Madrid, Spain: Catholics pray the Rosary in heavy rain on the streets of Madrid.
¿Que diluvia y está cayendo granizo en Madrid? Nos da igual. En Ferraz seguimos rezando a la Madre de Dios por España y la conversión del mundo. ¡Ni un paso atrás! ¡VIVA CRISTO REY! ✝️🇪🇸More
¿Que diluvia y está cayendo granizo en Madrid? Nos da igual.
En Ferraz seguimos rezando a la Madre de Dios por España y la conversión del mundo. ¡Ni un paso atrás!

FSSPX Distances Itself from Monsignor Viganó

The Priestly Society of Saint Pius X (FSSPX) issued a statement on 21 June distancing itself from Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò. In his recent public defence, Viganò compared himself to Archbishop …More
The Priestly Society of Saint Pius X (FSSPX) issued a statement on 21 June distancing itself from Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò.
In his recent public defence, Viganò compared himself to Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, the founder of the FSSPX.
But the FSSPX objects that there is a crucial difference between them: "In his text, Archbishop Viganò makes a clear declaration of sedevacantism. In other words, according to him, Pope Francis is not a pope".
But: "On this point, neither Archbishop Lefebvre nor the fraternity he founded would agree."
On the other hand, as bad as it was when Mgr Lefebvre rebelled [and Viganó was a happy employee of the Holy See], what is happening now in the Church is at least ten times worse, and the shockwave that Mgr Lefebvre created was much greater than the one that Monsignor Viganó is causing today.
Coming soon, interview with the mother of Blessed Carlo Acutis, exclusively for Communication channels of Magnificat TV, evangelizing project of the Franciscans of Mary: Website: …More
Coming soon, interview with the mother of Blessed Carlo Acutis, exclusively for
Communication channels of Magnificat TV, evangelizing project of the Franciscans of Mary: Website:
English Catholic
From The Remnant: Vatican Document Further Restricting TLM said to Exist, Backed by Cardinal Parolin

Vatican Document Further Restricting TLM said to Exist, Backed by Cardinal Parolin

Latest from RTV — Vatican Document Further Restricting TLM said to Exist, Backed by Cardinal Parolin By: Diane Montagna …
Live Mike
Dr. Srdja Trifkovic, foreign affairs editor of Chronicles, is the author of The Sword of the Prophet and Defeating Jihad.

Germany Moves Away From Woke Regime Politics. Will America?

From my observation point three miles from Germany’s southern border, I am pleased to report that the Federal Republic (at long last) is …
Sean Johnson

The Tie that Binds: Francis, the TLM, and the SSPX

With the benefit of a few more days for reflection, here’s what I think I see happening: The tie that binds all these recent events together (ie., Rumor of the imminent complete suppression of the TLM …More
With the benefit of a few more days for reflection, here’s what I think I see happening:
The tie that binds all these recent events together (ie., Rumor of the imminent complete suppression of the TLM; the censure of Vigano; the SSPX preparation of the faithful for episcopal consecrations; and somewhat more remotely, the suppression of the PCED) is that they are all preparatory steps for the formal integration of the SSPX into the conciliar church, via the personal prelature.
In reverse order:
1) The suppression of the PCED leaves all the biritual communities like the FSSP, ICK, et al adrift without a Roman overseer, but it also clears the path for the establishment of a new governing authority (ie., the Prelature).
2. The consecration of bishops is a logical inevitability: A prelature needs prelates. Of course, if this is what is happening, it means the SSPX and Menzingen are still working in partnership, and that being the case, with bishops covertly approved by modernist Rome, the …More
Boanerges Boanerges
Yes, Bergoglio's goal is to cancel out TLM in ALL societies including SSPX, which is why he has been trying to suck them in to his One world religion …More
Yes, Bergoglio's goal is to cancel out TLM in ALL societies including SSPX, which is why he has been trying to suck them in to his One world religion (and they naively thought these were signs of good will). The false prophet will eventually change Novus Ordo beyond recognition canceling out Real Presence and at that point it will be extremely important to him that there's no TLM being offered because Antichrist cannot enter the shell of what was once Catholic Church if Christ is still present. But there WILL always be TLM offered in the underground Remnant True Church of Christ!
perceo3 shares from carlos padila
Magnificat (Gregorian Chant in Latin) - CANTICLE OF MARY Lk 1, 46-55 Spotify: Telegram: Harpa Dei Soundcloud:…More
Magnificat (Gregorian Chant in Latin) - CANTICLE OF MARY Lk 1, 46-55
Telegram: Harpa Dei
If you would like to support our mission, you can donate here:
Download the sheet music with subtones here:
Adobe Acrobat
Chris Sky: The Largest Crisis in North America!
Abbé Jean-Marie du Divin Coeur de Jésus
How about statistics on the number of people with tattoos versus the number of people who cannot stand being around them because they look frightening …More
How about statistics on the number of people with tattoos versus the number of people who cannot stand being around them because they look frightening. The Bible condemns marking one's body with tattoes.
Meet The NGOs Facilitating Mass Immigration Under The Banner Of Religion

Meet The NGOs Facilitating Mass Immigration Under The Banner Of Religion

astonishing$1.4 billion from the federal government in 2021. While much of the blame for America’s unprecedented border crisis …
Info Krieger Krieger
Australien schreibt "Lebensmittelrationen" vor, um sich auf die Vogelgrippe-Pandemie vorzubereiten Irgendein Land darf immer den ersten Feldversuch …More
Australien schreibt "Lebensmittelrationen" vor, um sich auf die Vogelgrippe-Pandemie vorzubereiten
Irgendein Land darf immer den ersten Feldversuch führen. Die nächste "Plandemie"?
"Die Elite hat davor gewarnt, dass eine globale Nahrungsmittelkrise auf der Tagesordnung steht, und Australien hat sich zum Testgelände der Neuen Weltordnung entwickelt, auf dem autoritäre Taktiken nach chinesischem Vorbild an der gefangenen Bevölkerung getestet werden, bevor sie auf den Rest der Welt ausgeweitet werden.
Wird Australien den Sadismus der globalen Elite ertragen, einschließlich Hungerrationen, obligatorischer Impfungen und einer vergifteten Wasserversorgung, oder werden sie klug werden, sich erheben, die Tyrannen verbannen und ihre Freiheit zurückfordern?"

