatives have NOT CONSERVED anything. They keep changing their positions which always end up toward liberal and left leaning beliefs.
Sean Johnson
Answer: Because they place obedience over truth, and the hierarchy won’t allow real conservatism.

This is how the media frames it

Allah's Willing Executioners Antisemitism, Antizionism, Jihadism and the Reunited Germany. News by Fred Alan Medforth Nosta Lgia Your email address will not be published …

Fiducia Supplicans: Cardinal Koch Openly Criticises the Mess Tucho has Created

The plenary meeting of the 'International Commission for Theological Dialogue' with the Orientals in Rome in January was supposed to be about Our Lady. But the Orientals wanted to talk about Francis'…More
The plenary meeting of the 'International Commission for Theological Dialogue' with the Orientals in Rome in January was supposed to be about Our Lady.
But the Orientals wanted to talk about Francis' homosexual propaganda piece 'Fiducia supplicans', Cardinal Kurt Koch told (23 May).
So the Cardinal invited Tucho Fernández to the meeting. But the coward "could not come" in person and only sent a written statement, which the Orientals described as "insufficient".
Before having caused a schism in the Catholic Church, the homosex issue has already divided the Anglicans. At Koch's recent meeting with Anglican lay bishops, the African representatives were absent. The reason: Canterbury pushes for homosex-propaganda and the Anglican ordination of women.
"Talking to [lay] Archbishop Welby, I had to say frankly that we have similar tensions in the Catholic Church over the same issues," admits Cardinal Koch.
He warned that "there are quite a few bishops in Germany, Switzerland …More
Denis Efimov
"we have similar tensions in the Catholic Church over the same issues" It is Koch who has tensions in his head. We have no tensions in the Catholic …More
"we have similar tensions in the Catholic Church over the same issues"
It is Koch who has tensions in his head. We have no tensions in the Catholic Church. All who have tensions on these issues are heretics, and therefore are outside the Catholic Church.
New video exposing Vatican II counterchurch and non-Catholic Charismatic "renewals" The “Catholic” Charismatic Movement Exposed
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Tom Jones

Prayers of Intercession: Praying For Each Other and With the Saints

It is necessary to be serious when when asking for God to bless anyone. Prayers of Intercession: Praying For Each Other and With the Saints - Catholic Stand Saying God bless you with out thinking or …More
It is necessary to be serious when when asking for God to bless anyone.
Prayers of Intercession: Praying For Each Other and With the Saints - Catholic Stand
Saying God bless you with out thinking or praying is an abuse of God's power to bless.
Tom Jones shares this

Krieg gegen Gaza: Mutmaßlicher israelischer Reservist droht mit Meuterei - Sicht vom Hochblauen

Soldier declares he will not take orders from the defence minister, saying he wants to annihilate Palestinians …

France: imam of the mosque in Pessac, a campaigner for Palestine, is threatened with expulsion

The judiciary will have to decide on the 31st of May. The court in Bordeaux will examine the Bordeaux …

The seven false devotions to the Blessed Virgin Mary

Excerpt from “ Treatise on true devotion to the Blessed Virgin ” by Saint Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort: 92) I find seven kinds of false devotees and false devotions to the Blessed Virgin, namely: …More
Excerpt from “ Treatise on true devotion to the Blessed Virgin ” by Saint Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort:
92) I find seven kinds of false devotees and false devotions to the Blessed Virgin, namely:
1) critical devotees;
2) scrupulous devotees;
3) external devotees;
4) presumptuous devotees;
5) fickle devotees;
6) hypocritical devotees; 7) interested devotees. 93) Critical devotees are, usually, proud scholars, strong and self-satisfied minds, who deep down have some devotion to the Blessed Virgin, but who criticize almost all practices of devotion to the Blessed Virgin that simple people return simply and holiness to this good Mother, because they do not return to their whim. They call into doubt all the miracles and stories reported by reliable authors, or taken from the chronicles of religious orders, which prove the mercies and the power of the Most Holy Virgin. They would only be able to see with difficulty simple and humble people kneeling before an altar or image of the Blessed …More
After the inevitable demise of Church Militant, because of the continuing Michael Voris homosexual scandal, another website was started called 'Church Militant: For God and Country'. Now it has morphed …More
After the inevitable demise of Church Militant, because of the continuing Michael Voris homosexual scandal, another website was started called 'Church Militant: For God and Country'. Now it has morphed into 'Souls and Liberty'. Please for God's sake, stop supporting this deluded narcissist, and his deceived followers. I see Voris is back to the cruising again - if you'll excuse the pun: Retreat At Sea | Souls and Liberty after stating that "new" Church Militant vows "no wasteful extravagance" Promo video for "new" Church Militant vows "no was… See my comment below, highlighting E Michael Jones exposure of this 8 years ago. How long does it take to sink in?