USA puts Pfizer on trial for vaccine “falsehoods”

USA puts Pfizer on trial for vaccine “falsehoods” The Attorney General of Kansas is suing the pharmaceutical giant: "It deceived on efficacy and adverse …
Juan Perez
Lol the same gvmt that imprison his people now wants to fight for them xD
True Mass's an act of love. Where's that show trial??
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A University Student Reflects on His Discovery of and Love for the TLM

Over the past week there has been abundant speculation and commentary on the possibility of yet another Vatican ban on the Traditional …
I believe Our LORD is in the process of cleansing His Holy Church. The first wave of defectors were the proud, self- willed so-called "modernists." The second wave of defections will be the proud, self …More
I believe Our LORD is in the process of cleansing His Holy Church. The first wave of defectors were the proud, self- willed so-called "modernists." The second wave of defections will be the proud, self-willed so-called "traditionalists." Both of these groups will mock those who stay as "stupid sheep," the derogatory accusation of faithful Catholics since to the beginning.
The Oklahoma State Supreme Court rules catholic charter school contract is unconstitutional The Oklahoma State Supreme Court ruled the virtual catholic charter school St. Isidore violates state statutes …More
The Oklahoma State Supreme Court rules catholic charter school contract is unconstitutional
The Oklahoma State Supreme Court ruled the virtual catholic charter school St. Isidore violates state statutes, the state constitution, and the Establishment Clause. “I think it’s a huge win,” said Debbie Veney. “We are so thrilled with the decision of the court.” Debbie Veney is the Senior Vice President of the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools. She says the Court’s decision is a step in the right direction for public education. 2 News' Naomi Keitt reports. Read more at OK Supreme Court rules catholic charter school contract is unconstitutional
RELEASE of H.E. Monsignor Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop about the Vatican parody that seeks to prosecute himMore
of H.E. Monsignor Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop
about the Vatican parody that seeks to prosecute him

Viganò: I did not go and I will never go to the Sant’Uffizio. Condemnation Already Written. Schismatic …

Viganò: I did not go and I will never go to the Sant’Uffizio. Condemnation Already Written. Schismatic …
Faith In The Ruins
I understand not going. It's a show trial and other "opponents" of Francis have died under unusual circumstances. The latter half was Savonarola's …More
I understand not going. It's a show trial and other "opponents" of Francis have died under unusual circumstances. The latter half was Savonarola's reasoning for ignoring Alexander's IV summons (make of that what you will. I'm sympathetic to Savonarola, personally).
At the same time, I think it would be good for traddy morale for him to go there and call out the heresies of the Vatican to their faces. And ideally back up his prior claims of Francis's McCarrickesque behavior.
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rafaportal shares from rafaportal
German MEP Christine Anderson: The People Need to Prevail in the Strive of Maintaining Freedom, Democracy and the Rule of Law "The people in each and every national state, they actually hold the power …More
German MEP Christine Anderson: The People Need to Prevail in the Strive of Maintaining Freedom, Democracy and the Rule of Law
"The people in each and every national state, they actually hold the power over the government. They are the bosses. Now it's kind of like they switched that around and a lot of people have now come to believe that the government gets to dictate to people what their will is supposed to be"
Deutsche Europaabgeordnete Christine Anderson: Das Volk muss sich durchsetzen, um Freiheit, Demokratie und Rechtsstaatlichkeit zu erhalten "Die Menschen in jedem einzelnen Nationalstaat haben tatsächlich …More
Deutsche Europaabgeordnete Christine Anderson: Das Volk muss sich durchsetzen, um Freiheit, Demokratie und Rechtsstaatlichkeit zu erhalten
"Die Menschen in jedem einzelnen Nationalstaat haben tatsächlich die Macht über die Regierung. Sie sind die Chefs. Jetzt ist es so, als hätten sie das umgedreht und viele Leute glauben jetzt, dass die Regierung den Menschen diktieren kann, was ihr Wille sein soll. "
A little Texas BBQ to brighten your week.

Cow Eats Grass, Man Eats Cow. I Could Get Used to This.

I’ve always been a carnivore at heart. When a friend recommended I try the “carnivore diet”, I realized it was pretty much my diet already. Also …

How Argentine President Javier Milei is linked with WEF and George Soros through this religious group …

(LifeSiteNews) — This is the third part of an investigation into Chabad-Lubavitch, the international …
la verdad prevalece
Cómo el presidente argentino Javier Milei se vincula con el WEF y George Soros a través de este grupo religioso
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Tom Morelli
Look at Citizen Free Press home page updates ...BLAG votes 3-2 in favor of Steve Bannon... 👍👍More
Look at Citizen Free Press home page updates ...BLAG votes 3-2 in favor of Steve Bannon... 👍👍