Who We Are | Souls and Liberty

Our Mission: To engage, educate, and encourage Christians to advance the Kingdom of God in our culture through bold prayer and faithful action Who We Are Church Militant …
English Catholic
The following excerpt is from E Michael Jones booklet: 'The Man Behind the Curtain - Michael Voris and the Homosexual Vortex' (Fidelity Press, 2016) …More
The following excerpt is from E Michael Jones booklet: 'The Man Behind the Curtain - Michael Voris and the Homosexual Vortex' (Fidelity Press, 2016) This was written 8 years ago - wake up and smell the coffee!
"The infallible sign that an “apostolate” has become a racket is the benefactor cruise. Church Militant TV was no exception to this rule. On April 2, 2016, Voris and his benefactors set sail on Church Militant’s fourth annual “retreat at sea,” a cruise along the coast of California which included “13 exclusive conferences given by Michael Voris” on topics like “Crisis in the Church” and “Purity” as well as daily Mass and Eucharistic adoration, all followed by meals prepared by the Ruby Princess chefs, who are “true culinary artists” who make each meal “an unforgettable gourmet experience.”
There was more than a little irony involved in the cruise. As Maureen Mullarkey later put it: “Your best hope is to pay up for his luxury Lenten cruise (“at the foot of the Cross” on the Ruby …More

Seven Hamas members arrested in Germany, Denmark, the Netherlands over suspected terrorism plots

Israel’s Mossad spy agency said Denmark had exposed “Hamas infrastructure on European soil”, prime …
Tucho eats crow. Talks about blessings helping the ‘sinner’s conversion’.

Fiducia supplicans: Fernández visits Tawadros - Vatican News

Fiducia supplicans: Fernández visits Tawadros On Wednesday, May 22, Pope Tawadros II, the head of the Coptic Orthodox Church, received Cardinal …

Geschlagen, gewürgt, getreten: Deutsche Polizei geht gegen Studentenproteste vor - Sicht vom Hochblauen

Germany’s students protesting against Israel’s war on Gaza say their right to free speech is under …

A sober reflection as we get closer to vacation time

Come now, you rich, weep and howl for the miseries that are coming upon you. Your riches have rotted and your garments are moth-eaten. Your gold and …

Bishop of Nottingham prohibits schools in his diocese from celebrating Gay Pride Month

The celebration of the so-called homosexual "Pride Month" has been prohibited in all Catholic schools in the English diocese of Nottingham (United Kingdom) under new guidelines that also reject the …More
The celebration of the so-called homosexual "Pride Month" has been prohibited in all Catholic schools in the English diocese of Nottingham (United Kingdom) under new guidelines that also reject the promotion of gender ideology.
The diocese asks teachers not to celebrate homosexuality in June, the month in which the Church traditionally honors the Sacred Heart of Jesus, because "we cannot celebrate lifestyles that are incompatible with the teaching of the Church".
"In short, it is not appropriate for our schools to celebrate Pride because we cannot support the entire agenda," says a new 40-page document titled "Precious in My Sight . "
«Approving only part of it could be considered dishonest and could lead to confusion. We must, instead, seek to articulate those values and principles with which we can agree, and affirm Catholic teaching in a different, distinct and pastorally positive way.
The guidelines also prohibit children who want to change gender from insisting on using their …More
Wilma Lopez shares this
Father Karl A Claver
A bishop finally realizes that it is sinful to celebrate sinfulness.
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Did you know there are different levels in Heaven? Here’s the secret to getting up higher

Did you know there are different levels in Heaven? Here's the secret to getting up higher The John-Henry Westen Show …
Servant Of Divine Mercy
Some Catholics as well as many pagans are in Mortal Sins of addictions; STOP IMMEDIATELY before you appear SUDDENLY and UNEXPECTEDLY before the Judgment …More
Some Catholics as well as many pagans are in Mortal Sins of addictions; STOP IMMEDIATELY before you appear SUDDENLY and UNEXPECTEDLY before the Judgment Seat of God Almighty. Go to the Sacrament of Confession if you are a Baptised Catholic or (for non Catholics) get Baptised into the ONLY and TRUE religion-the Catholic and Apostolic Church via the Traditional and TRUE Magisterium Teachings-and REPENT ofvyour wicked sins and become a VICTIM SOUL for other souls to be saved with the Mortal Sins And Addictions you were enslaved in (lies, theft, pornography,, gambling, alcoholic, drugs, adultery, lustful debauchery, technology idolatry, etc) and at the Last Day (General Judgment) you will (if you remain Faithful to the Lord Jesus Christ and His True Catholic and Apostolic Church, Magisterium and Teachings) see the many souls souls you (by the Grace of God of course) brought out of sin and darkness, and were an instrument to bring them to Heaven for ALL ETERNITY!

Butker Comments on Nervous Breakdown of Regime Propaganda

Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker made a public statement on Friday night following his memorable commencement speech at Benedictine College in Atchison, Kansas, which caused a nervous breakdown …More
Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker made a public statement on Friday night following his memorable commencement speech at Benedictine College in Atchison, Kansas, which caused a nervous breakdown for the regime's propaganda activists.
Butker was speaking at an event sponsored by, a warmongering outlet that recently kicked out Catholic convert Candace Owens for condemning the war in Gaza.
"If it wasn't clear that timeless Catholic values are hated by many, it is now," Butker said, announcing that the "shocking level of hatred" would not stop him from being "unapologetic" about the Faith.
"Over the past few days, my beliefs, or what people think, I believe, have been the focus of countless discussions around the globe."
"The more I've talked about what I value most, my Catholic faith, the more polarising I've become. It's a decision I made consciously, and one I have no regrets about".
"As the days went by, even those who disagreed with my viewpoints shared their …More
All Saints
Butker for Pope!
Out with apologizing; In with apologetics! Amen.More
Out with apologizing; In with apologetics!
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